Tarot Card Of The Week: AstroSage brings to you Tarot Card Of The Week, based on the Tarot energies for today based on a single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans more confidently. Hope this helps.
In case you want to read a more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac-wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope here. In this blog, we will focus on the financial life of a few zodiacs based on the moon signs.
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Tarot Card Of The Week: 17th-23rd December
Two Of Swords: Description
The Two of Swords card symbolizes the confusion the person faces when forced to make difficult choices. As seen in the Two of Swords card, a woman who is blindfolded is seen sitting on a stone throne with a sword in each hand. In the background, there is a sea surrounded by small rocks that serve as obstacles for vessels and ships, stalling progress and action. The blindfolded woman in the card is a representation of a situation which prevents her from seeing both the problem and the solution with clarity. The swords that she is holding in each of her hands show that there are two choices that lead in different directions and are mutually exclusive to one another. It may also depict a stalemate, stating that the problem one is facing must be dealt with logical thinking and reasoning.
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Two Of Swords: Meaning
When we see the Two of Swords in a reading, we are encountering a stalemate. Two equal and opposing forces are joined in battle, and there seems to be no end in sight. This wasn’t what you had in mind when you chanced to walk down this path, and you find yourself caught in the middle. It is an indication that you need someone’s help in order to escape this sticky situation. We find ourselves in a situation where we must make a choice, we can side with one part of the situation, or we can side with the other. Neither seems particularly appealing, which makes the decision even more difficult. But unless we move past this stalemate, there will be no visible progress.
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Card Of The Week 17th- 23rd December: These Zodiacs Will Struggle Financially
Dear Geminis, you could be in denial of your dipping financial situation. You want to buy loads of material luxury and designer clothes as you may want to look your best for the upcoming festive season and the wedding season but your bank account may not allow you to buy everything you may want right now. You are advised to see the situation clearly and plan your expenses accordingly.
Read: Horoscope 2024
It’s possible for Libra natives to not receive recognition and the kind of salary appraisal from their superiors for their hard work which may result in dissatisfaction. These individuals may have lesser financial opportunities coming their way and they may feel taken for granted at work. You may not be able to even pluck the courage to change jobs even if you want to.
Also Read: December Horoscope
Dear Capricorns, Two of Swords, this week’s tarot card, will bring you financial troubles and a stressful financial week. You may go through a lot of hurdles bringing you mental stress and agony as you struggle to sail through financially. You have big financial decisions pending and would prefer to look away and avoid the situation by procrastinating. Your income and social standing may suffer this week. Face reality and make logical decisions.
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