Tarot Monthly Horoscope: What Does This Month Hold For All Zodiacs

Tarot As A Tool For Guidance & How It Can Help You

Many famous tarot readers and occultists across the globe firmly believe that the role of Tarot in an individual’s life is more of life coaching rather than fortune-telling. As the saying goes, “Tarot cards are a tool for self-care and self-discovery”. They draw attention to where you’ve been, affirm where you are right now, and give you a glimpse of what might be. It gives you a window into the energy environment and helps you make the greatest choices for your future. Like a dependable counselor who reflects you back to yourself, tarot offers the chance to speak with your soul.

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Perhaps you need some direction or assistance because you’re feeling lost. Either you were humbled by the accuracy of a tarot reading after earlier mocking it or you are an astrologer seeking another source of direction. Or perhaps you’re just attempting to take up a new pastime. The number of people looking to tarot cards for comfort has significantly increased due to these and other reasons. Tarot deck, as it is called, is a unique set of 78 cards that can help you gain guidance with the help of Tarot Spreads, a way of spreading the cards by learned tarot professionals when you need it. Tarot originated in the 15th century in Italy Europe as a game of cards for entertainment and less for spiritual guidance. It was much later that tarot got its due as an important tool of divination, helping people grow and understand their purpose in life and finding deeper meanings that the intricate drawings, these cards flaunted. 

Tarot, a tool used for psycho-spiritual progress, essentially means that we are connecting a small amount of spirituality—connecting with something a little higher than ourselves and discovering meaning in the wider world—with a small amount of psychology, or our inner experience of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Let us now dive into knowing what this month of April of the year 2025 has in store for all 12 zodiac signs

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April Tarot Monthly Horoscope 2025: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Queen of Cups

Finance: Two of Pentacles

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: The Chariot

Dear Aries, Queen of Cups card in a love reading indicates that your partner will be very nurturing towards you this month. It is highly possible that you will feel very secure and valued in your relationship and your relationship will continue growing at a steady speed. For singles, it is possible that an understanding and emotionally available person may enter your life. 

Two of Pentacles in finances indicates your focus at this time is achieving financial stability and you may be running multiple errands to achieve your goal. It is possible that to live a comfortable life you may have to look for an extra source of income. Continue hustling and you will reach your financial destination. 

Seven of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that the goals that you had been working towards so tirelessly are now coming to a close and you are about to reach your desired position in your career. You have slogged your way up the ladder and now you know that it was all worth the wait. Your hard work will be rewarded in some way at work. A promotion is coming your way.

The Chariot in a health reading indicates that you are in good health and your well being is primarily in your hands. If you regulate what you eat and your lifestyle, then you will enjoy good health. However, if you give in to temptations then your health will suffer.

Lucky Flower: Honeysuckle


Love: The Star

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Eight of Swords

Taurus, The Star card in love and relationships signifies a developing romantic relationship. If you are single, it indicates that you are willing to let go of the baggage from previous relationships, which will allow you to have more opportunities and possibly meet new people.

When it comes to money, the Two of Swords stands for both an unwillingness or incapacity to face reality and tough or disagreeable choices. If you are experiencing financial issues right now, you cannot afford to ignore them.

The Ace of Cups represents new intuitive possibilities and good intentions. These insights can be used in many different ways during the course of your career. For job seekers, this card signifies a fresh start in their career. Perhaps you don’t search for work all the time.

A route to recovery, mental fortitude, and relief from anxiety might be indicated by the Eight of Swords in reverse. Moreover, it might serve as a reminder that you are capable of healing and building a healthy life.

Lucky Flower: Poppy

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Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: The Sun

Three of Wands in a love relationship could have different meanings. One, it can indicate that you could be moving to a new city or country with your family. Or, It could also mean that you have had a breakup and are now trying to gain new perspectives in life and moving forward in search of a new partner or life.

Dear Geminis, In this position, the speed of the Eight of Wands applies to your money. Money may appear to be gone from your grasp as fast as it appeared. Watch out for impulsive spending if you see this card here, even though it is really enticing right now. 

Queen of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that your career will grow at a slow but steady pace. You feel growth and opportunities coming your way. If you are waiting to get promoted or waiting for a new job offer or a new investor for your business, it will all come to you very soon this month for sure. 

It stands for vitality, harmony, and general wellbeing. This card is meant to help you recover quickly and feel better than you did before you were ill. Additionally, it signifies spiritual and personal growth.

Lucky Flower: Lavender


Love: Three of Cups

Finance: Five of Wands

Career: Two of Swords

Health: The Hierophant

With the Three of Cups dear Cancers there is a high chance that you will spend some quality time with your partner at a family or social gathering. There is a high chance you will enjoy your partner’s company and enjoy some shared joys. You will celebrate love and laughter together. For singles, your family and friends are your priority as of now.

