Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Formation Of An Auspicious Yoga & Remedies!

Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: In Hinduism, all Ekadashi tithi carry significant importance. Each month, two Ekadashi fasts are observed, totaling 24 Ekadashi dates annually. However, in years with an extra month (Adhik Maas), there are 26 Ekadashi dates. Among these, Nirjala Ekadashi holds the highest prestige. It’s believed that observing the fast of Nirjala Ekadashi yields equivalent merit to observing all Ekadashis throughout the year. Nirjala Ekadashi fasting proves the most challenging among Ekadashi fasts because during this fast, not even a drop of water is consumed until the following day, thus earning its name. 

It’s also known as Bhimseni Ekadashi or Pandav Ekadashi. According to Maharishi Vedvyas, Bhimsen was the first to observe this fast. Those who observe this fast with proper rituals are believed to attain longevity and liberation.

What’s noteworthy is that this year, a highly auspicious yoga form on Nirjala Ekadashi, further elevates its significance. Therefore, let’s delve into the timing of Nirjala Ekadashi 2024 fasting this year, explore the auspicious yoga formed on this day, and discuss easy remedies based on zodiac signs to be followed on this auspicious occasion.

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Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Date & Time

The fast of Nirjala Ekadashi 2024 is observed on the Shukla Paksha tithi of the Jyeshtha month. This year, it falls on June 18th, 2024.

Nirjala Ekadashi Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Start of Ekadashi Date: From 04:45 AM on June 17, 2024

End of Ekadashi Date: Until 06:26 AM on June 18, 2024

Nirjala Ekadashi Parana Muhurat: From 05:23 AM to 08:11 AM on June 19, 2024.

Duration: 2 hours 47 minutes

Auspicious Yoga Formation

3 auspicious yogas will adorn the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, i.e. Tripushkar Yoga, Shiva Yoga, and the pious Swati Nakshatra. The timings are as follows:

Tripushkar Yoga- From 3:56 PM on the Ekadashi day till 5:24 AM the next day.

Shiva Yoga- This yoga will begin early in the morning till 9:39 PM.

Swati Nakshatra- This nakshatra will begin early in the morning on the day of Ekadashi tithi and end by 3:56 PM.

For your information, both these yogas and Nakshatra are considered highly auspicious for the commencement of any new work.

On Nirjala Ekadashi 2024, there will be a formation of an auspicious yoga called the Shiv Yoga. Shiv Yoga, also known as Tantra or Vam Yoga, is considered one of the most auspicious yogas. As the name suggests, it is based on Lord Shiva. During this time, performing rituals and offering Jalabhishek to Lord Shiva leads to the attainment of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that all actions performed during this yoga yield positive results.

On the day of Parana, i.e. on 19 June, Siddhi Yoga will form early in the morning and last till 9:12 PM, and Vishakha Nakshatra will form in the morning and end by 5:23 PM.

In addition to this, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, Amrit Siddhi Yoga, and Ravi Yoga will increase the significance of this day manifold. All three yogas will begin on 19 June and last till the next day.

Do you know? Some women must avoid observing the Nirjala Ekadashi fast. Actually, this fast is also associated with the mighty Bheem. So, pregnant women, elderly women, unwell ladies, etc. must not observe this fast. Another reason behind this is that this fast is considered quite difficult and may pose problems for pregnant or elderly females. 

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The Significance of Nirjala Ekadashi 2024

The scriptures have elucidated the importance of observing each Ekadashi fast. It is said that if anyone observes the fast of Ekadashi, the merit attained is equivalent to observing 24 Ekadashi fasts. It is believed that devoutly observing this sacred Ekadashi fast leads one to liberation from all sins. Nirjala Ekadashi emphasizes the importance of water, with traditions of offering water and donations prevalent. 

On this day, devotees who donate water-filled pots receive the merits of fasting on Ekadashis throughout the year. If one observes Ekadashi fasts throughout the year but mistakenly consumes food on any Ekadashi, observing the fast of Nirjala Ekadashi can absolve the faults of other Ekadashis. On this day, one should fervently worship Lord Vishnu while abstaining from water, as Ekadashi is highly cherished by Lord Vishnu.

Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Puja Vidhi

  • On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, one should refrain from all activities before sunrise. After bathing, one should then don clean clothes.
  • On Nirjala Ekadashi, lay a clean yellow cloth on a pedestal and set up the idols or images of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Since Lord Vishnu favors the color yellow, it’s recommended to include yellow flowers, garments, and fruits like mango or banana, along with a pot and mango leaves in the worship materials on Ekadashi fasting day.
  • Additionally, ensure the inclusion of betel leaves, cloves, betel nuts, camphor, yellow sandalwood, rice grains (akshat), a coconut filled with water, Panchamrit, turmeric, incense, lamp, sesame seeds, sweets, and sacred threads (mouli) in the worship items, as worship remains incomplete without these offerings.
  • In Hinduism, Panchamrit holds special significance, and it’s customary to offer it during the worship of Lord Vishnu. According to the scriptures, offering Panchamrit as bhog and distributing it as prasad ensures the complete fruition of the worship for the practitioner.
  • While offering bhog during the worship of Lord Vishnu, it’s essential to include tulsi leaves. This is because Lord Vishnu holds tulsi in the highest regard; hence, tulsi must be included in the bhog and Panchamrit during worship. Not only does this ensure the purity of these items, but it also invites special blessings from Lord Vishnu.
  • During worship, it’s imperative to read the narrative (katha) as worship remains incomplete without it. Additionally, afterward, recite the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” at least 108 times.

