Venus Transit In Aquarius Will Benefit These Zodiacs The Most!

In the Vedic Astrology, the planet Venus takes an exalted position and is known as the benefactor of femininity, material pleasure, luxury, beauty, harmony, and love. It’s a planet which is beneficial and its effects are noteworthy. All of the zodiac signs will see numerous big changes as a result of Venus transit in Aquarius, which will have a profound effect on every part of their life. There are specific changes that occur when planets are transiting. All of the parts of our lives are directly impacted by these changes, and as a result, their effects—whether they pertain to our love lives, professional lives, financial situations, or any other—vary. Nothing in our lives is unaffected by it; not one thing. We will go into detail about these in this particular article, and will uncover those zodiac signs which will get favorable impacts from this Venus transit!

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Venus Transit In Aquarius: Date & Time

The sister planet of Earth, Venus will transit into the altruistic zodiac sign, Aquarius on 22nd January 2023, Sunday at 03:34 pm. All twelve zodiac signs will experience the effects of this transit differently. The results may be favorable and progressive for some people while being difficult and challenging for others. So, let’s take a thorough look at the blessed zodiacs below!

Positive Impacts On These Blessed Zodiac Signs!


Venus rules the second and seventh house of the zodiac sign of Aries. From a financial standpoint, this transit will be quite favorable for the natives of Ram. The natives will be able to have an influence on people and will arrest them through their communicative ardor. Due to Venus’s aspect on your fifth house from the eleventh house, the student natives who are in the field of creative design will have a good time. Additionally, it will also improve the fertility of Aries women who are trying for a child. All-in-all, love is in the air for Ram natives!

Read the complete Aries transit horoscope here!


Venus is the ruling lord of your fifth and twelfth house, and with this transit it will come into your ninth house. Favorable outcomes will come in all areas of your lives. This period is a good time to travel long distances, whether it’s a personal or a professional journey. Natives will engage in charity and donations, and will acquire the support of their wellwishers. The love planet is aspecting your third house from the ninth house; as a result you will pursue your hobbies using your finances and labor. 

Read the complete Gemini transit horoscope here!


Venus rules the third and tenth house for Leo natives, and now it transits into your seventh house. Favorable times for business and job opportunities come the way of Leo natives. Romance will knock on the doors of these charming natives, and this transit will transform their personality for the better as well!

Read the complete Leo transit horoscope here!

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Venus is your Lagna lord and lord of the eighth house, and will come into your fifth house. The natives of Libra will in their studies, love, and marital relationships will receive overall prosperity from this transit. Its aspect will be in your eleventh house from the fifth house, which will give great prospects in career, interpersonal relations, and finance. 

Read the complete Libra transit horoscope here!


Venus is the lord of your twelfth and seventh houses, and now with this transit will come into your fourth house. With its effects the luxury and positive atmosphere of your home will increase. You need to be attentive toward your mom’s health and your relationship with her will be full of adoration. Buying a vehicle or any item of luxury is possible for these natives as well. Home renovation will take precedence. With Venus’s aspect on your tenth house from the fourth house, the natives will come across business and financial prosperity. 

Read the complete Scorpio transit horoscope here!


Venus rules your fourth and ninth house, and with transit will come into your first house. Excellent possibilities can be expected, as this transit will give you blessed outcomes. Health and personality transformation are on the way for Aquarius natives. Parental support will be there and with Venus’s aspect in your seventh house, love and marital relationships will take an upturn!

Read the complete Aquarius transit horoscope here!

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We wish you prosperity in all your spheres with this Venus transit; our sincere thanks for visiting AstroSage!


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