Venus Transit In Virgo: Debilitated Venus Will Bless Zodiacs!

Venus Transit 2024: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. In this blog we will read about Venus transit In Virgo which is set to take place on the 25th August, 2024 at 00:59 hrs and how it would impact the zodiac signs, nation, worldwide events, stock market and the entertainment industry. It is to be noted that Venus becomes debilitated in the zodiac sign of Virgo.

In vedic astrology, Venus is known as the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. It governs how we experience and express affection, our aesthetic preferences, and our approach to relationships. Venus governs material possessions and financial matters as well. It can indicate how we handle money, our values around wealth, and our ability to attract and enjoy material comforts. The sign and house where Venus is located in your natal chart give insights into how you express love, what you find beautiful, and how you handle finances. For instance, Venus in Libra might indicate a strong focus on relationships and aesthetics, while Venus in Taurus might suggest a love for luxury and stability.

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Venus In Virgo: Characteristics

Venus is debilitated in Virgo, but this position of Venus is still average because Mercury, the lord of Virgo and Venus are friends towards each other. Venus in Virgo nonetheless does affect one’s marital life negatively since Venus is associated with partner and marriage and here it is in a debilitated position. Overall, Venus in Virgo gives a cautious and careful personality. There is an undying desire for love and attention of the opposite sex. Mercury is the mind and when Venus is associated, the native’s mind is always occupied by thoughts of love and sensuality. 

Individuals with Venus in Virgo may however struggle to find satisfaction in their love and married life. They are, nonetheless, very much capable of staying committed in love as to them, love is a commitment. These people are capable of having a committed romantic relationship. They are usually devoted partners. The native is a kind, well-mannered, charming, and tidy individual. Venus in Virgo also exudes a deep passion for luxury. Such a person aspires to live a lavish lifestyle and wear elegant clothing.

Venus Transit In Virgo: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Positively Impacted 


For Gemini natives, Venus rules the 5th and the 12th houses. Now, it will transit to the 4th house of luxury, comforts, happiness and mother. You may be able to take full use of this time to advance your job, which could lead to your ultimate satisfaction. Your relationship with your spouse will become better and you both will come closer. You may also be presented with fresh work opportunities that would scale your career higher up.

You could progress in your role as a result of your hard work. At work, you may be able to show off your leadership qualities. If you are running a business, you will be forming new relationships and benefiting from those relationships in the business world. You could even get a promotion during this transit if your Mercury, the lord of Virgo is well placed.


Venus rules the 4th house and the 11th house for Cancer natives. Venus will transit to the 3rd house, therefore your relations with your spouse and your partner will improve. You may even go on short trips with them. During Venus’s transit through Virgo, you may experience additional career rewards and receive positive feedback for your demonstrated skills. Unexpectedly, you will be earning the respect of your superiors. 

If you are in business, this transit may result in good success. If you anticipate aiming for great earnings, it may be possible for you to do so with regard to your company. You can be making good money and so increasing your level of contentment. Although there may be fierce rivalry you must deal with from rivals, you will still be in a position to benefit. 


Dear Sagis, Venus rules the 6th house and the 11th house and will now transit to the10th house in the debilitated state. This will help you better your relations with your partner or spouse and gain material luxury as well. You may even be a part of some celebrations at home. On the career front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, you may be gaining satisfaction in your job or you may be getting new abroad job chances that may fulfill your desires. You may be facing more satisfaction in your job during this time and you may be in a position to secure appreciation for the hard efforts that you are putting in.

If you are in business, then this movement may bring very good success in business in terms of profit. You may be carried out by intense competition, but at the same time, you may be in a position to gain more profits with your sound technique and the functioning style of business. You may also operate multiple businesses.

Venus Transit In Virgo: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Negatively Impacted 

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Venus becomes the lord of the 2nd house and the 7th house and now it will be placed in the 6th house. Venus Transit in Virgo in the 6th house may find you terribly lacking in good enjoyment, and you can also be having problems with relationships with your bosses and coworkers. 

Consequently, you would have to plan your working procedures and endeavor to establish a strong reputation. You may also be able to change your profession completely, which may be a welcome change for you. This is an ideal time to conduct business if you are conducting it. If you run a business, you can experience fewer profits at this time, as well as the potential for financial loss.


The Lagna lord and the 6th house lord transiting to the 5th house in a debilitated state can spell trouble for your love life Taurus. This will not be a favorable time for romantic relationships. You can experience increased work pressure from your superiors and roadblocks in your career. You might be experiencing some distress, which you will likely notice while working. As a result, you must use caution and care. You might need to exercise and make plans in advance if you want to reach your goals successfully.

During the Venus Transit, business-wise you may have both gains and losses in Virgo, which you may find difficult to handle. If you don’t exercise the caution that is necessary at this time with your business partner, you risk losing a lot of important things in your life. 


