Numerology Weekly Horoscope For November 26 To December 2, 2023

How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)?

You get your Root Number when you convert the date you were born during any month into one unit number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your Root Number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your Weekly Numerology Horoscope by knowing your Root Number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope Using Your Birth Date (26 to 2 December  2023)

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives because the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s Root Number is the addition of his/her birth date, and it comes under the administration of various planets.

The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets, and the numbers administered by them play a major role.

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Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)

Natives born in this number may be more determined and systematic to achieve things in their life and stay committed to the same. They may be more principled in nature and carry forward this quality in achieving many things. They may be faster in their actions and deliver the same. These natives may be more particular and always target punctuality. Further, these natives may be more committed towards sticking to commitment and be consistent in achieving tasks at a faster rate.

Romantic Relation- Sincerity towards your life partner will be present in you and due to this, you may be able to earn the goodwill of your life partner. There will be more romance in your heart for your beloved which will enhance your understanding with your life partner. Also, there will be good values along with strong bonding. Your attachment towards your life partner may be more this week and due to this, you may be able to show more maturity in understanding your life partner. 

Education- The scenario with respect to studies will be bright during this week as you will be able to get on top of your efforts as you will work hard to achieve your goals. Scoring high marks and competing with your fellow students could be possible this week. You will be showing proficiency in subjects like management, business statistics etc. More professionalism may be possible within you and you may be able to show this in the form of dynamic performance in your studies.

Professional- You may experience a smooth atmosphere with respect to work. Also, you might get new job openings that will fill up your satisfaction. You might move ahead of your colleagues. New business outlets could be possible for you if you are into business and thereby realizing profits on good amounts is possible. You may also get the required chances to venture into multi level business during this week and such business may give you good profits.

Health- Physical fitness will be good for you during this week and this may be possible due to energy levels and enthusiasm present in you. It will be better for you to go for Yoga to maintain more energy. Pursuing meditation and Yoga may also be fine for you during this week.

Remedy- Do Homa for planet Sun on Sunday.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be possessing more emotional and sensitive nature. Such things may make these natives prone to confusion and due to this, they might not be able to make suitable decisions which may suit their interests. Due to their emotional nature, these natives may be losing many good chances which may promote their life. Long distance traveling may be one of the specific interests of these natives.

Romantic Relation- You may express your unhappiness with your life partner this week and this might act as a constraint to mend better ways in relationship. Such situations might not help you to build good happiness. To avoid such situations, it will be essential for you to adjust with your life partner to establish human values. Further, you may not be able to show your spirited love to your life partner and this may be due to egoism present within you which you may need to avoid.

Education- This week, you will need to put extra efforts in studies to score high marks and it is essential for you to show professionalism in your work and studies. Otherwise, you may be left with concentration lapses that you will be facing and this may have an adverse impact on your performance. Focus is the keyword that you need to have in mind and execute the same with much passion. This focus must come for you along with more concentration required in order to score marks. 

Professional- Challenges are possible for you this week with respect to work and due to this, you might fail to complete the work on time. You might face some unpleasant moments with your superiors. So, it is essential for you to commit yourself and do the work carrying out a schedule. Further you might be facing problems from your superiors also during this week.

Health- You might succumb to cough and colds this week and this could be possible due to infections that will be present. Lack of immunity could be the reason for lack of fitness. It will be essential for you to build up the same. It will also be fine for you to do meditation and Yoga which may raise your standard of living along with good health.

Remedy-Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 21 times. 

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Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are more broad minded in nature and carry forward this. They may be possessing more straight forward character, but will be having ego in them. More travel might be possible for these natives and such travel could bring more benefits for them. These natives will be working out to enhance their communication and give more scope for the same. These natives will be more keen on learning more new languages.

Romantic Relation- You will be able to show more love feelings towards your life partner and due to this, good bonding will form. You will give importance to the feelings of your partner and this will help a lot in building a fine relationship. This week will appear as if both you and your life partner are made for each other. You may also witness auspicious occasions in your family with your life partner. Occasions that you may be able to rejoice with your life partner will add more joyous moments with your life partner.

