Sun Transit In Aries: The ‘King’ Planet Rules in Aries This Month; Know Worldwide Impact!

Sun Transit 2023: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Sun will transit the sign of Aries on 14th April, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Sun Transit In Aries will have on the world altogether.  

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Sun As A Planet In Astrology

Astronomically, the Sun is the main and the biggest source of light and energy on the planet Earth and supports the existence of all living organisms and beings. As per Vedic Astrology,  the Sun is the ruler of the 5th sign of the zodiac Leo and rules the 5th house of the Kaal Purusha Kundli. The Sun gets exalted in Aries at 19 degrees and is considered debilitated in Libra at 10 degrees. The Sun is the ruler of three Nakshatras Kritika, Utraphalguni and Uttarashada. The Sun is friendly with the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, neutral towards Mercury and inimical towards Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

Also read:  Horoscope 2023

The Sun is considered to be the significator of our father, soul, ego and the government. The Sun represents characteristics like power, authority, control, boisterousness, confidence, charm, etc. The individuals with the powerful placement of the Sun in their horoscopes tend to have a very clear understanding of who they truly are. 

These individuals come across as confident and strong-willed, exuding an air of power and authority that others respond positively to. Such people often excel in leadership roles where they can make use of their innate abilities, and they are often healthy and energetic as well. Overall, having a bright and shining Sun in one’s astrological chart can be seen as an indicator of deep clarity and connection to our soul’s most enlightened aspects.

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Sun In Aries: Characteristics

The Sun is a fiery and masculine planet and Aries is also a fiery sign ruled by Mars. The Sun becomes exalted in Aries at 19 degrees.Sun is exalted in Aries which is ruled by the planet Mars. According to Vedic Astrology, the placement of the Sun in Aries is considered positive and powerful for any individual in general. The Sun in Aries gives the power to the individual to become a prominent leader. They are among the most fearless people eager to take on new projects.

Additionally, such natives are intelligent with a well built body structure and a certain glow and charm on their face. Individuals with the Sun’s placement in Aries in their horoscopes possess great leadership qualities and generally perform well in government positions such as law enforcement, military, and political positions of importance. They can even perform very well in the creative fields and usually lead luxurious and comfortable lives.

On the negative side the Sun’s placement in Aries in any individual’s horoscopes can make them prone to aggression and for this reason they could be disliked by a number of people. They can be dominating and self centered as well.

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Sun Transit In Aries: Worldwide Impacts

  • The Sun represents the government, this will be a time when the Indian government will make decisions after careful thought and analysis regarding its ties with other countries and will hold its ground on matters of importance.
  • This period would be a good time for engineers across the globe and we will see a lot of development and advancement happening in different fields that involve engineering.
  • The government may present the security forces including the Army, Airforce and the Navy with the new and advanced ordnance which may include new fighter jets, guns, and other necessary military supplies.
  • This is the time when the medical field could see some new inventions and research happening internationally. 
  • In India too, we may see the state of medical infrastructure improving and there could be a sudden rise in the number of students opting to study medicine.
  • Artistic and creative fields may also see improvements all across the world. People may become more aware of different forms of arts and music. 
  • Many Adventure travelers, Travel bloggers may find the fame and the value they deserve.
  • The Indian government may take certain decisions which can prove to be milestones or extremely important for the growth of our country.
  • People may be more inclined towards spirituality and spiritual practices during this time.

Sun Transit In Aries: Remedies

The following remedies for the Sun would bring the needed relief to individuals with weak Sun:

  • Wear red clothes more often and donate red clothes and other things to the poor and the needy. 
  • Offer Arghya from a copper vessel to the Sun every morning with a pinch of vermillion. 
  • Recite the Surya Beej Mantra ‘Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah’
  • Install and worship the Surya yantra in your homes and workplace.
  • Respect your father and other elders of your family. 

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