Sun Transit Forms Powerful Rajyoga; Lucky for 3 Zodiacs

Sun Transit: As per Vedic Astrology, planets keep moving from one zodiac to another at regular time intervals and it has both positive & negative impacts on the horoscope. The Hindu Panchang says that Sun has transited in Gemini and has led to the formation of a powerful Rajyoga. The luck of the three zodiacs will shine in the period and it will be the best time for natives to move ahead in their career and life.

Vital Details: The Mercury planet and Sun will be coming together from 15th to 17th July. The native of the 3 zodiacs will get a good repute for their activities during the period.

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Gemini is ruled by Mercury and there is friendship between the Sun and Mercury planet. The chances of financial gains will be huge for a few zodiacs and natives can earn a lot of benefits from it. The Rajyoga will result in an auspicious timeline for natives and luck will favor them for suitable outcomes. This special AstroSage blog contains vital information related to Sun forming powerful Rajyoga and the lucky zodiacs benefiting from it.

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The Significance Strong Rajyoga Due To Sun Transit 

Rajyoga in Kundli means that the person is meant for higher positions and success in life. But, the Rajyoga due to Sun Transit is different from it. The transit in Gemini is making the time favorable for a few zodiacs and will benefit individuals differently. 

Rajyoga is the auspicious time when things get finalized for individuals in a positive direction. The natives will be blessed with fruitful outcomes in their current activities. The Sun’s transit in Gemini is the time to fulfill dreams with the right actions. 

Commit to new deals in business and also join a new job for the best outcomes. Consult with a reputed astrologer to get details of specific benefits in your horoscope. 

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List of 3 Zodiacs Benefitting From the Sun Transit


The period for the Gemini natives will be fruitful as Sun transits in the third house of the horoscope. People will do tasks confidently and get in a higher position in the job. If any of your important tasks were pending for a long time then they will be completed in the period. There will be financial profits from business operations and the chances of foreign travel will increase. Luck will favor people in getting things done in a proven timeline and earn respect from the surrounding environment. For students too, the period will bring positive results in their exams.


The Leo natives will attain all the gains in the period and the business will deliver appropriate results. The power of the Sun also results in a decisive position in jobs & business. Relationships will only thrive in the timeline and there are chances of foreign invitations. It will be a wonderful period for political persons and will achieve success in other aspects of life. Achieve higher positions and repute in your office or workplace for proven outcomes. The possibility of family trips is very bright in Rajyoga.

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The Sun transit and formation of Rajyoga will ensure all the positive results in life. The pending wishes of the Sagittarius zodiac will come true in the period and it boosts positivity within individuals. There will rise in prestige for persons in society and will get much-awaited success in life. Experience progress in your personal & professional life during the period. Experience stability in your relationship and overcome troubles in your married life firmly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How is powerful Rajyoga effective for zodiacs?

Ans: It will provide zodiacs and the natives with positive outcomes in life and peace in the family. 

Q2. How does Sun transit benefit the natives?

Ans: It will result in the formation of successful business deals and joining a new post at work. 

Q3. Does it favor all the zodiacs?

Ans: There are effects of the Rajyoga on the zodiacs and provide specific benefits to natives.

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