Vimal Raj Yoga Forms Today; This Raj Yoga Can Turn You Into A Warrior!

A person’s Raj Yoga is determined by the unique placements of the stars and planets in their horoscope at the time of their birth. Raj Yoga is regarded as the luckiest and most auspicious yoga since it bestows fortune, glory, wealth, and success in a person’s life. According to Vedic astrology, there are around 30 Raj Yogas and three Vipreet Raj Yogas. As a result, AstroSage’s blog will explain everything about one of the three Vipreet Raj Yogas, Vimal Raj Yoga, including its formation and effect, as well as a brief revision of what Vipreet Raj Yoga is.

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What is Vipreet Raj Yoga?

According to Vedic Astrology, the Vipreet Raj Yoga is considered the most auspicious Rajyoga that can be formed in a person’s horoscope. It literally means “opposite” impact, which is the result of any type of planetary conjunction affected by the Lords of negative houses. In simpler words, the lord of either the sixth, the eighth, or the twelfth house of a person’s horoscope is positioned in one of the other two houses. This yoga may bring good character growth, health, prosperity, power, and different positive outcomes, to the person whose horoscope has this Raj Yoga.

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The Vipreet Raj Yoga will be formed on January 17, 2023, along with Saturn’s Transit in Aquarius. There are three types of Vipreet Raj Yoga:

  1. Harsha Raj Yoga: This Raj Yoga occurs in a horoscope when the lord of the sixth house is in the eighth or twelfth house.
  2. Sarala Raj Yoga: This Raj Yoga is formed in a horoscope when the lord of the eighth house resides in the sixth or twelfth house. 
  3. Vimal Raj Yoga: This Raj Yoga is created in a horoscope when the lord of the twelfth house is located in the sixth or eighth house.

And this article will tell you everything about the third one, Vimal Raj Yoga.

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Vimal Raj Yoga: Formation & Meaning

As previously stated, Vimala Raj Yoga is a subset of Vipreet Raj Yoga. Apart from the criteria indicated in its popular definition, two additional conditions must be met for any of these Yogas to be formed in a horoscope. According to the popular definition of Vimala Yoga, Vimala Yog is formed in a horoscope when the lord of the twelfth house is located in the sixth or eighth house. 

If the lord of the twelfth house is in his own house, the sixth house, or the twelfth house, the outcome of Vimal Rajyoga is produced. If the Lord of a malefic house is present in the malefic house of a horoscope, there will be no harm to the native. Additionally, they will stop the harm that may be caused as well. Some of the criteria for the Vimal Raj Yoga to be formed in a person’s horoscope are mentioned below:

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  • If the Lord of the twelfth house is in the sixth house, the individual will be a scholar who will defeat his adversaries, take over their power and wealth, and is not afraid of anyone.
  • If the lord of the twelfth house is in the eighth house, the person gains authority of supreme and hidden knowledge. Whenever a person with such a horoscope is in trouble, some unseen power will come to his help.
  • When the lord of the twelfth house is in the twelfth house itself, the individual enjoys life like royalty.

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