Leos! Venus becomes the lord of the 3rd house and the 10th house and will be placed in a debilitated state in the 2nd house. Your words could be misinterpreted and arguments could erupt between you and your spouse. You could experience ups and downs in your career during this transit. There might not be much job satisfaction, and this is because your bosses might not be giving you much credit for your accomplishments. You might be experiencing career-related disappointment. You can be receiving criticism from both your superiors and your subordinates. You might be growing more concerned as a result of this irritation.

During Venus’ transit through Virgo, you can also experience frequent changes in your professional life, such as being compelled to relocate for a position that you may not like. This may be making you feel depressed. If you run a business, the Venus transit in Virgo may not result in significant financial gains.


Venus becomes the 4th house and the 9th house lord for Aquarius natives and will be placed in the 8th house. These individuals could be involved in extra marital affairs, they may also earn a bad reputation because of the opposite gender. You may be dealing with increased workplace pressure and some career-related challenges. During this time, you can encounter more issues from superiors and coworkers. These issues might reduce your job satisfaction and push you to look for better opportunities elsewhere.

If you run a business, this trend might not result in the good success and reliable revenues you were hoping for at this point in time. You might need to make extensive plans and implement fresh business tactics for this to be successful and profitable. Additionally, your rivals might present you with extra competition. Therefore, in order to succeed, you must adjust to the scenario at hand.

Venus Transit In Virgo: Suitable Remedies

  • Offer Kheer to goddess Lakshmi every Friday and distribute it to young girls as well.
  • Recite the Kanakdhara Stotram everyday.
  • Offer 5 red flowers to goddess Lakshmi every Friday.
  • Chant the Shukra Beej Mantra every Friday.
  • Wear the color white and pink often.
  • Keep fasts on Friday. 
  • Install and worship the Shukra Yantra in your homes and workplace.

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Venus Transit In Virgo: Worldwide Impacts

Banking, Finance & Media

  • Venus transit in Virgo will impact the Banking and Finance sector. We may see some not so pleasant changes happening in the banking sector within the country during this time period but towards the 2nd half of September, the Banking sector will rise.
  • People involved in journalism, media, and public relations could face backlash from people and may not do very well at this point.

Fashion Bloggers, Writers and Critics

With their attention to detail and strong communication skills, Venus in Virgo individuals are well-suited for editing, writing, or criticism careers.

  • Writers, poets, and occult specialists would flourish during this transit.
  • Bloggers and speakers around the world could make good use of this transit for their benefit.
  • Film critics and editors around the globe will gain popularity and their careers will be benefitted. 

Fashion, Art & Entertainment Industries

  • The fashion industry and the textile industries globally may experience a slower period for some time.
  • Vocalists and singers across the country and the world may also flourish during this time. 
  • Designers, web designers, people engaged in fine arts, etc may experience a lul during this period as Venus transits into Virgo. 
  • The cosmetics industry and the skin and hair care industry may too go through a slower pace and demand.

Venus Transit In Virgo: Stock Market Report

  • The stock market will be in a bullish trend at the end of this month and the start of the next month. 
  • Shares of computers, cotton mills, telecommunications, automobile firms, transportation companies, and cosmetics will gain somewhat. 
  • From the 15th of September, there is a likelihood that the market will rise and new trends will emerge in the banking sector. 

Venus Transit In Virgo: Movie Releases & Their Fate

Venus is the planet ruling over arts and entertainment and its transit is obviously very very important for the Bollywood & the Hollywood Film Industries. Venus and Moon are two planets that rule creativity in a natal chart. Venus will now transit into Virgo (the sign of its debilitation) on the 25th August, 2024 so let’s have a look at how this transit will impact the movies and their box office collections.

The movies releasing after 25th August, 2024 are: (Hindi/English):

Movie NameStar CastRelease Date
BeetleJuice 2Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder06th Sept, 2024
EmergencyKangana Ranaut06th Sept, 2024
Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui HaiSaurabh Shukla, Pankaj Tripathi15th Sept, 2024
Tehran Manushi Chillar, John Abraham24th Sept, 2024

Out of these movies listed above, BeetleJuice 2, and Abhi Toh Party Shuru hui hai might perform well at the box office but Emergency and Tehran may only perform average as per the celestial movements and the planetary transits.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Venus signify?

Venus indicates luxury, comfort, wife, money, fame, love relationships and beauty.

Why does Venus become debilitated in Virgo, when Mercury and Venus are friends?

Vigo is a very analytical and practical sign whereas Venus is all about the bling and shine. It is a glamorous planet and is opposite of what Virgo stands for.

Which two signs does Venus rule?

Taurus and Libra.

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