Trigrahi Yoga – 3 Planets Unlocking Auspicious Period Of Lucky Zodiacs!

In Vedic astrology, there is special importance given to planetary transits. As planets move from one zodiac to another, it is referred to as planetary transits. Sometimes, it is also known as the conjunction of planets. This results in the formation of auspicious & inauspicious yogas. In a similar way, a very special auspicious yoga is formed in the Taurus sign. 

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There will be a conjunction of three planets in the Taurus zodiac sign. The planet Venus is responsible for wealth, attraction, good fortune, love, & grandeur; the Sun, the king of planets, and Jupiter, the guru of the gods, conjunct in the Taurus zodiac sign. This results in the formation of Trigrahi Yoga. According to Vedic astrology, Trigrahi Yoga is formed after 100 years. This will have an impact on the natives of 12 zodiac signs, but out of that 5 zodiac signs will prove lucky in this period. Let us check the list of lucky zodiac signs due to Trigrahi Yoga. 

Trigrahi Yoga – List Of Lucky Zodiac Signs 


Trigrahi Yoga proves very auspicious and fruitful for the Aries natives. They will be able to complete the unfinished tasks successfully. The natives will progress in their work and business. They have the favor of luck to carry out different activities with accuracy. The working professionals can expect promotions at work and their salaries will rise too. From the financial aspect of Aries natives, the Trigrahi Yoga will be very profitable. 

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The love & affection in the family will increase manifolds and there will be closeness among all. There are chances of short travel during this period and this will connect them with new individuals. This will result in higher contacts in their businesses. The concentration of students also increases due to it and they can avail a lot of benefits in their field. The persons involved in marketing or media business will get a lot of benefits. There will be sweetness in the speech of Aries natives and can impress people with their words. There will be a good relationship with your spouse and you will get love from your siblings. Due to Trigrahi Yoga, the natives will have a good relationship with their father. 

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope 


The Trigrahi Yoga will prove very auspicious for the Gemini natives. They will get better job opportunities. The natives will get new career avenues and can earn money in their careers. Other than that, the enemies will reduce at the workplace. They can make a good position in society. The Gemini people will get relief from financial and family troubles. In case of a rift with your spouse, it will be the best time for solving the trouble and thus can spend quality time with each other. 

The family issues will go away due to Trigrahi Yoga and there will be thoughts about improvement in the family. Also, you take up the right steps to fix troubles in the family. They can expect the support & blessing of their partners. You will also get the support of family members. The persons associated with fields like media, writing, or any art, can showcase their talent properly. They will perform excellently in their respective fields. The business persons can earn profits in this period. Also, there are chances of business expansion. 

Read: Gemini Weekly Horoscope 

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The Trigrahi Yoga proves very auspicious for the Virgo natives. The confidence of Virgo natives improves significantly and carries out their work with whole-heartedly. Due to this, it is possible to complete difficult tasks very easily. The natives will get better opportunities to earn money & profits. They can also get new sources of income and benefits from ancestral property. The persons doing business in partnership can get suitable profits. 

At the social level, the circle of Virgo natives improves significantly, and will be more active on social media. This will result in a rise in concentration levels of students and thus can have good results in education. Their concentration in education results in better results. There will be the feeling of learning new things and this will make the situation of Virgo natives very favorable. There will be intensity in the relationship and both partners will come close to each other. Married people can get good news from their child and love between you & the spouse increases. 

Read: Virgo Weekly Horoscope 


The Trigrahi Yoga brings favorable results in the lives of Scorpio people. There are chances of long-distance travel during this period. Other than that, luck will favor the Scorpio natives. It will also be favorable for the careers of Scorpio natives. They will get new job opportunities abroad because of their hard work and ability to perform superbly across specific fields. They will feel happy and satisfied with their work. Business persons can earn a lot of monetary benefits due to the powerful yoga. They will give tough competition to their competitors. 

Other than that, they can start new work to earn profits. From the financial side, the natives can expect higher income levels. They can fulfill all their desires and also make good savings. In the case of their love life, the relationship gets stronger with their partner during this period. There will be coordination between the two partners. Other than that, there will be cordial relationships among both and the mutual understanding will improve. They can establish higher values for the relationship. The natives will remain energetic during this period and thus their health will remain secure. 

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 


The Trigrahi Yoga will prove very fruitful for the Sagittarius natives. They can achieve all their goals with hard work and luck. Other than that, natives can complete various tasks following the right principles. The Trigrahi Yoga will prove very successful for the careers of natives. There will be new job opportunities for the Sagittarius natives. Other than that, they can travel abroad in connection with their job and can fulfill their tasks successfully. There are chances of transfer to specific locations as per your choice. The period is very favorable for the business persons of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. 

They can earn profits during this period. Also, the natives will give tough competition to their competitors and achieve victory. Such people can lay a strong foundation for their businesses. From a financial point, they will be able to meet the requirements of the family. There are chances of profits in their careers and thus respect & honor increase due to Trigrahi yoga. They can spend a good time on spiritual activities. The Trigrahi Yoga brings happiness to the lives of people. They can maintain harmony in their love life. Other than that, they can maintain cordial relations among both. 

Read: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 

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Q1. What is the result of Trigrahi Yoga?

Ans. The Trigrahi Yoga in the horoscope results in sudden financial gains and prosperity in the lives of people. 

Q2. How is Trigrahi Yoga formed?

Ans. The combination of three auspicious planets results in the formation of Trigrahi Yoga.

Q3. What is planet Venus responsible for?

Ans. The planet Venus is the factor of attractiveness, good fortune, wealth, grandeur, and love.

Q4. Which planets are ruled by the Venus planet?

Ans. Venus is the lord of Taurus and Libra zodiac sign. 

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