New Year 2020 brings a new wave of happiness, prosperity and positivity in the lives of natives. A bucket list is prepared by people, in which goals and achievements are penned down to fulfil respectively. India’s most loved performer and Bollywood star Salman Khan too must have expected some great records and objectives from the New Year 2020 as well. Below we have evaluated his kundli or birth chart using the most exceptional system of Vedic Astrology, and chalked out some points that shed light on his current as well as upcoming situations in life based on planetary positions and dashas. Read ahead and know more.
Undergoing Shani Sade Sati or Mahadasha? Shani Report Reveals It All!
Salman Khan Kundli Analysis
Salman Khan
(27-12-1965; 14:30; Indore)
The most loved Bollywood actor Salman Khan is going through Shani Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha during the year 2020, which is also his Dasha Chidra. Also, the upcoming planetary dasha will be of Mercury. Saturn is the lord of the tenth and the eleventh house in his kundli and gets posited with the Moon in the eleventh house, and Jupiter, being the ruler of the ninth and twelfth house, is posited in the third house. From the third house, it is aspecting the tenth house lord Saturn and fourth house lord Moon placed in the eleventh house, thus creating a highly beneficial Raj Yoga.
Thus, we can say that his situations will remain highly favourable this year and his films will earn good money at the box office. 2020 will incur good outcomes for him, however, one thing to note is that one or the other decision of his may harm him in any way, which is why he is required to remain careful. His Shani Sade Sati is beginning from January 24, which will impact his natal Venus and Mars, hereby leading to mental stress and high expenses. In such a case, he will be required to think well before speaking, spending money or doing anything against the law.