Tarot Card Of The Week: Zodiacs Struggle Financially This Festive Season

Tarot Card Of The Week: AstroSage brings to you Tarot Card Of The Week, based on the Tarot energies for today based on a single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans in a more confident manner. Hope this helps.

In case you want to read a more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac-wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life0 then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope here. In this blog, we will focus on the finances of a few zodiacs based on the moon signs. 

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Tarot Card Of The Week: 5th-11th November 

Five Of Pentacles Tarot Card: Description

The Five of Pentacles represents adversity, just like the fives of the other tarot suits. It depicts two people strolling through the snow. They are not only chilly, but also ill, destitute, exhausted, and ravenous. They appear to be without the bare needs for survival. Many people can identify with both of these folks on multiple levels. 

One of the people on the card is using crutches, and the other figure’s head is covered by a shawl. In the snow, she is strolling without shoes. A church of some sort is suggested by the stained glass window with the five pentacles set against a black wall in the background. The Five of Pentacles is typically a terrible omen. Don’t worry, though; depending on where it appears in the reading, it may alter.

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Five Of Pentacles Tarot Card: Meaning

Anytime the Five of Pentacles appears in a reading, it portends a difficult and uncertain period of time. This card may represent extreme loneliness, disease, destitution, or loss. In the near future, things could get worse for you. It is possible that you will lose anything of value, be it money or a sentimental possession. Your health may be rapidly declining or it may already be underway. There is a lot of symbolism in the person on crutches. This person can be under the impression that they are cursed and that their bad luck will never go away.

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The meaning of the Five of Pentacles can also relate to past due bills, large credit card balances, or overdue loans. It serves as a gentle reminder for you to think about organizing your money. Past mistakes could potentially come back to haunt you. When it comes to questions about love, the Five of Pentacles is not a favorable card. It can be a sign that the one you care about is experiencing different emotions. You may also feel as though you were abandoned, much like the folks on the card.

Also Read: November Horoscope

Tarot Card Of The Week: These Signs Will Be Impacted Negatively


Taurus natives must plan their finances beforehand as spending mindlessly during this week might get them in financial trouble. This is not a good time to switch jobs or companies if you’re looking to do so. The Five of Pentacles indicates significant loss that you could face this week. You may have to struggle hard to succeed and your finances may take a deep dive. This week, you might lose out on a big chunk of money if you invest in business. 


Dear Virgos, the Five of Pentacles is bad news and will rip your finances off this week if you’re not careful of your expenses.  It would not be advantageous to start a new project or sign a new contract at all this week if you are a business owner. Both your financial and social standing will dip in the near future. You must exercise caution. There will be no fruitful new opportunities arising. 


Capricorn natives may not receive credits for their work. You may find yourself stuck in a tussle  with your colleagues. Capricorn natives will not be assigned new responsibilities and duties, even if you think you’re qualified for them right now. You may find yourself struggling to adjust to this new change as you will surely struggle for finances this week as per the tarot energies. 

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