Are you struggling with debt? It looks like you feel a lot of competition with your peers when it comes to finances and financial security. It could also be possible that you could be engaged in a financial conflict regarding property and other inheritances. Just be patient and keep calm. Things will work out for you. 

Two of Cups in your career could indicate that you may be suspecting a layoff at work this month or you fear that you will be sacked from your position at work or if you are engaged in business then you may fear your business shutting down. You may be in a confused and fearful state throughout the month but you will sail through. Don’t worry.

The Hierophant in a health reading points towards good health overall but a few work related tensions may leave you feeling lethargic or a common cold or flu could keep you indoors for a few days. Take precautions. 

Lucky Flower: Jasmine

Read Here: Horoscope 2025


Love: Seven of Wands

Finance: Nine of Swords (Reversed)

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Knight of Pentacles

In a love reading, the Seven of Wands usually means that you need to protect your connection, which may involve dealing with outside pressures or rivalry. You must be strong and battle for your love by establishing limits and properly expressing your requirements. 

When it comes to money, the Nine of Swords (Reversed) indicates that you may have had troubled finances and may have gone through financial difficulties countless times in the past months but now you will and are overcoming those difficulties. You will now be free of all the tensions regarding money.

Leos, The Page of Wands in a career reading indicates small but stable and new career opportunities coming your way. You will be able to kickstart your career again if you were going through a hiatus or if you’re in the process of starting your business, then you will start small but it will be stable and have te potential to go longer than anticipated.

This card serves as a reminder to not overdo it when it comes to your health. Its wise to take small breaks in between. Even if it’s only a few minutes a day, the Knight of Pentacles card suggests that you take some time for yourself to unwind and connect with your body and mind and come back stronger.

Lucky Flower: Sunflower


Love: Wheel of Fortune

Finance: The Chariot

Career: Judgment

Health: Two of Wands

Dear Virgos, though the Wheel of Fortune is a positive card in most situations but it may indicate the adverse too. Your relationship may be put to the test right now, and you may need to work harder or make some sacrifices to stay together. As you learn to deal with life’s ups and downs as a team, your partnership can grow closer than before, should you decide to make the decision.

The Chariot tarot card in finance might stand for the necessity of being focused and resolute in order to deal with financial problems. It can also refer to managing money, investing sensibly, and conquering financial obstacles. 

The “Judgment” tarot card in a career reading frequently represents a time of assessment, appraisal, or the possibility of a major career shift. It may indicate that you are about to receive a promotion, a new opportunity, or a realization about your current path that will force you to reevaluate your career direction and make the necessary adjustments to become more in line with your true calling.

The Two of Wands card in a tarot reading may suggest that long-term health objectives should be taken into account. It may also indicate that you need to venture outside of your comfort zone or attempt new wellness techniques.

Lucky Flower: Tulip

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Love: Four of Pentacles

Finance: Justice

Career: Six of Cups

Health: Seven of Cups

In a love tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles is not a nice card to draw. If you’re in a relationship, it may indicate that one of you or your partner is starting to act controlling, possessive, or jealous, all of which could be detrimental to your partnership. Let go of any doubts you may have, regarding the intention of your partner. He/she is here to stay. 

A Justice card in finances shows that you must be very ethical when it comes to earning or managing your money. Do not take advantage of people’s trust in you and do not cheat anyone in terms of money. If your ways of earning money are ethical, then god will bless you with financial abundance this month. 

Six of Cups in career is an indication that you will get the right assistance you need in your career to grow in the right direction and pace. If you are looking for support from your ex-boss, ex-coulleagues, etc then you will definitely get their support at the right time and welcome new opportunities which may fit you best for the time being. 

When the Seven of Cups is upright in a tarot reading, it may suggest that self-care should be prioritized and that excessive activity should be avoided. Additionally, it can serve as a reminder to be mindful of the possibility of hallucinations or illusions linked to mental health conditions. 

Lucky Flower: Rose


Love: Queen of Wands

Finance: Seven of Pentacles

Career: Seven of Cups

Health: Five of Pentacles

Queen of Wands shows that your relationship will blossom this month Scorpios. You have a very secure and confident partner, who makes the relationship and you feel confident in the relationship. You both give each other enough space to even grow in the relationship.

The Seven of Pentacles usually denotes steady progress, hard work paying off, and a focus on accumulating wealth gradually through consistent effort and dedication. It also means that you are headed in the right direction financially, though you might need to wait to see the full effects of your work or investments.