Education- As a student you will be able to set some fine standards with respect to studies. Studies such as business statistics, logistics and economics will guide you to score well if you are pursuing these subjects. You will be developing a flair for what you are doing with respect to studies. This week may also be highly useful for you to appear for competitive exams. You will be able to score well in the competitive exams that you are appearing in. 

Professional- Exciting new job chances will be possible with respect to your caliber during this week. Due to committed hard work, you will be able to secure promotion and this will boost your prospects to do better. If you are into business, you might be able to realize quick profits and also compete with your competitors.

Health- There may be a lot of enthusiasm left in you and this will get reflected in your stable health. Reason for your success is that you might be positive during this week which may reflect in your physical fitness.

Remedy- Chant “Om Brihaspataye Namah” daily 21 times.

Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more intelligent and stick to obsession tendencies which could bring them some troubles. Intelligence on the part of these natives may guide them to secure initiatives and achieve goals that they easily possess. These natives will be enhancing their prosperity by proper planning and implementation and carry these things in future.

Romantic Relation– During this week, you may feel more love towards your life partner and such feelings will be like once in a blue moon for you two. You will understand your life partner well at this time. Your life partner will be standing by you and may be in a situation to share all the happiness and sorrows, which will strengthen your bond.  Such bonding may in turn guide you to enhance your sweetness in relationship with your life partner.

Education– You may show professionalism in your studies and get on top of it. Studies such as Visual Communication and Software Engineering may benefit you. You will be in a position to show unique skills to enhance yourself further with respect to studies. You will be in a situation to show more professionalism in studies and create a lasting impression for yourself.

Professional– These natives might get new job chances that will delight you. In addition to this, there will be satisfaction as there are chances of getting a promotion at your current job. Such openings may be fruitful for you. You might highlight your unique skills to superiors and for this, you will get a good recognition. If you are in business, you may be flooded with new business chances and such dealings might fetch you with high profits. You may also get support from your business partners.

Health– Your physical fitness will be good this week. Due to sheer enjoyment and good things happening around you, you will maintain enthusiasm and energy. Also, adopting a diet pattern may enable you to ensure consistency in fitness. 

Remedy-  Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 22 times.

Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be finding more logic with the moves that they are pursuing during this week. They may be more keen towards gaining via speculation and benefit from the same. These natives may be keen on going for long distance travel. Some obsession tendencies may also be possible for them.

Romantic Relation– Developing goodwill with your life partner may be your agenda this week. Due to this, mutual bonding will increase and pave the way for happiness in your love life. You may also be in a position to show more interest in solving issues in the family. You will be intelligent enough to convince your life partner during this week and be smart enough to make her happy.

Education– You may be able to develop soft skills with respect to studies. This week you may be in a position to score high marks in competitive exams and show your potential. Specializing in courses like Marketing and Logistics will guide you to score well in these courses too. Further, you may be in a position to add up special skills under your forte so that you may be in a position to add up special skills which may guide you to show more success.

Professional– This week may give you promising results with respect to your job which will help you get good feedback for your performance. If you are in business, you might secure some outsourcing business which may enhance your business performance. Further, you may make yourself ready in implementing new strategies with respect to your business.

Health– Health during this week will be smooth for you. You will not face major health problems. However, the chances of digestion related problems due to not taking your meals on time will be there. Therefore, you need to eat food on time to keep yourself balanced.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times. 

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally of more lovable nature during this week. They may be more passionate about travel and such travel they wish may be for going for long distance ones. These natives may be possessing high spirits within them and convert them into results. They may be more obsessed with increasing their comfort during this week. 

Romantic Relation- Developing a better sense of humor with your life partner could be the highlight of your week. By doing this, you will be in a good mood and develop bonding. You will be adopting a practical approach with your life partner, with the help of which you will be able to develop good values in the family. 

