October Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 13th To 19th October, 2024

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

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Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 2nd week of October 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 2nd week of October 2024. 

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October Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Ace of Pentacles

Finance: Justice

Career: King of Wands

Health: Three of Cups

Heya Aries, Ace of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that your partner will be very very giving this week in terms of your emotional needs and fulfilling their duties towards you as a wife or a husband. The Ace of Pentacles can represent security, stability, and the possibility of a strong foundation.

When justice seems righteous, it advises you to be truthful about your financial situation. When it comes to money, don’t lie or cheat. Your future financial situation will improve if you are just and truthful.

Regarding your work life, the upright King of Wands signifies your success. This card gives you a boost to your ego because it shows that everyone respects you and  values you and your opinion at the workplace.

The Three of Cups Tarot card suggests that you may have multiple social events or holidays coming up, which may tempt you to overindulge in food or celebrate frequently.

Lucky Alphabet- A


Love: Four of Pentacles

Finance: Six of Pentacles (Reversed)

Career: The Hermit

Health: Page of Swords

Dear Taurus, Four of Pentacles in a relationship indicates that your relationship is bearing the backlash of jealousy, possessiveness and insecurity. Having an honest one-to-one conversation with your partner. 

Six of Pentacles (Reversed) is asking you to double-check your finances before making that rash purchase by having you check your balance? Are you merely making mindless purchases because they give you a quick dopamine rush and something to do? If you really can’t afford it, don’t get it.

The Hermit in your career suggests that you are likely feeling trapped in your company due to a toxic work environment or a dearth of career opportunities. Be careful not to let unfavorable feelings consume you. Everything will come together soon.

Page of Swords in the health context may indicate allergies, flu, cold, etc taking a toll on your health this week. Take proper precautions and do not try to ignore your health or take things lightly.

Lucky Alphabet- V


Love: Seven of Pentacles

Finance: Ten of Swords 

Career: Five of Swords

Health: Page of Cups

Dear Gemini’s, In a love reading, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that you’re a very devoted individual who isn’t scared to put in more effort to support your family. You’re trying your hardest to make sure your family has everything they need to be comfortable. Singles will be too preoccupied with other significant facets of life to give proper attention to relationships this week.

Financially, the Ten of Swords is not at all auspicious. Even though money may be causing you a great deal of anxiety, it’s critical to recognize the difference between reality and delusion. Evaluate your financial status with objectivity and devise a plan to overcome any challenges you may be facing.

Five of Swords in a career tarot reading, the Five of Swords tarot card can indicate the presence of workplace conflicts and disputes. It can also suggest that poor communication or a lack of communication can lead to stress, tension, and arguments. 

Page of Cups in a health spread indicates good health and healing coming your way this week. If you are unwell then with the love and care of your loved ones, you will recover soon.

Lucky Alphabet- K

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Love: Nine of Wands (Reversed)

Finance: The Sun (Reversed)

Career: King of Pentacles

Health: Five of Cups

Cancers, Nine of Wands shows a Conflict between you and your lover is indicated by the reversed Nine of Wands in the tarot of love. There will be arguments and clashes, some of which might turn violent. If you’re single, it will take more effort to find a fulfilling relationship.

When the Sun is in reverse, it can imply that your concerns over your finances are temporary and maybe not as bad as you had anticipated. As an alternative, make sure the financial decisions you’re making right now are well-thought out and supported by reason. The Sun in reverse might be interpreted as an indication of unwarranted optimism. Lower your standards while maintaining hope.

Straightforward An excellent omen for career tarot spreads is the Upright King of Pentacles! It means that your career is taking off and that you’re getting near to realizing your dreams of becoming a high-ranking member of your industry.

Five of Cups in health indicates that you could face psychological issues and mental illness or an injury that could impact your psychological well being. Exercise precaution.

Lucky Alphabet- H


Love: King of Wands

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: Two of Cups

Health: Two of Swords

Dear Leos, King of Wands in a love relationship indicates that your partner may appear to be stern and assertive on the outside but internally he is full of love for you. He is someone who is confident, is capable of taking care of you and fulfilling his duties well. You too may impersonate these characteristics. 

In a financial reading, the two Wands represent new revenue streams. This card also suggests that you could make money on social media. Undoubtedly, your pay will increase significantly—much more than you had anticipated. It is possible for business owners to make good profits all week long.

Two of Cups in a career reading indicate promotions and business opportunities your way. This could also be an indication of you making a smooth transition from a regular job to a business and establishing yourself well and in a sturdy manner.

Two of Swords in a health spread indicates ill health Leos and you need to be extremely careful for it.  If you have been suffering from a mental block or mental illness then you need to seek medical help and work on recovering well.

Lucky Alphabet- M


Love: Six of Swords

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Eight of Swords

Health: Seven of Pentacles

The Six of Swords, when upright, represents a change from turbulent times to calmer waters in love and relationships. There are plans for stability, healing, and honest communication, which will enable your partnership to grow and prosper. 

Dear Virgos, the Emperor stresses the importance of practicing self-control, financial responsibility, and restraint. Make sure you know precisely where your money is going. Make a budget, stick to it, and review it about once a year. If you can keep your finances stable, you ought to be in a good place.

Eight of Swords in a career tarot reading indicates you being full of self doubt and insecurities in taking up new roles and responsibilities. You could be losing out on a lot of opportunities owing to a lower confidence level. 

Seven of Pentacles in a health spread talks about you getting out of the ill health phase. With effort and patience you will soon recover from any ailment that you may be suffering from. 

Lucky Alphabet- P

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Love: Knight of Cups

Finance: Ace of Cups

Career: Ten of Pentacles

Health: Four of Wands (Reversed)

In a love reading, the Knight of Cups advises you to express gratitude for what you have. It is best to look forward to the future with gratitude because this place is where dreams come true. There’s much to be happy about, and if you’re single, social gatherings like parties are the best places to meet someone.

