Sun-Saturn Conjunction Till 15 March; Blast Of Capital For 5 Zodiacs!

Sun-Saturn Conjunction: In Vedic astrology both the great planets Sun and Saturn are given significant places and their status is lofty. As we all know that the father planet Sun is the king of our Solar System and thanks to his gravitational force, all the planets are able to have their orbital movements correctly. On the other hand, Saturn, the gorgeous gas giant, is considered to be the epitome of integrity, discipline, and most importantly, the one who gives fruit according to our karmic actions. In pure astrological terms, the Sun is the father of Saturn and they both share the relationship of father and son. Now both father and son are coming together in the same zodiac sign and will form a state of conjunction. So, with this blog you will discover everything that there is to know about the Sun-Saturn conjunction and also know all the zodiac signs that will prosper financially.

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Aquarius Will Host Sun-Saturn Conjunction

As we have discussed earlier, Saturn transited in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on 17th January 2023 and the king of planets, Sun transited in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on 13th February 2023, the zodiac sign which is ruled by Saturn. Sun will stay in the zodiac sign of Aquarius until 15th March. However, there is an enmity between the relationship of father and son, i.e. the Sun and Saturn. However, they are coming together in one zodiac sign and will form a conjunction and due to this there will be imminent benefits for some zodiac signs. The benefits of this superb conjunction will come in the areas of career and finance for these blessed zodiac signs. So, let’s find out without waiting any further, who these fortunate natives are!

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Sun-Saturn Conjunction Till 15 March; These Zodiacs To Shine!


For the natives of Ram, the Sun-Saturn conjunction will prove to be fruitful. Due to the Sun transit in Aquarius, these natives will attain financial prosperity and as a result their financial status will be strengthened. The natives will be relieved of all the problems that are finance-related in nature. Different ways will take birth through which you will be able to earn, and you will also come in contact with influential people.  


Sun transit in Aquarius for Taurus natives has happened in their tenth house. With Sun entering the tenth house, these natives will get wondrous opportunities in their careers. Your work relationships with your seniors will significantly improve, and you will feel financially secure and in a much stronger position. 


For the natives of Gemini, Sun transit in Aquarius has taken place in your ninth house. The transit of the Sun will provide auspicious effects to these natives, and they will receive positive results for all the hard work that they have done. Luck will be by your side and you will get success in all your works. During this period your earning will see a rise and your health will be good as well!

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The Sun transit for Leo natives has taken place in their seventh house, and the father planet holds the lordship over the zodiac sign of Leo. So, under such circumstances, these natives will get great benefits as the Sun has changed zodiac signs. Even with less effort, these natives will achieve good success. Whatever Leo natives will desire will be theirs during this golden period with great financial flow!


The transit of Sun for Libra natives has happened in their eleventh house. During this period, your health will remain fabulous and you will attain various ways of earning. If you are thinking of changing your jobs, then for that this time will be opportune. 

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We hope that the Sun-Saturn conjunction brings prosperity to all your lives; thank you for visiting AstroSage!


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