Saturn Direct in Capricorn : How Will the 12 Zodiac Signs Be Affected?

On the 11th of October, the planet Saturn will start moving in a direct motion and change it’s retrograde motion. The direct motion of planets refers to the simple act of a particular planet coming back to it’s regular or straight motion after moving in a retrograde motion for a certain time. In such a situation, Saturn will go direct on the 11th of October, which was retrograde all this while. 

In the world of astrology, a change in the motion or position of planets is considered to be extremely important. Due to this, there is definitely some change or change in the life of the person. So let us know that the path of Saturn in Capricorn will bring about big and important changes in the lives of all the twelve zodiac signs.

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Saturn Direct in Capricorn

The planet Saturn will be transiting in Capricorn on 11 October 2021 at 3:44 AM in the morning and will remain in this position until 29 April 2022, when it finally moves to enter Aquarius.

Planet Saturn & Direct in Astrology : Significance 

In the realm of astrology, there is a special mention of the role of planet Saturn.The planet Saturn is considered to be the benefactor of age, misery, pain, technology, science, prison, employees, servants, etc. Additionally, it has lordship over two zodiac signs, namely Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn remains exalted in Libra and Aries is considered to be its debilitated sign.

Of all the nine planets or the Navagrahas, Saturn is one such planet whose very name creates fear amongst the minds of natives. It is widely conjectured that Saturn will have a negative effect on their life. Saturn is a malefic planet for sure, but it offers fruits according to one’s actions or Karma. 

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Saturn Transit & Saturn Direct

Transit refers to the process of various planets changing zodiac signs. Among all the Navagrahas, Saturn is the one which takes the longest to transit from one zodiac sign to another. It stays in a zodiac for about two and a half years i.e. 31 months and then it moves to the next zodiac sign. Apart from this, it often becomes retrograde or direct without even changing the zodiac sign. This is exactly the case with this planetary movement when Saturn is becoming direct in Saturn, which was retrograde earlier. 

Symptoms & Remedies of a Malefic Planets

  • Sudden damage of house walls or the entire house.
  • The occurrence of a sudden fire in a house or shop.
  • Loss of money or property.
  • Getting imprisoned with regards to legal and criminal cases.
  • Addiction to gambling, betting, and alcohol.

Remedies to Strengthen Saturn in Kundli

  • Worship Lord Hanuman to escape the malefic effects of retrograde Saturn. 
  • Read or recite the Hanuman Chalisa daily.
  • Feed roti to a black dog and if you can pet them, it can prove to be more auspicious.
  • Offer food to fishes.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol, meat, fish, eggs, etc.
  • Serve laborers, fishes and buffaloes.

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Saturn Direct Predictions For All Zodiac Signs


With Saturn turning direct in the tenth house for Aries natives, this period will bring some relaxation to your……Read More


For Taurus natives, Saturn is a yoga karaka planet as it rules over the ninth and tenth houses of Taurus natives and…..Read More


For Gemini natives, Saturn will be in their eighth house of inheritance, depths and secrecy during this motion. Saturn Direct here will bring some…….Read More


For Cancer natives, Saturn will stay in their seventh house while turning direct. Since Saturn will have a direct impact on your……Read More


For Leo natives, Saturn will be in their sixth house of diseases, competition and enemies during this planetary motion. You will be dynamic in……Read More


For Virgo natives, Saturn will turn direct in their fifth house of love, education and progeny. Those who have been into family…….Read More


For Libra natives, Saturn rules over two important houses for Libra natives i.e. the fourth house of happiness and the fifth house of……Read More


For Scorpio natives, Saturn will be in the third house of strength, siblings and efforts. Your relationship with your juniors as well as……Read More


For Sagittarius natives, Saturn will be in their second house of family, wealth and speech. The direct motion of Saturn will be a big relief for the…….Read More


For Capricorn natives, Saturn will get direct in your zodiac sign which will be a great sigh of relief amidst your Sade Sati. Your pressure and stress will……..Read More


For Aquarius natives, the planet Saturn in direct motion will be in their twelfth house. Those who had dreams of moving overseas will have to…..Read More


For Pisces natives, Saturn will become direct in your eleventh house of income and gains. Your earnings will enhance and you will be able to earn from….Read More

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