Shani Sade Sati In Aries In 2025? Note Correct Date & Remedies!

Saturn is one of the slow-moving planets in the solar system. Shani Dev or Saturn takes around two and a half years to move from one zodiac sign to another. As Saturn transits, Shani’s Dhaiya and Sade Sati end in some zodiac signs. Also, it starts in some zodiac signs. As per Vedic Astrology, Shani Dhaiya and Sade Sati come once in every person’s life.

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There is a special role & significance of planet Saturn in astrology. It is one of the auspicious planets and it is believed that Shani Dev provides results as per their deeds. On 29 March 2025, Saturn leaves the Aquarius sign and transits into the Pisces zodiac. With the arrival of Saturn in the Pisces sign, Shani Sade Sati will start for the Aries natives. 

Shani Sade Sati also results in different obstacles in the lives of people. Something similar is likely to happen in the lives of Aries people. This AstroSage blog explains what the Aries natives should do during Shani Sade Sati. 

Aries Natives Need To Stay Vigilant 

The natives should stay careful with their finances during Sade Sati from March next year. Avoid extra spending and pay the right attention to saving money. They need to avoid arguments for positive outcomes in their lives. You don’t have to trust anyone during this period. It is also advised to stay careful regarding transactions to avoid losses. Other than that, they are advised to take care of their health. 

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What Is Shani’s Sade Sati?

As Shani transits in the second and twelfth house of any zodiac sign, it marks the start of Shani’s Sade Sati. The effects of Shani’s Sade Sati occur in three phases and each phase lasts for two and a half years. Thus, the entire period of Shani Sade Sati is completed in seven and a half years. The period of Shani Sade Sati will be very tough for the Aries natives. 

Saturn is the son of the Sun God and Yamuna Ji is the sister & Yamraj Ji is the brother. The calculation of Shani Sade Sati is done based on the Moon sign and the planet is blue in color. One of the best things about Saturn is that people get the blessings of the planet as per their good deeds. But, if they indulge in wrong deeds, they can face the wrath of Shani Dev. 

During Shani Sade Sati, the natives can face different obstacles and hindrances in their lives. Their work can remain incomplete even after hard work and there are fewer chances of achieving success. But, with the help of some astrological measures, the effects of Shani Sade Sati can be reduced significantly. 

Ways To Reduce The Effects Of Shani Sade Sati 

If you are encountering Shani Sade Sati right now, then you might be going through various troubles in life. Let us check some of the astrological measures to reduce the effects of Shani Sade Sati – 

  • On Saturday, worship Lord Shani or Shani Dev. 
  • On Saturday, recite Hanuman Chalisa to avail the top benefits. 
  • Wear an iron ring in the middle finger of your right hand. The ring should be developed with horseshoes. 
  • On Saturday, offer copper and Sesame Oil to Shani Dev. 
  • Please Shani Dev by feeding honey & sugar to black ants. 

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Q1. What is the effect of Shani’s Sade Sati?

Ans. The natives can face health issues or troubles due to Shani’s Sade Sati.

Q2. What measures to take to deal with Shani’s Sade Sati?

Ans. Offer Mustard Oil Shani Dev to get solutions for Shani’s Sade Sati. 

Q3. How to pacify Lord Shani?

Ans. The natives worship Shani Yantra to pacify the lord. 

Q4. What happens in the last phase of Shani’s Sade Sati?

Ans. There will be different struggles in people’s lives due to Shani’s Sade Sati. 

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