Numerology Weekly Horoscope From 7 April To 13 April, 2024

How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)? 

Numerology plays a vital role in your life. The date on which you are born during any month and after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 10th of a month, your root number would be 1+0 i.e 1. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope With Your Birth Date: 07 April 2024 to 13 April 2024

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be an addition of his or her birth date and it comes under the administration of various planets.

The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role. 

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Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more determined and generally they are task and aim oriented. These people work commonly on principles. They adhere to strict procedures and carry the same effectively. Good traits present with people belonging to this number are efficiency, administrative powers, and supremacy. Furthermore, they are persons who wish to execute the tasks on time and with more administrative skills. These people carry on these administrative skills under their own capacity and try to hang on to this.

Romantic Relation- You might face disputes with your life partner during this week and such things may arise due to lack of proper understanding on your part. You need to act with maturity to make your relationship work. This will help you survive difficult situations with your partner during this week.

Education- During this week, you may be losing good chances when it comes to studies and everything may be going out of control and due to this, you may not be in a position to gain anything big and meet with scoring higher marks in exams. You may need to be more professional in your approach and prove your efficiency with respect to studies and then only it may be possible.

Professional- During this week, you may not be able to benefit much from work as you may be carried on with high work pressure and this may be possible due to loss of confidence that is present in you. You may need to be more confident with what you are doing and this may be required on your part. If you are doing business, then it may be essential for you to be more careful because there may be a lack of manpower that may be present in the form of absence of support from business partners. 

Health- You may need to maintain some awareness with respect to your health during this week, and there may be chances for you to be prone to Sunburns which may easily arise due to lack of immunity. Lack of immunity may force you to low health and also you may be prone to more worries which you may need to avoid.

Remedy- Worship Lord Sun and Chant Aditya Hridayam daily.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month)

Natives belonging to this sign are passionate with respect to travel and pursue this as a goal. They may be thinking often and due to this, they could be spoiling their health which might act as a constraint for them. Furthermore, these people might not be able to take major decisions at a single stroke and due to this, they might get struck often in advancing further. Also, these people may be sometimes impulsive in their moves which may be an impediment for them to advance further.

Romantic Relation- Love will cloud your mind and due to this you will have a fair trial with your life partner in maintaining a good relationship. You will be able to maintain good communication with your beloved. You may go on a casual outing with your life partner during this week. Also, you and your life partner may be able to witness auspicious occasions in your family.

Education- During this week, you may be able to set good standards for yourself with respect to studies. You will get good outcomes in subjects associated with Logistics, Business Statistics and Economics. This week, you will be sure of what you are doing in academics. Appearing for competitive exams will be an easy ride for you this week. Also, you may be able to compete with fellow students and score very well this week.

Professional- You will get very good job chances that will be satisfactory. Due to your commitment with respect to your work, you may be in a position to prove your caliber and earn recognition in your career. Also, chances for promotion are possible for you due to your hard work. If you are in business then you may be in a position to secure a good amount of profits and new business contacts. This week if you are in business then outsourcing business may be profitable for you.

Health- You will be more cheerful and maintain good health during this week.  You will feel enthusiastic, motivated and determined. Due to this there may be a high level of courage that may guide you.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 21 times.

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month)

People born under this number are advanced thinkers in their approach and due to this, they may be adopting an professional approach for their life and due to their approach they may be going great guns in their life. They may possess an interest in learning various languages under their belt and this may be their passion. More interest in prayers and spirituality may be an added thing under their belt and this may guide them vastly in their life.

Romantic Relation- You will be in a romantic mood this week with your life partner. There will be better bonding in your relationship. You may have visitors in your house during this week due to auspicious occasions. This could lead to a busy schedule and you will fail to spend more time with your spouse. Also, good understanding may develop with your spouse due to a flexible approach.

Education- You will be able to witness favorable results with respect to studies this week. Studies such as Management, Business Statistics will be positive for you. You may be in a position to create success stories with respect to Logistics, Management etc. You will possess some extraordinary skills in moving ahead with your studies. This week you may get the opportunity of attending a workshop with respect to your studies.

