A brand new year has begun and in such a situation each and every person is trying in every possible way to recover from the bad phase of 2020 in every sense. We all are eager to know whether it is to improve your financial aspect or to do something new and better in your career? On this note, let us know how Venus, the planet has the potential to affect the life of a human being and how if the planet Venus in the horoscope is in an inauspicious state can create a lot of problems in human life. In such a situation, natives are advised to keep fasts on Friday and pacify the planet Venus to avoid the ill effects of Venus.
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The influence of the planet Venus is not only such, astrologers also believe that the planet Venus also contributes a lot in giving direction or spoiling the career of a person. So let’s try to know how the influence of Venus in all the 12 houses of the horoscope can make or destroy one’s career. Also, if Venus is present in an inauspicious position in the horoscope, then simple and precise measures can help mend things. Apart from this, if you have any doubts about your career, any questions, or want to get a consultation, then you can take help of AstroSage Special CogniAstro Report for Professionals today.
So as to know the presence of Venus in your Kundli, go ahead and create your Kundli for free.
Venus’ influence brings the luxury of a house and vehicle in one’s life. It also leaves a significant impact on one’s career. You would be pleased to know that the AstroSage Special CogniAstro Report for Professionals can be availed to get a clearer picture of one’s career.
The brightness and radiance of Venus is quite different and unique from other planets. By paying homage to Venus and observing remedies to strengthen it, happiness and opulence can be found in abundance. Female natives influenced by the planet Venus very often win beauty pageants. There are some planets as well, which support such young women to take their career forward, but as the ruling planets for other contestants start prevailing over them, they may get kicked out of the race. In such a case, Venus plays a very important role for them.
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Nevertheless, let us now go on to discuss what significant impacts can the planet Venus bring into the professional lives of natives, thereby getting posited in all the twelve houses or Bhavas.
Venus in First House
Venus situated in the first/ascendant house makes the native fond of art, interested in music, dance and painting and he/she has close ties with the top officials. Generally, Venus in the first house makes one’s fortunes stronger thereby bringing happiness into the lives of people. If you wish to know more about your career, then you can get a copy of our CogniAstro report for Professionals.
Venus in Second House
Venus when remains seated in the second house provides riches and economic prosperity in abundance. It also inspires the concerned native to start a business venture along with his/her life partner. The individual is attractive to look at and leads a comfortable life. He/she gets associated with works which are related to magnificent and beautiful things, confectionery, popular things, jewelry, earthen goods, agriculture, animals, poetry recitation, etc.
Venus in Third House
Venus in the third house makes a native quite a miser, he/she is also lazy, a painter, a scholar and is fond of traveling. It also shows the accumulation of spiritual deeds and denotes business ventures related to abroad. Also, such a person trades and works in social media, entertainment, online, other services.
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Venus in Fourth House
When Venus is present in the fourth house of a native’s Kundli, then it represents his or her personal life or romantic affairs. Along with this, such a person also gets associated with some foreign based trade ventures along with their siblings. Such an individual also is associated with jobs or business ventures related to Media, Textiles, furniture, artistic stuff, cars, architecture, land, vehicle, horse, lake, river, sea, drain, pond, etc.
Venus in Fifth House
When Venus remains positioned in the fifth house and under such a condition, a native represents social issues or else proves to be a very good politician. The individual also gets easily associated with artistic activities, entertainment and makes a career out of hall and party business, romance, love, movies or any other entertainment mediums. The native also pursues a career in materialistic arenas like Sports, Opera, drama, music dance, Share Market, Betting, Match fixing and Lottery.
To know the special effects of Venus on Career, Click Here to Check Out our Web Story on this topic!
Venus in Sixth House
If Venus is situated in the sixth house of the Kundli/birth chart, then such a person pursues a career in politics, judiciary proceedings, works for communal harmony and labor organizations in the country, and also some tasks related with the nation’s Defense and Military. Such a person is associated with health, medical services and becomes health workers such as a nurse, dentist and doctor. Also, Married natives who are on the lookout for a perfect career for their children can use our CogniAstro Report for 10th and 12th Standard respectively.
Venus in Seventh House
If the planet Venus is situated in the seventh house of one’s Kundli, then such a native gets associated with the field of spirituality and makes a career out of it. Creativity and maternal family members are also two other aspects which assists him/her in career formation. Land and property related business ventures also contribute to the success of such people. If you also wish to know which career alternative can make you touch great heights of success, then you can get the necessary help from CogniAstro Career Counselling Report for Professionals.
