Shadbal: Planetary Forces And Their Effects

In Vedic astrology, the force of the planets is calculated from Shadbal. Shadbal is that part of astrology that assesses all the six types of powers of the planets. We will discuss all these six types of powers in detail through this special blog by AstroSage.

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But through this special blog on “Shadbal: Chapter 1” you will be able to know that, under the calculation of Shadbal, apart from Rahu and Ketu, the powers and the mobility of the other seven planets are ascertained. Under this, the planet which secures the highest marks is the strongest and that planet gives results in its Dasha and Antardasha. Whereas, if in any situation, the Shadbal is opposite, then the planet becomes weak and due to this, that planet is unable to give its results.

Forces Of The Planets 

In Shadbal, the six types of planet Forces are calculated. Let’s understand this in detail:

  1. Position Force (Sthan Bal): Location Force provides planetary power to the natives. This is the force that any planet receives when it comes in an auspicious position in the birth horoscope of a person. According to the rules in astrology, the planets get position force only when they are present in their own Mool Trikona, friendly sign, own sign, exalted sign, or planetary constellation.
  2. Great Force (Dig Bal): With great force, we mean force and power. Every planet somewhere stays in power. Like the sun and Mars get their strength only when they are in the 10th house. Whereas, when the moon and Venus are in their happy house then they get their strength. Apart from this, when Jupiter and Mercury are in the Ascendant position, then they get the Force. At the same time, when Saturn is in the 7th house, then it gets a great Force.
  3. Time Force (Kaal Bal): The force by which power is determined is called Time Force. According to astrology, the malefic planets are strong in the Krishna Paksha. Whereas the auspicious planets are strong in the Shulka Paksha. Apart from this, the Moon, Mars, and Saturn are strong at night time meaning they are born in the nighttime. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are strong in the daytime. Mercury is strong both day and night.
  4. Attempt Force (Chestha Bal): The force of the attempt is called the Dynamic Force. According to the rules, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn get the attempt Force only when they are in the retrograde state. On the other hand, Sun and Moon get the attempt force only when the Sun is in the Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, or Gemini that is in Uttarayana. 
  5. Natural Force (Naisargik Bal): This Force is a natural force. It is believed that in all the 9 planets, the Sun is the most powerful one and Saturn is the least strong. Apart from this, the rule says that the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn are the most or the least powerful depending on their order. 
  6. Vision Force (Drishti Bal): According to Astrology, the vision force is that force that increases due to the sight of the auspicious planets but decreases due to the sight of the Malefic/ inauspicious planets.

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What Are The Benefits Of Calculating Shadbal?

  • The occurrence of these events can be accurately predicted on the basis of Shadbal and it increases the persistence. The predictions made based on Shadbal are relatively less inaccurate.
  • When the strength of a planet is calculated, then it is easily decided to analyze a person’s horoscope, and how to make a base out of Ascendant, Moon, and Sun. As per the rule, for the outcome, the most powerful amongst the three planets should be used for the results.
  • The calculation to determine the Age is very easy using the Pindayu or Anshayu method. With the help of this method, the data which is in need can be ascertained easily.
  • Based on Antardasha and Mahadasha, it becomes easy to get the outcomes. Because those planets which are strong in Shadbal, they turn out to be fruitful in Dasha- Antardasha. However, the outcomes can be both auspicious and inauspicious. 

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Planetary Phases

  • Just as a person goes through different stages in life, which include, child, Teenager, young and old phases, in the same way, in astrology also there are child, Teenager, young and old phases of the planets. These planetary phases affect the Birth horoscope like the different phases of a person affects his life. 
  • The way a person is strong and full of strength in his Teenager or Young age. Similarly, the planets are strong and full of strength in their young phase.
  • According to astrology, if any planet is auspicious in the birth horoscope of a person, then it will be auspicious for the person and if the auspicious planet is weak then there will be no fruitful outcomes. That is why the auspicious planets need to be strong in the horoscope.
  • Various stages of human life are decided according to their age, whereas the phases of the planets are decided according to their parts. In astrology, all the planets are considered to have 30 parts.

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That’s all for today folks! In our next blog we will tell you about “Chapter 2: Shadbal: Planet Degrees & Their Phases” in detail and find out how many degrees are there in which phase of the planets. Thank you for connecting with up!



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