Education- You may be praised for your skills with respect to studies by your teachers and examiners. Due to the praise, you may be able to put in more effort and score high marks. You will be able to do well in studies like communication engineering, software testing etc.

Professional– During this week, you might travel abroad with respect to your career and such memorable chances will be rewarding for you. You may even get a chance to stay abroad and such a stay may add golden moments. If you are doing business, you will be able to get good chances to gain new dealings which might benefit you.

Health– Fitness on your part may be good this week. You may possess determination and will power to emerge further stronger. Sheer enthusiasm combined with confidence may keep you in fine health. You may emerge strong during this week and this may come out of positivity which will be at bay.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Bhargavaya Namah” daily 33 times.

Root Number 7  

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Natives born in this number will be moving more towards spiritual pursuits. These natives may also be engaged in travel related to these spiritual pursuits and such travel may confer them with more benefits. Also, these natives may be possessing all round skills within them and try to explore the same beyond reach.  Further, these natives may be possessing all round skills within them and try to explore the same.

Romantic Relation- Less charm could be there in love with your lover, and as a result, happiness may decrease. Furthermore, there could be a lack of understanding with your partner. You might face some issues in the family which could lead to botheration in maintaining a good relationship with your partner. You might become more detached with your life partner and resort to spiritual tendencies.

Education- You could face lapses of concentration in studies and due to this, there might be a backlog in your performance. You may be taking professional studies like law and management during this week. But, you may not be in a position to specialize in these studies and give good efforts due to deviation.

Professional–  There could be more job pressure for these natives during this course of time. You might not be able to gain required recognition for the hard work that is being put in. Your superiors might not value your work during this week and this could cause you botheration. If in business, then facing last minute challenges from competitors is possible.

Health– Physical fitness might lack charm this week. You might succumb to digestion problems which may be possible due to lack of a balanced diet and not consuming food on time. You may be prone to pain in legs and back pain etc.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” daily 41 times.

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Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Natives born and belonging to this number may stick to more commitment and could always be particular about the same during this week. These natives may be searching for new career chances which may be providing them with satisfaction and also fulfill their wishes. Also, these natives might be more particular about their long term development in their life. 

Romantic Relation– Lack of love could be present with your life partner and this could arise due to issues in family and lack of proper understanding. You might witness lack of mutual bonding and this could have an impact on the relationship with your life partner. Due to this, some good adjustment might be required on your part to hang on.

Education– If you are pursuing studies like Engineering and Aeronautics, then you might face some drop out with respect to performance and executing your skills with respect to those studies. Further, it may be essential for you to assess yourself to get on top and to show your performance.

Professional– You might face some troubles from colleagues’ and superiors with respect to work and due to this, you might be losing valuable chances to show your skills. If you are in business, then there may be a lackluster performance that you could witness in business turnover and it might not be of an expected margin.

Health– During this week, you may experience pain in your legs and back due to stress. It will be essential for you not to strain yourself. Doing meditation/Yoga will help you to stay healthy. 

Remedy- Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 11 times.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be keen on enhancing their development and continue to work for the same. They may be more particular in investing themselves in buying property and enhancing their assets. These natives may be longing for a good relationship with their siblings and going in for the same. They will be more interested in taking care of their physical fitness during this week.

Romantic Relation- Ego issues are possible in a relationship with your life partner and due to this love might be missing. Due to this, you might not be able to maintain good understanding with your partner and develop mutual rapport.

Education- During this week, you may not be able to show intelligence in studies and develop further. You could forget what you have learnt. You might be pursuing a domain of studies like Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering. But, you might face a lack of progress in studies with respect to the above domains.

Professional– There could be chances that you commit errors during this week with respect to your work and due to work pressure. You may need to plan for the same to maintain consistency. Business might turn out to be low due to lack of planning and professionalism.

Health- This week you may be having a severe headache due to a strain that you may be developing. It may be essential for you to do meditation/Yoga to maintain fitness.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Mangalaya Namaha” daily 27 times.

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