Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Pisces: These Zodiacs Will Get Golden Opportunities!

Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Pisces: Each planet moves from one zodiac to another after a certain course of time. The planetary movements have a lot of impact on the lives of the zodiacs. While transiting, a lot of planets form a conjunction with the other planets. According to Vedic Astrology, when two or more planets are present in a zodiac sign, it is known as a conjunction. 

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Now, Sun-Mercury conjunction is going to form in Pisces zodiac sign and this union is known as Budhaditya Yoga. The formation of Budhaditya Yoga does leave an impact on all 12 zodiac signs but there are three special zodiac signs that are going to benefit the most from the Budhaditya Yoga. According to Vedic Astrology, Budhaditya Yoga is going to positively influence the 3 lucky zodiacs and they will get successful in each aspect of their lives. 

Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Pisces: Date And Time

The epitome of Intelligence, Money, Business, Communication, and etc; Mercury will enter the zodiac of water element, Pisces on 7th March, 2024 in the morning at 09:21 am. And, later on 14th March, at 12:23 noon, the Lord of planets, Sun will move to Pisces. Like this, the Sun and Mercury conjunction or Budhaditya Yoga will form in Pisces on 14th March. 

Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Pisces: What Are Its Impacts? 

Out of the 12 houses of birth chart, the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in one of the houses forms Budhaditya Yoga. Aditya is the other name for the Sun and that’s why, the union formed by the Sun and Mercury is known as Budhaditya Yoga. This yoga is best known for blessing the natives with success, respect, recognition and financial prosperity. In Vedic Astrology, Budhaditya Yoga is considered as an auspicious yoga. The tasks or works started during this yoga are meant to be successful. 

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Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Pisces: These 3 Zodiacs Are Going To Get Successful! 


The Budhaditya yoga is going to form in the eleventh house for the Taurus natives. This yoga will be very beneficial for the natives. You will get the support of your luck and whatever work you do, success will be the outcome. The work stuck for a long time will get accomplished. You will be able to enjoy your life at the best. There will be happiness in your family and mutual love will increase. Your recognition and respect in society will increase. The employed natives will get new opportunities and will make a lot of progress at their workplace. 

If you want to work abroad, then during this period, that dream will also be fulfilled. The self-employed natives will also make big profits and they will give a tough competition to their opponents. The business owners will get a lot of opportunities to earn profit. There are even chances that they may get a big project or deal. Apart from all of these, your financial condition will improve and it will be very good during this period. You will not only be able to make good money but will also be able to save a lot of it as well. From the perspective of health as well, this time is very much favorable for you and there are no signs of getting a big health issue. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 

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The Sun-Mercury conjunction will happen in the seventh house for the Virgo natives. During this period, the Virgo natives are going to get very fortunate and blessed. There are chances of sudden financial gains which will keep the environment of your family extremely  happy and joyous. If you are trapped in a big health issue, then you will get rid of it during this period. The union of the Sun and Mercury will improve your health. You will feel more fit than before. The employed natives will make a lot of progress at their workplace. The natives with a business will get an opportunity to operate abroad and like this, they will be able to earn profit. They will do very well financially and will even be able to save money. Your financial situation will be very strong. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 

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The tenth house of the Gemini zodiac will notice the Sun-Mercury conjunction and this time will be best and most favorable for you. You will be able to earn a lot of money and will save a lot as well which will improve your financial situation. You will also get the chance to have good times with your life partner and you may even plan to go out with them. The two of you will have the best times of your life.  

Your health will also be very good during this time and you may even get the chance of working abroad which will help you earn a lot of profit. In all the aspects of your lives, luck will be by your side and it will help you get success as well. On the other hand, the hard work and efforts put in by employed natives will pay off during this period. 

Your seniors will be very happy with your work and they may even praise or appreciate you. There are signs of increase in your salary as well. You may even get a chance to go abroad for work purposes. However, if you want to study further, then this time is favorable for your higher studies as well! 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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