Saturn Sade Sati & Dhaiyya; Karmic Release For These 5 Zodiacs!

Saturn Transit In Pisces: AstroSage AI endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Saturn Transit In Pisces on the 29th March, 2025 at 22:07 hrs will also mark the start or the end of the two dreaded time periods namely sade sati and dhaiyya for a few zodiac signs. We will soon read who those zodiac signs are. Let’s find out which zodiac signs are these and what impacts it will have on them. Stay tuned to know if your zodiac sign is in trouble. The point to note here is that Saturn transit is taking place the same day as the first Solar Eclipse of the year 2025. So expect double the impacts. 

To Know More about Shani Sade Sati & Dhaiyya, Talk To The Best Astrologers!

Sade Sati by far seems to be one of the most dreaded words in astrology. Almost every astrologer has warned people of their incoming sade sati and have been heard narrating the negative impacts of a sade sati period to individuals with fear in their eyes. This instills an unknown fear in people who either do not understand astrology and the concept of sade sati or the ones who only have half baked knowledge. Therefore, we came up with this blog for our readers to have a proper understanding of what exactly is Sade Sati and dhaiyya. So, let’s find out what exactly this means and when does the sade sati and dhaiyya start or end?

Saturn Transit 2025: What Is Sade Sati?

Sade Sati is a time of usually unpleasant and sometimes happy occurrences that transform the lives of people who experience it. It can be referred to as a “wake up call” from the universe and is characterized by a sequence of physical, material, emotional, and psychological changes that either enhance or warp your perspective of the world, depending on how you interpret it and your previous karma. This will help you grow, steer you in the correct direction, pay back all of your bad deeds, and reap the rewards of your good deeds.

To just a few, it is typically seen to bring about significant delays, enemy obstacles, additional adversaries, and sicknesses. Sade Sati is regarded as a very challenging time and is feared by everyone because of the experiences that take place during this period.

Saturn Transit 2025: Sade Sati’s Start & End

Sade Sati is Saturn’s 7.5-year transit, which happens in three successions of 2.5-year periods each. The first phase takes place for the zodiac sign ahead of the sign Saturn is currently transiting in. The second phase starts for the moonsign that Saturn is transiting in and the third phase starts for the ones whose moonsign lies behind the sign Saturn is transiting in. 

Let us understand it simply. Suppose Saturn transit in Pisces, so the first phase of sade sati will start for the individuals belonging to the Aries Moonsign, the second phase will start for the natives with Pisces as their moonsign and the third phase will start for Aquarius moonsign. Sade sati ends the moment the third phase ends. For eg: The third phase of sade sati will end for Aquarius moonsign the moment Saturn enters the Aries zodiac sign. 

The first phase is generally spiked with physical problems and illnesses, the second phase is said to be the toughest where you may again have unpleasant experiences as Saturn teaches us important life lessons and frees us of any past-life karmic debts and the third phase is quite simple with few delays but bearable and we start to finally notice positive things happening to us. Sade sati most definitely always impacts those areas of your life that most need improvement or correction.

  • Depending on where Saturn is located in a person’s birth chart, the outcomes could be either beneficial or negative.
  • A positively placed Saturn will give positive results during Sade Sati but after a lot of effort and hard work.
  • Poor placement of Saturn in the natal chart results in conflict, problems in relationships and the workplace, punishment for wrongdoing, and a generally bad time for the individual.

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  • In your birth chart, Saturn can bring favorable outcomes like promotions, recognitions, pay increases, and other academic or professional accolades if it is a “yoga karaka” (a planet that bestows fame, respect, dignity, financial prosperity, political success, and repute).However, Saturn should not be combust, under malefic influence, retrograde or should not be placed in malefic or trik houses (6, 8 or 12).

Saturn Transit 2025: These Zodiac Signs Must Beware Of Sade Sati


Dear Aries natives, Saturn is the lord of the 10th and the 11th houses and will transit to the 12th house as Saturn transit in Pisces on 29th March, 2025 kickstarting your first phase of Sade sati. During this time you could have to deal with health issues such as chest infections, lung diseases, breathing problems, etc and may have to spend excessively on medical bills if in case your natal Saturn is in malefic influence or placed in a bad house(6,8, 12). 

Travelling abroad may bring in unnecessary delays or frustrations. As Saturn is the 10th house lord, going to the 12th, it is going 3rd from the 10th house, so unwanted transfers at work could frustrate you. The danger of losing your job or business may also haunt you. However, if other planetary placements in your individual horoscopes are not so bad then the situation may not be that bad. 


The Aquarius individuals are in the third and the last phase of their Sade Sati. Rejoice dear Aquarians, as bad days are now over and Saturn will now start to reward you for your patience and perseverance. Saturn will mend your relationship with your spouse as you both may come closer together. This is a time when you will for sure make good business deals and expand your business, if at all you are engaged in business. 

Your career will speedily grow and you will be able to make significant financial gains. This is a time to welcome all good things in life. If your natal Saturn is weak or under malefic influence, then the results may diminish. Also, do not forget to check the Dasha you’re running in. 