The Seven of Cups card represents a person who is presented with a number of choices. If this card pertains to your career, you can be shown a variety of options for career advancement. Although having a variety of possibilities is usually a good thing, you should be mindful of how much time you waste daydreaming rather than acting on your dreams. Keep in mind that a prospective path is only as excellent as the actions you are prepared to do to get to the end of it. 

Feelings of loneliness, depression, or a sense of desertion by family support might be indicated by the upright Five of Pentacles. It shows that you should get in touch with a medical professional in case of any slight issue.

Lucky Flower: Geranium

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Love: Six of Wands

Finance: The Lovers

Career: The Hermit 

Health: The Sun

Six of Wands in a relationship indicates that this month you may get married or atleast make your relationship official with the love of your life or the person of your choice. Your family will be supportive of your partner and you will receive the blessings of your family. Singles may prepare themselves to jump into a committed relationship.

Dear Sagis, In terms of money, the Lovers card may indicate that significant financial choices must be made. The key thing to keep in mind is that it may appear impossible to have both major expenses, therefore you may have to choose between them. One route leads to another, and the decisions you make now could have more significant effects later on.

The Hermit card in the career position in a tarot reading can suggest that it’s time to think about your professional objectives and whether your current position is a good fit for you. 

The Sun in a health reading is a positive card and is an indication of great vitality and energy. You will be in good health all through the month and may be involved in a strict health routine and you will be rewarded with great health. 

Lucky Flower: Carnation


Love: The World

Finance: The Chariot

Career: Knight of Wands

Health: Five of Swords (Reversed)

The World card in a love tarot reading typically represents a favorable outcome, a committed, deep, and fulfilling relationship, possibly marking the achievement of a significant life milestone like marriage or the beginning of a family; for singles, it may indicate being receptive to new romantic opportunities, possibly meeting someone while traveling.

The Chariot card in tarot can represent managing your money, making prudent investments, and overcoming obstacles. The card may also suggest that you should practice self-control and proper management when dealing with money. 

You may have had a career with frequent job changes in the past and again this month is bringing with it a new career opportunity such as a new job in a new company or transiting from a job towards a business of your own. However, the good part is that this change will bring in stability with it, putting a stop to frequent changes in your career.

You need to be careful about your health, Capricorns. In terms of health, the flipped Five of Swords promotes moving forward with an emphasis on self-care and cautions against self-defeating actions. This card cautions against turning to drugs as a coping method. 

Lucky Flower: Pansy

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Love: Six of Swords

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Four of Swords (Reversed)

Health: Four of Cups

Aquarius, In a tarot reading, the Six of Swords standing erect can indicate that a partnership is about to enter a more secure and tranquil phase. Additionally, it may signify open communication, growth, and healing. 

When it comes to money, the Six of Pentacles tarot card usually symbolizes giving and receiving, indicating striking a balance between being able to maintain yourself and share your wealth with others. It is possible that you may be the sole earning member of your family and support other family members financially this month. For some reason or the other, your family and friends may depend on you financially.

The Four of Swords (Reversed) in a career reading frequently suggests that you need to move past a stale situation. It could mean that you are feeling stuck in your current position, under a lot of stress, and that you need to actively look for new opportunities or make changes in your role to feel more fulfilled and engaged. 

The “Four of Cups” tarot card frequently represents a sense of discontent or boredom with your present health regimen, which may be a sign of a lack of gratitude for your present state of health and a propensity to concentrate on perceived flaws rather than the advantages of your health.

Lucky Flower: Orchid


Love: The Empress

Finance: Knight of Swords

Career: Knight of Cups

Health: Three of Swords

The Empress tarot card typically represents a loving, stable, and caring relationship in a love reading; it frequently signals the beginning of a new relationship, the strengthening of an existing one, or the possibility of a solid and committed partnership; it symbolizes fertility, a strong sense of connection, and an emphasis on fostering a supportive and harmonious environment.

The Knight of Swords in a financial tarot reading represents a time of concentrated effort, drive, and resolve in your financial endeavors; it frequently portends the possibility of big opportunities, measured risks, and bold actions to reach your financial objectives.

In a professional setting, the Knight of Cups signifies good news or a favorable chance. If you’re waiting on a response to your application for a job or course, this Knight can represent success. It might also be a metaphor for getting a surprise proposal.

Three of Swords indicates that this month you need to take proper care of your heart health and lung health as well dear Pisces. You could be prone to cold infections or may go through some disappointments which could affect your heart health. 

Lucky Flower: Water Lily

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way of connecting with the cards as a beginner tarot reader?

Practice and build your intuition and connection with your cards.

2. What rules do we need to follow as a tarot reader?

There are no major rules as such but keep your cards clean, in a neat and tidy place with respect.

3. What is the difference between angel cards and tarot cards?

Angel cards are only Yes/No cards but tarot cards give a detailed prediction. 