Venus in Eighth House
If Venus is situated in the eighth house of the Kundli, then such a person possesses long life expectancy, but also a bitter tongue. He/she also remains under a debt . Such a person does business and jobs related to Mining, Coal, Speculative trade, Lottery, esoteric subjects and spiritual things.
Venus in Ninth House
When Venus is situated in the ninth house of one’s Kundli, then such a native attains his livelihood by doing religious work, government service and sports related work and spends his life in a happy manner.
Venus in Tenth House
If Venus is situated in the tenth house of the Kundli, then such a person gets involved in business, prosperity, earns respect from the government, gets appointed as a senior official, does horse riding, athletics, social service, agriculture, powerful works, teaching, presidency, etc.
Venus in Eleventh House
When Venus remains seated in this house of the Kundli, then such a native gets associated with gemstones and white coloured objects professionally. Along with this such a person also becomes associated with knowledge, Share Market, Music, Films and also collaborates with his/her friends for charity and can make a career out of them.
Venus in Twelfth House
If the planet Venus is situated in the twelfth house of the Kundli, then such a person is closely associated with Philanthropy, charitable or Rehabilitation institutions, prison, refugee camps and hospitals etc. These people with the planet Venus seated in this house get work done which are related to criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies, takes ground level jobs and are also associated with the Ministry.
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Impacts of Beneficial and Malefic Planets
Those natives who have Venus posited in their Kundli in an exalted state witnesses material pleasures ushering into their lives, but the natives who have a debilitated Venus in their Kundlis may get inflicted with financial distress, male natives may be devoid of a female partner, health conditions like diabetes and lack worldly pleasures in their life. So, let us now move on to find out which are the remedies one can implement to strengthen the position of Venus in his/her Kundli.
Career Options Propagated by an Auspicious Venus
If Venus is strongly present in a person’s horoscope, then let us take a look at the possible career options a person can stumble upon.
Botany, Entertainment, Media, Fashion Designing, Architecture, Dance, Horticulture, Painting, Botany, Tourism, Aviation, Hospitality, Humanities, Fine Arts & Graphics
Remedies to Pacify Venus
- Worship Maa Lakshmi and Maa Jagadamba.
- Worship Lord Parashurama.
- It is also advised to recite the Shri Sukta.
- Add white and pink colors to your life.
- Respect your partner, life-partner and every woman, do not disrespect them under any circumstances.
- Be modest and develop artistic qualities.
- Donate items associated with the planet Venus, such as yogurt, Kheer(porridge)Barley, perfume, colorful clothes, Silver, rice grains etc.
Vrat/Fasts Associated with Venus
It is extremely beneficial to observe fasts on Fridays to pacify Venus. Doing the same will bring prosperity to your professional life.
Gemstones Associated with Venus
Those who have a weak Venus in their Kundli are advised to wear Diamond for auspicious results.
Jadi/Roots for Pacification of Venus
To reduce the malefic effects of an afflicted Venus in your Kundli, it is advised to wear Arand Mool or Sarpankha Mool. You can wear these roots on Friday, during the Hora of Venus or during any Nakshatra of Venus.
Rudraksha for Pacification of Venus
The Six faced or the 13 Faced is considered auspicious for Venus.
Mantras for Strengthening Venus/Shukra
Beej Mantra for Venus :- This Mantra brings prosperity to one’s love life , financial life and makes one attractive.
“oṃ drāṃ drīṃ drauṃ saḥ śukrāya namaḥ”
“ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः”
Click here to speak with Acharya Sunil Barmola
Vedic Mantra for Venus :-
oṃ annātparistruto rasaṃ brahmaṇā vyapibat kṣatraṃ paya: somaṃ prajāpati:।
ṛtena satyamindriyaṃ vipānaṃ śukramandhasa indrasyendriyamidaṃ payo’mṛtaṃ madhu।।
ॐ अन्नात्परिस्त्रुतो रसं ब्रह्मणा व्यपिबत् क्षत्रं पय: सोमं प्रजापति:।
ऋतेन सत्यमिन्द्रियं विपानं शुक्रमन्धस इन्द्रस्येन्द्रियमिदं पयोऽमृतं मधु।।
Tantric Mantra for Venus :-
“oṃ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ।
“ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः।”
So, this is all about the planet Venus and its position in twelve houses and how it can affect your professional life and some remedies to strengthen its position. The predictions given above are of generic nature. If you wish to know customized and personalized results, then your birth date, time and place of birth would be necessary to come into conclusions.
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