In Vedic astrology, Venus is considered as the benefactor of material happiness, marital happiness, love affairs, luxury life, fame, art, romance, etc. This is the reason why it is usually kept in the category of auspicious planets. However, the results of the planet Venus depend on its position in the horoscope, that is, if Venus is placed in a favorable position in your horoscope, then your life will be luxurious and full of comfort. On the other hand, if the position of Venus in your horoscope is not favorable, then many problems may arise from your love/marital life to luxury. Venus is the ruling planet of two zodiac signs Taurus and Libra, and it is going to transit in its own sign Libra on 18th October 2022. Let us understand what effect this Venus transit will be having on all the zodiac signs.

Duration Of Venus Transit In Libra
Vedic astrology states that the transit of the planet Venus, or the time it takes for Venus to pass from one zodiac to another, occurs every 23 days. On the evening of Tuesday, October 18 2022 Venus, the same lord of material pleasures, will leave his weak sign of Virgo and enter his own sign of Libra. Libra is known as the original triangle zodiac in addition to being the sign of Venus, according to the astrologers of AstroSage. The Venus transit in this zodiac will bring about a lot of significant adjustments nationwide in such a situation.
Let’s discuss the changes that we might anticipate as a result of Venus’s transit through Libra.
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- Venus Transit And 4 Lucky Zodiac Signs
- Gemini: Venus will be in your fifth house of the zodiac throughout this transit. You will therefore experience the most fortunate outcomes in your romantic connection during this time. Your life will become more romantic and full of love, giving you the possibility to continue your connection with the one you love. Some people might also choose to get married in love. From Venus’ perspective, on the other hand, you will appear to be more committed to achieving your goals and fulfilling your objectives, and there is a chance that you will be completely successful.
- Libra: For you, this Venus transit will be highly significant. Venus is the ruler of your zodiac, and on October 18th, he will transit in the first house of your own zodiac. As a result, you will probably be noticed during this time positively concentrating on your health. Your nature will also change for the better, and the love you feel will cause you to speak more softly. Furthermore, you will notice positive personality growth, which will enable you to draw individuals of the opposite sex to you.
- Sagittarius: During this transit, Venus will move into your zodiac’s eleventh house, or the house of profits. This will increase your chances of experiencing significant cash rewards. Numerous people can be noticed amusing themselves by enhancing their material pleasures. Your relationships with your family members will also improve in your personal life, and you will enjoy spending time with them. If you’re still looking for love, Venus’ grace will allow your heart to beat for the right person.
- Aquarius: On October 18, Venus will transit over your zodiac’s ninth house of luck. As a result, luck will work in your favour during your life. The time would be advantageous if you wanted to purchase a car or some other item. Some people will be able to make a solid living even without travelling. As a result, your reputation will rise and you’ll have some opportunity to pursue your ambitions. Venus will also help to reduce your mental stress in this position.
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- Inauspicious Impact Of Venus Transit On Zodiac Signs
- Aries: Venus will go through the seventh house of your horoscope. You must control your ego in this situation and use a little self-control in your personal affairs. Because it is anticipated that during this period, your focus would be more on sexuality and as a result, you may feel a little resentful of your partner. Additionally, you may experience certain health-related concerns around this time, particularly for women, who may experience any issues associated with menstruation. If you are single and in a relationship, you might experience sadness as a result of your partner’s wrong response.
- Taurus: On October 18, Venus will move from your sign of Aquarius and Libra, which means illness will move into the sixth house. As a result, you’ll probably experience some issues with your health and finances. You will spend your money at this period on your material needs. You might experience financial issues as a result in the future. Not only that, but some people can also want to borrow money from another person in order to fund their unneeded ambitions. In terms of health, you will also be more vulnerable to some sexual issues during this time. Therefore, it would be best for you to refrain from starting relationships with more than one person and do your best to keep your genital organs as clean as possible.
- Cancer: Venus will transit the fourth house of your horoscope. In this case, you must abstain from all activities for the duration of this time which will negatively impact your family’s perception of you. Also, you should behave well around your employer if she is a female employee. It’s possible that being overly generous will work against you because Venus is aspecting the tenth house. So stay away from it and mind your own business.
- Pisces: Venus will go through the eighth house in your horoscope. Because of this, your ideas on sensual things will keep growing. Married people however are advised to restrain their desires. Otherwise, their sensual desires can interfere with their marriage and cause them to have an affair. Suddenly, your thoughts may turn to boosting your comfort, which will need you to spend a significant amount of money.
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Mantras To Receive Auspicious Results From Venus Planet
- Venus Planet Vedic Mantra
“oṃ annātparistruto rasaṃ brahmaṇā vyapibata kṣatraṃ paya: somaṃ prajāpati:।
ṛtena satyamindiyaṃ vipānaṃ śukramandhasa indrasyendriyamidaṃ payo’mṛtaṃ madhu।।”
- Venus Planet Tantrik Mantra
“oṃ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ”
- Venus Planet Beej Mantra
“oṃ drāṃ drīṃ drauṃ saḥ śukrāya namaḥ”
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