Libras, Ace of Cups in a finance reading indicates that there will be an abundance of money in your life. People are more likely to grant you the requested financial support during this week. Those who have been looking for assistance may find this card to be extremely consoling. 

The Ten of Pentacles It implies that things are going well at work and that your efforts are paying off. Your interactions with coworkers are cordial, and cooperation amongst colleagues is effortless. Promotion is in line for you. 

Four of Wands (Reversed) is an indication that you are now moving towards good health. If you had been suffering from a long term disease, it is now leaving your body. 

Lucky Alphabet- R


Love: Death

Finance: Nine of Wands

Career: Three of Cups (Reversed)

Health: Seven of Cups

Death in a love reading is a red flag dear Scopios. You or your partner may be acting selfish. This card also signifies breaking off a relationship or you facing difficulties in personal life for you to become stronger and learn important life lessons necessary for growth.

In a financial reading, the Nine of Wands represents a difficult period that you are already aware of. This week could be tough for you in that you have to learn how to live in scarcity and fight a lot to adjust to this strange and unfamiliar situation. You might also be having financial difficulties.

The Three of Cups reversed in a work environment could indicate that colleagues or team members pretend to be supportive while trying to ruin or interfere with a project in order to harm your reputation. You need to be extremely careful while handling your team members and others as well this week.

Seven of Cups in a health reading indicates You’re sacrificing your health because you’re too preoccupied with taking the high road. You may be too vulnerable to diseases and may lack strong immunity this week.

Lucky Alphabet- N


Love: The Fool

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Ten of Wands

Health: Six of Cups

Sagis, The Fool in a love reading indicates that you may have to try new things before you can discover the romance you’re looking for. You might find love in the most unexpected locations if you’re prepared to take chances, be brave, and broaden your perspective on the world. You’re in for some surprises.

The King of Cups suggests that diplomacy and emotional intelligence are essential for success in the fields of business and finance. This card implies that an older, wiser person may offer you advice or assistance when you pursue your career.

Ten of Wands indicates that the pressure and weight of your professional obligations might be symbolized by the Ten of Wands tarot card. It may also mean that although you seem to be carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, this burden is only transitory and will eventually lead to the result you want.

Figuratively speaking, the Six of Cups might represent showing kindness or sympathy to someone experiencing a medical emergency. Unexpectedly, they might need your help more than you think. It can also be a sign that you’re getting sick or are too stressed out as a result of your fast-paced, easygoing lifestyle.

Lucky Alphabet- D

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Love: Six of Cups

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: Six of Wands

Health: Four of Cups

You could come across your ex or old friends this week and may have a nice meeting. Meeting old friends or an ex in any way does not mean that you could rekindle old friendships or relationships but it does mean that you may become cordial with each other but nothing else.

Five of Swords suggests that you will need to be especially careful with your money and be especially wary of putting your trust in people. It’s possible that some individuals are attempting to exploit you or take advantage of you more than is fair. On occasion, this card may also suggest that you need to reduce your spending because you are currently short on cash.

Dear Capricorns, Six of Wands in a career reading directly indicate promotions and new offers coming in. A better and higher position will be celebrated and your superiors will be in favor of you getting a promotion. If you’re looking for an opportunity abroad then there are chances you will receive very good offers from foreign lands.

Four of Cups hints at mental blockage or suffering from illnesses such as depression, if so, then it is time to seek professional help in a timely manner so that the condition doesn’t worsen. Meditation can really help you.

Lucky Alphabet- F


Love: Ten of Wands

Finance: Seven of Wands

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Ten of Wands may represent a relationship that appears to have been fraught with difficulties from the start. It’s possible that one or both partners are overly burdened. If those obstacles can be overcome or if they will impede the partnership’s advancement, other cards will make that clear. 

The Seven of Wands card represents the necessity of safeguarding your finances and recognition. Some may try to discredit your wealth or contest your financial status as you grow in prominence and influence. Be ready to defend your wealth and reputation.

The Wheel of Fortune card in a tarot reading may portend the arrival of new professional opportunities. It could indicate that the universe is encouraging you to pursue your goals, such as looking for a new career or launching a business. 

Five of Pentacles reversed in a health reading indicates that if you were suffering from any problems or health issues and weren’t able to recover, you will now find healing and good health coming your way.

Lucky Alphabet- S

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Love: Eight of Wands

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Ten of Swords

Eight of Wands in a love reading indicates that you will receive new found spark and happiness in your relationship. Your relationship with your partner was going a little stale in comparison to how it was at the beginning. This can also indicate the entry of someone new in your life. Singles might feel that you are finally ready to look forward to a new chapter in your life in terms of relationships.

Heya Pisces, When it comes to money, The Hierophant upright advises you to stick to the traditional, ethical methods of earning money. You prefer not to gamble heavily with your finances. Save it instead of throwing it out carelessly. Especially this week you must save your money and invest wisely.

The Ace of Cups represents good intentions and new intuitive opportunities. Throughout your career, you can put these insights to use in a number of ways. In case you’re seeking employment, this card signifies a fresh beginning in your line of work. It’s possible that you don’t look for a job all the time.

Ten of Swords signals at being tired or restless and still continuing to work. If you continue working and do not rest properly, it will take a heavy toll on your body and result in a physical injury or a muscle pain, etc. Do pay attention to the needs of your physical well being. 

Lucky Alphabet- C

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which zodiac signs will benefit in the third week of October?

Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces

2. Name any three suit cards in Tarot?

King of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups

3. Is tarot always correct and accurate?

The accuracy depends on the experience and how intuitive the reader is. 


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