Pisces individuals will start the second phase of their Sade Sati and may have to go through some karmic lessons which you may be carrying from your past lives. Saturn rules the 11th and the 12th houses for Pisces natives and could be going through some major transitions in life in areas related to profession, finances or your relationships, especially with your elder brothers and sisters. 

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You may be facing disputes within the family as well depending upon the placement of your natal Saturn. Sade Sati in the 2nd phase is the peak of it and if in case your Saturn is in conjunction with Ketu or Jupiter or placed in their nakshatras,, then some important life lessons or karmic transitions are coming your way which may change your personality and your perspective in life altogether. 

Now let us move on to getting slightly familiar with ‘Shani Dhaiyya’. Again, a word negative enough to scare the hell out of people just at the mere mention of the word. Let’s understand what it is, how it impacts individuals and which zodiac signs will now be starting or ending their ‘Shani Dhaiyya’ as Saturn transits in Pisces

Saturn Transit 2025: What Is Shani Dhaiyya?

According to Vedic astrology, Shani Dhaiyya is a time frame of roughly two and a half years during which Saturn moves from the moon sign in a person’s horoscope to the fourth or eighth house. Considered unlucky, this time frame can lead to stress, health problems, and financial hardships. Saturn is known for being a strict, disciplinarian planet that teaches lessons through hardship and struggle. During Shani Dhaiyya, Saturn’s lessons often involve patience, hard work, and learning to face challenges with resilience.

Read Your Sade Sati Report For Better Understanding

Saturn Transit 2025: Impacts Of Shani Dhaiyya

Though it is very important to keep in mind that Shani Dhaiyya is not always negative, as it also provides opportunities for growth, teaches the importance of patience and discipline, along with a deeper understanding of life’s material and spiritual aspects. It is often seen as a time to learn perseverance and value hard work. It is a time when one should not expect things to come to them, rather strive to work harder and achieve things on their own. 

Shani Dhaiyya is also a period when you get repaid for all your past life karmas or the bad deeds your have committed in the past in this life as well. Shani Dhaiyya may impact all the areas of life mentioned below and make one come face to face with the harsh realities of life. This is a period of 2.5 years so it is shorter compared to the Shani Sade Sati. 

  • There may be health challenges or a sense of physical and mental fatigue.
  • Difficulty in managing finances, facing unexpected expenses, or a reduction in income.
  • Feelings of loneliness or being disconnected from others may arise.
  • This phase may lead to misunderstandings, particularly with family or close relations.

Saturn Transit 2025: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Impacted During Dhaiyya


For Leo natives, the Pisces zodiac sign falls in the 8th house. Therefore Saturn transit in Pisces marks the start of the 2.5 years Dhaiyya period for these individuals. Saturn becomes the 6th and the 7th house lord for Leos and will now transit to the 8th house. This period may be spiked with personal problems, court cases or delays and struggles in business and work for them. 

Your married life may go through a rough phase and arguments or fights between you and your spouse may disrupt the peace in the family. This period could also result in financial ups and downs and any cases going on for you may get delayed and may not finalise during the ‘Dhaiyya’. These results may change as per the natal Saturn’s strength and other factors such as aspects and conjunctions in individual charts. 

Read Here: Horoscope 2025


Sagittarius individuals will have Saturn transit in their 4th house and may face issues such as their mother’s health could be a cause of concern. She will need to be taken care of. Saturn becomes the 2nd and the 3rd house lord for these individuals and this time period of Dhaiyya may result in a job change or transfers for them after some struggles. This situation will just add to the frustration build up. You may not get that promotion you were expecting but a salary hike may make up for the loss. 

This will also be a period when you may find yourself at loggerheads with your boss or the higher authorities as Saturn aspects the 10th house of career and this could brew trouble for you. Keep your emotions under control and focus on your work and other important areas of life and refrain from getting into unnecessary fights or arguments. However, if you continue working hard against all odds, you will be rewarded in the end. 

Saturn Transit 2025: Impactful Remedies

  • Doing acts of charity, especially helping the poor or elderly, can help reduce the negative effects.
  • Regular prayers or rituals dedicated to Lord Shani can help pacify the planet’s effects.
  • Depending on the astrological guidance, wearing a blue sapphire can sometimes help balance the effects of Saturn.
  • Chanting specific mantras, like the “Shani Gayatri Mantra,” can help reduce its influence.
  • Wear a 14 mukhi rudraksha after consulting a learned astrologer.
  • Avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol
  • Hang a horse shoe at the entrance of your house or at your workplace.
  • Feed the needy and donate urad dal or black sesame seeds. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does a Sade Sati last?

Sade Sati lasts for a period of 7.5 years in three phases.

2. Which planet is responsible for the onset or offset of Sade Sati or Dhaiyya?

Saturn, as it is a Karmic planet.

3. How long does a Dhaiyya last?

2.5 years.