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Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Avoid Doing These Things

  • If you are observing the fast of Nirjala Ekadashi, refrain from drinking water on this day. Only undertake the fast if you have the ability to observe it.
  • According to the Vishnu Purana, Lord Vishnu is offered betel leaves on Nirjala Ekadashi; hence, abstain from consuming betel leaves on this day, even if you haven’t observed the fast.
  • On Nirjala Ekadashi, as well as any Ekadashi, and even up to Dwadashi (the next day), avoid consuming tamasic foods such as meat, alcohol, onions, and garlic.
  • It is considered inauspicious to sleep late on Nirjala Ekadashi. On this day, women should avoid wearing black clothes, and married women should refrain from wearing white clothes.
  • Avoid shaving, or cutting hair, and nails on this day.
  • Consumption of rice and eggplant is also prohibited on Nirjala Ekadashi.

Read This Mythological Story On Nirjala Ekadashi 2024

According to mythological tales, Bhimasena once addressed Sage Vyasa, saying, “O revered sage! My brothers Yudhishthira, Kunti Mata, Draupadi, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva all advised me to observe the fast of Ekadashi. O great sage, while I can perform devotion, worship, recitations, and charity, I cannot survive even a moment without food. Hence, I express my inability to regularly observe Ekadashi fasts. If there is a fast that I can observe only once a year and attain heaven, please enlighten me about it.” Hearing this, Vyasa replied, “O Bhimasena! Many great sages have composed scriptures and other texts through which salvation can be attained with minimal effort. Similarly, fasting on both phases of Ekadashi, as prescribed in the scriptures, leads to liberation.” Upon hearing this, Bhimasena became anxious and troubled, pleading with Vyasa to suggest an alternative.

Upon hearing Bhimasena’s plea, Vyasa said, “Observe the Nirjala Ekadashi fast during the Shukla Paksha of the Jyeshtha month, between the transition of Taurus and Gemini. In this Ekadashi, neither food nor water is consumed. You should observe this Ekadashi fast. It will bestow upon you the merits of all Ekadashis. Abstain from eating and drinking on this day, as breaking the fast nullifies its benefits.” Hearing Vyasa’s words about this fast, Bhimasena became delighted and began observing this Ekadashi fast. As a result, he attained great virtue.

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Remedies To Perform On Nirjala Ekadashi 2024


People of Aries sign should offer red flowers to Lord Vishnu on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi. Additionally, they should donate seven types of grains on this day.


Individuals of Taurus should donate white grains such as rice, white chickpeas, etc., on Nirjala Ekadashi. Along with this, they can also donate sugar according to their capacity. Doing so will enhance happiness and prosperity in their lives.


Gemini folks should offer Lord Vishnu yellow-colored clothes on Nirjala Ekadashi. Along with that, they should offer kheer (rice pudding) mixed with basil leaves. On this day, they should feed cows green and leafy vegetables and donate green gram to someone in need.


Cancerians should prepare kheer as an offering to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi on Nirjala Ekadashi. After offering it, they should distribute it to everyone as prasad. Doing so may reduce stress and bring positive energy into the home.


Individuals born under the Leo sign should offer red-colored clothes to Goddess Lakshmi on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi and perform worship wearing yellow attire themselves. On this day, they should offer honey and jaggery to Lord Vishnu. This practice may help alleviate financial problems in life.

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People belonging to the Virgo sign should offer yellow sweets and pure saffron to Lord Vishnu on Nirjala Ekadashi. Additionally, they should include basil leaves in the offering. It is believed that following this remedy can bring financial gains.


Individuals of the Libra sign should donate sherbet made from roasted gram on the occasion of Nirjala Ekadashi. Furthermore, they should offer milk with saffron to Lord Vishnu in the offering. Doing so may bring joy to their love life.


People born under the Scorpio sign should donate jaggery and chickpeas on Nirjala Ekadashi. Additionally, they should offer Lord Vishnu roasted chickpeas or barley flour. Moreover, on this day, they should offer water or sherbet to travelers. These practices may bring success in their careers.

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Individuals belonging to the Sagittarius sign should offer yellow clothes and sandalwood to Lord Vishnu on Nirjala Ekadashi. This may attract special blessings from Lord Vishnu. Moreover, donating yellow fruits on Nirjala Ekadashi may also yield fruitful results.


People of the Capricorn sign should offer yogurt and saffron to Lord Vishnu on Nirjala Ekadashi. This practice may help maintain bliss in their married life, and unmarried individuals may find a suitable partner.


Individuals born under the Aquarius sign should light a sesame oil lamp on the peepal tree on Nirjala Ekadashi and circumambulate it seven or eleven times. Doing so may alleviate various troubles in their lives.


People of the Pisces sign should offer coconut and sugar to God on the occasion of Nirjala Ekadashi. Additionally, they should provide clothing and food to the needy and poor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. Can we drink water on Nirjala Ekadashi?

Ans. No, drinking water is prohibited during Nirjala Ekadashi fast. However, if the person observing the fast is sick, or in case of any medical emergency, they can drink water.

Ques2. Can we sleep on Nirjala Ekadashi?

Ans. Those who are observing the Ekadashi fast are not allowed to sleep during the entire day.

Ques3. Which God is worshiped on Nirjala Ekadashi?

Ans. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on Nirjala Ekadashi.

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