Sun Transit In Taurus Leaving An Impact On The Health Of The Natives!

The impact of Sun transit is felt upon the entire world as well as on the lives of all the 12 zodiacs. Talking about the influence across the country, financial state, business, and share market are some of the aspects that get affected. While, if we talk about the impact on zodiac signs, then the health, financial situation, love life, and career of a native gets impacted by this transit; both in a positive or a  negative manner. 

This time, the Sun transit in Taurus will bring uncertainties in the health of all zodiacs. Some are signaled improvement in their health while others may have to witness a downfall in theirs. In this blog, we are going to tell you about the date and time of the Sun transit and its favorable or unfavorable impacts on the health of the natives. 

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When Is The Sun Transit In Taurus Scheduled? 

The Sun is known as the planet of energy, soul, and the core essence of an individual and it will move to Taurus in the evening of May 14, 2024, at 05:41 pm. In Vedic Astrology, the Sun is the most powerful planet of all and it is denoted as the King of all planets. It represents light, self-confidence, willpower, and father. 

The ruling lord of Taurus is Venus and now, the Sun transit is going to happen in the zodiac of Venus. According to Vedic Astrology, the two planets; Sun and Venus don’t share a friendly bond with each other and that’s why the Sun’s transit in Taurus is a danger for many people. 

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What Is The Importance Of The Sun In Vedic Astrology? 

In Vedic Astrology, the Sun is considered to be the planet of soul, power, ego, governance, leadership, and expression. There is a vast importance of the Sun spiritually and astrologically. It governs the ego, arrogance, and the willpower of a native. Apart from this, it makes a person ambitious and gives them the ability to handle all kinds of situations in life. 

So, come, let’s move ahead and know about the natives whose health is getting affected due to the Sun Transit in Taurus. 

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These Natives May Notice A Downfall In Their Health 


The health of the Gemini natives may not be too favorable during this transit. There are chances of some throat infection Apart from this, your immune system may get weak as well and that’s why you are likely to face certain health issues. You are advised to focus on improving your immunity. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope


In terms of health, this period is not auspicious for Libra natives. There are indications of a deterioration in the immunity of these natives. Also, because the immunity to fight against the disease is likely to be low, there are chances that your throat may get hurt and infection can happen. It would be best for you if you focus on improving your immunity.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 


If you belong to the Sagittarius zodiac, then you need to be very careful regarding your health now. There are chances that you may suffer from some throat infection in this period. During the Sun transit in Taurus, the Sagittarius natives should not expect too favorable outcomes in terms of health. There are signs of average results in matters related to health. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 


For the Aquarius natives as well, the Sun transit in Taurus may not be beneficial in terms of health. You are at risk of throat infection during this period. During the Sun transit in Taurus, you should not have too many expectations from your health. There are indications of getting average results in terms of health in this duration. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

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These Zodiacs Will Be Showered With Good Health 


The Sun transit in Taurus will bless the Pisces natives with great health. You will enjoy the best of your health. Your energy will increase and your immunity will also get stronger. Due to this, you will feel fit and healthy, also no major health problem will trouble you. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 


The Scorpio natives need not worry too much about their health in this period. The Sun transit in Taurus will keep them all fit and healthy. You will feel energetic and passionate in this duration, and it will have a positive impact on your health as well.  

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 


For the health of Leo natives, the Sun transit will be considered extremely favorable. You will feel fit and your willpower will increase a lot. Along with this, you will also notice an increase in your zeal and enthusiasm. Overall, this time will prove to be good for the health of Leo natives. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope 


For the Cancer natives as well, the Sun transit will be a success. Your health is going to be at its best and your immunity will also be strong. Because of this, you will be able to enjoy your good health. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 

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