Rahu Embraces These Zodiacs – Blesses Natives With Progress & Prosperity!

In Vedic Astrology, there is special importance of the Rahu planet and it is considered a shadow planet. Rahu stays in one zodiac sign for 18 months and then moves to the next zodiac sign. It takes a lot of time to change its position across zodiac signs. Mostly, it is considered one of the inauspicious planets and fills people’s lives with pain & sorrow. But, there are zodiacs with which Rahu remains always happy. This AstroSage blog contains information about the lucky zodiacs on whom Rahu doesn’t cast its negative shadow. So, without any delays let us move ahead and check the zodiac signs that have the auspicious effects of Rahu. 

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In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is considered one of the elusive planets. Although Rahu is considered a shadow planet, it doesn’t mean Rahu will have inauspicious effects on people. In special scenarios, Lord Rahu provides auspicious results to the natives of some lucky zodiac signs. If Rahu is in a strong position in the horoscope, then it provides positive results to natives which can be hard to imagine. Let us now check those circumstances and the list of zodiac signs that get positive results from planet Rahu. 

What Is The Nature Of Rahu?

In Vedic Astrology, the shadow planet Rahu is the cause of many events. It is believed that Rahu plays a pivotal role in breaking the pride of individuals. The planet Rahu is the reason behind good or bad things happening in the person’s life. If Rahu is placed in an auspicious or exalted position in the birth chart of a person, then Rahu will provide auspicious outcomes in the people’s lives. Our loved ones can face various health troubles if Rahu is placed in a weak or inauspicious position. 

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List Of Zodiac Signs Dear To Rahu – Details Of Benefits Availed By Natives 

It is believed that Rahu always casts its negative sights on all zodiac signs in Vedic Astrology. But that isn’t the case at all. Out of 12 zodiac signs, there are two signs for which Rahu provides auspicious results. Let us check the details of zodiac signs –


Leo is among the favorite zodiac signs of the planet Rahu. It is believed that if Rahu is placed in the Leo zodiac, then it provides positive results in the lives of natives. Rahu also brings sudden financial gains in the lives of Leo natives. There can be big changes across different aspects of individuals and with the grace of planet Rahu, the natives can get all the luxuries & comforts. 

Read: Weekly Leo Horoscope 


Scorpio is the second zodiac sign that is very dear to the planet Rahu. The lord is always kind to Scorpio natives. Due to the auspicious effects of Rahu, the natives can get all the success in their careers. The business persons will get different deals that can earn profits and the employed persons can reach the heights of their careers. Rahu also provides financial benefits to the Scorpio natives. 

Read: Weekly Scorpio Horoscope

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Simple Measures To Please Rahu 

  • Chant ‘Om Ra Rahve Namah’ with one rosary every day. 
  • Recitation of Durga Chalisa will bear favorable results in people’s lives. 
  • Feed millet to birds regularly. 
  • Donate Saptadhya regularly. 
  • In a black cloth, tie one coconut and eleven whole almonds. Then float it on the water. 
  • The Jalabhishek on Shivling can bring auspicious results in people’s lives. 
  • In the South-West corner of your residence, plant yellow flowers. 

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Q1. What happens when Rahu is placed at inauspicious positions?

Ans. If Rahu is placed at an inauspicious position in the horoscope, then it creates confusion in the minds of individuals and they also remain mentally disturbed.

Q2. How to please planet Rahu?

Ans. To get the blessing of planet Rahu, light a lamp near the Peepal Tree. 

Q3. How long does Rahu remain in a zodiac sign?

Ans. Rahu stays in the zodiac sign for 18 months and then changes its position.  

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