Super Moon 2023: Rare Super Moon Will Impact 4 Zodiacs Strongly!

August Super Moon 2023: The Super Moon or the August Sturgeon moon is a rare celestial occurrence that offers a spectacular sight of the Moon and is an obvious visual treat to the common man and the astronomical enthusiasts alike. August 1st, 2023 marks the first of two super moons occurring in August this year and the 2nd Super moon of the year.

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The name Sturgeon Moon comes from the fact that long ago in the olden times the largest fish of North America called the Sturgeon Fish appeared in huge numbers in the great lakes during this time of the year. The astronomical enthusiasts back then associated celestial events with common events of the season, hence the name. Also, the name Super moon is mostly associated with this full moon because at this time the Moon is in line with the Sun and the Earth and is closer in distance, hence it appears larger than the regular moon.

To Know More about The Super Moon And Its Impacts, Talk To The Best Astrologers

The August Super moon or the Sturgeon Moon as it is called will be visible in the night skies at 18:31 UTC on August 1 (12:01 am IST on August 2). We are well aware of the fact that the Moon is a very important planet in vedic astrology and is the significator of the mother and our emotions as well. This Super moon too will impact some of the zodiac signs positively. Stay tuned to know whether your zodiac sign has made it to the list. Know your moon sign.

August Super Moon, 2023: These Zodiac Signs Will Benefit


Aries natives will benefit greatly from this Super Moon as Mon rules the 4th house of mother, luxury, home comforts, property and vehicle. Any project, work or venture started on this day will pay you back immensely. You  may experience money or wealth coming your way on this day. If you’re a business owner you may get higher returns during this period or you could make a transition from a regular job to starting your own business during this yoga. You may receive unexpected money and have financial gains in one way or the other. Starting any new assignment or project during this period will be auspicious. 

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Taurus natives may feel positive the whole day and may be able to make wise decisions regarding work or any other aspect of life. Moon being the ruler of the 3rd house will impact your relationship with your younger siblings positively. You will be able to win people over with the clever use of words to your advantage and use the power of communication to your benefit. Everything that you lay your hands on this day you will succeed or gain something out of it. This is a golden opportunity so be careful while you try and plan or utilize your day in any way. Do not waste this opportunity. Your urge to keep ahead of your competition will drive you to achieve your greater purpose in life. 

Also Read: August Horoscope


Dear Cancers, Moon is your 1st house ruler or the Lagna lord and this Super Moon will impact you with greater intensity and would have a more profound impact on individuals belonging to the Cancer zodiac. You may encounter some celebrations and festivities today. Your personality will be more charming today and you will be able to attract attention and make a lasting impression on people.  Today you will feel confident in your abilities and driven towards success. Trust your intuition and use it to get through the day and make important decisions. You will be blessed with financial abundance and succeed in all the endeavors carried out during this yoga. Peace of mind and satisfaction will come your way if you start any auspicious work during this period. 


The Moon rules the 9th house for Scorpio natives. The 9th house signifies our father, religious beliefs, luck, etc. Your 9th lord gaining power will make sure that luck is on your side in all your endeavors. Today is a good day to take a step forward in your career, Scorpios. Your confident attitude and sharp mind will help you shine in your workplace, and opportunities for growth will come your way either in the materialistic form or through increased roles and responsibilities. Trust your instincts and take the initiative in achieving your goals. You’re on the path to success and growth. These opportunities coming your way will enhance your leadership qualities as well and keep you ahead in the race. 

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August Super Moon, 2023: Impactful Remedies

  • Wear silver ornaments or donate silver if your pocket allows.
  • Wear a pearl ring in the little finger of your right hand. Do consult an astrologer and ask if it suits you as per your horoscope.
  • Worship Lord Shiva and perform Rudrabhishek at home
  • Recite the beej mantra of Chandrama. 

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