Shukraditya & 4 Other Rajyogas In June Will Shine Luck Of 3 Zodiacs

As per Vedic astrology, the month of June 2024 is going to be very special as many big planets are going to transit in this period. Such planetary movements are going to develop vital Rajyogas. Let us inform the readers that at the start of the month, i.e. 01 June 2024, the Sun will transit into the Aries zodiac sign. Mercury is also present in the Aries sign. After that, on 03 June 2024, Devguru Jupiter will transit in the Aries zodiac at 03:21 am. The planets Venus and Sun will be already present in the Taurus zodiac. This results in the formation of yogas like Shukraditya Yoga, Guru Aditya Yoga, and Gajalakshmi Yoga. 

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Other than that, on 15 June 2024, the Sun changes its zodiac sign and transits into Gemini zodiac at 12:16 am. Also, on 14 June 2024, Mercury, the planet responsible for intelligence, speech, business, skin, and money, will transit into the Gemini sign at 10:55 pm. This results in the creation of Budhaditya Yoga. At the same time, on 12 June 2024, Venus will transit into the Gemini zodiac at 06:18 pm. This results in the creation of Shukraditya, Lakshmi Narayan Yoga, and Trigrahi Yoga. Along with it, Ketu will be positioned in the Virgo zodiac and Rahu will stay in the Pisces sign. This results in the creation of auspicious yogas and it will provide great results to some lucky zodiac signs. So, let us move ahead and learn about zodiac signs whose natives will benefit from the creation of different Rajyogas. 

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These Auspicious Yogas Are Formed 

In the month of June 2024, the transit of Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Sun forms Budhaditya Yoga, Trigrahi Yoga, Shukraditya, Guru Aditya, and Lakshmi Narayan Yoga. Let us know about the formation of these yogas. 

Budhaditya Yoga

As per Vedic astrology, when the Sun and Mercury come together in the horoscope, it results in the formation of Budhaditya Yoga. This is considered one of the auspicious yogas. 

Trigrahi Yoga 

In Vedic astrology, when two or three planets are present in the same zodiac sign, this results in the formation of Trigrahi Yoga. 

Shukraditya Yoga 

The combination of Sun and Venus results in the formation of Shukraditya Yoga. The formation of this yoga results in major changes in the career. Also, the natives can get relief from money-related troubles. 

Guru Aditya Yoga 

As per Vedic astrology, the presence of Aditya, i.e. Sun along with Dev Guru Jupiter results in the formation of Guru Aditya Yoga. Sun is referred to as the king of Navgrahas and it represents the soul, ego, self-confidence, father, and authority. The planet Jupiter represents wealth, happiness, and knowledge. 

Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga 

Mercury and Venus, the planets responsible for speech, skin, wealth, etc. are present together in any zodiac sign, that is they are in conjunction with each other, resulting in the formation of Lakshmi Narayan Yoga. 

Let us now check the zodiac signs that will get the auspicious results of such yogas. 

Three Zodiac Signs Benefiting Hugely From Auspicious Yogas In June 


The formation of auspicious yogas is a blessing for auspicious yogas for the Taurus natives. They will be able to increase the comforts & amenities in their lives through investment. This will make the natives very happy. There are chances to travel a lot for work. Other than that, you can spend money on your mother’s happiness. In the careers of people, there will be a lot of stability. The seniors will appreciate their work. There will be good opportunities in jobs with behavior and performance. 

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Talking about the business of Taurus natives, the use of technology strengthens the position of natives in the market. There are chances of getting new orders in the business and thus can earn profits. In the case of the financial lives of Taurus natives, they can earn good money. Thus natives will get happiness and satisfaction in their lives. People living abroad will have love on their side to earn money. Also, they will be able to save money. Talking about the health of natives, they will feel absolutely fit during this period and thus need to pay maximum attention to their health. 


The Yoga formed in the month of June 2024 will prove a very auspicious career for the Gemini natives. This will bring prosperity to the lives of people. Thus, the natives will get a lot of benefits in their jobs. The business persons will get prosperity in their work. They will also succeed in making new friends and this will support the natives for a long period. For the employed people, the work they get in this period assists them to reach the top position. They will get excellent results for their hard work in the workplace. There are possibilities of promotions and salary rises in this period. This will help them move forward in their careers. The parents will be very happy after seeing their progress. 

People having their own business can reach the top during this period and thus can earn good profits. They can enter into new business abroad on their performance and can earn higher profits. In the case of financial life, they can earn life without any hassle and thus can save money also. Also, they can earn money through trading and betting. There will be love and harmony in the relationship. In this position, they will be able to set high values in the relationship. Both will have friendly relations with each other. 


Different auspicious yogas formed in the month of June 2024 results in investments in property that will provide natives success. Business persons will enjoy success in this period. In terms of career, the period will be successful for the employed Capricorn natives. Also, they will get auspicious outcomes in whatever they do. There are chances of promotions and salary hikes in this period. They will get the fruits of their hard work. There are also chances of foreign trips in this period and they can travel on trips in connection with their work. This will provide positive results in the lives of people. 

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The business persons can earn good profits due to the yogas. For persons doing business in a partnership, it will be the best time to get the full support of their business partner. This will bring respect and progress to businesses. They will be able to earn good money through betting in this period. However, there will be a rise in income from unexpected sources. The natives can save a lot of money during this period. They can maintain a cordial relationship with their partner and it can grow stronger with time. In such a situation, there will be freshness and happiness in the relationship. 


Q1. What is the time of Mars transit?

Ans. Mars transit in the Aries sign on 01 June 2024, at 03:27 pm. 

Q2. Is Mercury transit happening in June?

Ans. Yes, in June 2024 Mercury transits into Gemini and Cancer sign. 

Q3. Which yogas are formed in June?

Ans. The 5 yogas formed in June are – Trigrahi Yoga, Budhaditya Yoga, Shukraditya Yoga, Guru Aditya Yoga, and Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga.

Q5. How long does Mars stay in one zodiac sign?

Ans. Mars changes its zodiac sign after one and a half months.

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