Professional- You will be in a deserving form this week with respect to your job. Gaining new projects and getting recognition in the same will be possible for you. There will be new job opportunities for you this week and such chances will give you satisfaction. If you are in business then you will secure hot deals and such deals will be profitable. There may be enough scope for you to get a promotion also.

Health- You will possess a high level of enthusiasm this week and this will be possible due to your in-built courage. This courage and enthusiasm will guide you to maintain good health. There may be good immunity within you this week and due to this health may be in fine condition.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Jupiter on Thursday.

Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month)

Natives belonging to this number have more specialized skills with respect to Graphics, Design and explore themselves. Furthermore, natives belonging to this number may be having more luck generally. They may be more interested in long distance travel. These people may be more obsessed with carrying passion in their minds and with such passion these people may proceed ahead to develop further and progress. 

Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to add charm to your love and romance. Due to this, more bonding will develop with your partner and you may be in a position to understand your partner very well. You will be able to settle good scores and maintain unity with your beloved. Your partner may be pleased with the unique approach that you will be able to portray in maintaining happiness in a relationship. This week you may be going in for travel for casual purposes with your life partner.

Education- You may be able to specialize in professional studies like Graphics, Web Development etc. There may be unique stuff that you may be in a position to develop within you and thereby you may be extraordinary in achieving things. You may get chances to travel abroad with respect to studies which may shape your life.

Professional-  This week you may be busy with your work and you may be able to complete ahead of schedule much earlier. You may also get more new job chances that may delight you. If you are in business, this week you may be able to start further new ventures and thereby you may get prepared for specializing in a particular line of business. During this week, you may also be getting new specialized projects which may enhance progress of yours.

Health- Consciousness with respect to your health may be high during this week. You may be fully fit due to energy levels that may add more charm to you. Sometimes there may be chances for skin problems which may be possible due to allergies that may come. It may be essential for you to avoid consuming oily items.

Remedy-  Recite “Om Rahave Namaha” daily 22 times.

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Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more skilled and logical in their approach. They may act as good applicants for their professionalism and carry on the same further. Amazing marketing skills may be an added quality that you may possess and with these skills, you will be able to create a brand and set good standards for yourself. These are the common traits present in you.

Romantic Relation- Lovable feelings may be possible for you with your life partner and this may be due to attachment that you will be showing to your partner. Understanding the feelings and sentiments of your partner may guide you to maintain uniqueness in a relationship.

Education- You may be able to score top marks with respect to studies that you are choosing during this course of time. Whatever be the study area, success will be coming to you. Possessing multiple skills in studies may be possible for you and due to this, you may be able to carve a niche for yourself.

Professional- Time for you with respect to your work will be in your favor during this week and thereby you will be in a position to win laurels from your superiors which in turn may be possible for you due  to your dedication that you may be showing in work. If you are in business, then you may be able to show more professionalism and confine yourself to business standards and gain good profits.

Health- You may be in a position to maintain good health during this week. This may be due to the fact that you may be left with more valuable satisfaction and energy left within you. By doing yoga/meditation also, you will stick to robust health.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily 41 times. 

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more supportive in their approach and also casual. They may be possessing more self humor under their belt. Long distance traveling and an energetic mindset may be present and inborn in these natives. Furthermore, these people may not carry much sorrow in their mind and may always be shouldering much peace.

Romantic Relation- Some mixed results may be possible for you in a relationship as there may be lack of adjustment with your life partner. You may be showing more love towards your partner, but you might not receive the same reciprocation from them. This may strain the uniqueness in the relationship.

Education- Even when you are studying very hard, it’s possible that your efforts are not yielding the intended results. While you might be able to enjoy your studies and have fun discussing them with friends, you might also feel that you lack the necessary skills to achieve a high success rate in your studies.

Professional- You may secure moderate success with respect to your job during this week despite the efforts that you are putting in. If you are in business, then you may need to meet with the situation of profit/loss during this course of time.

Health- During this week, there may not be major health problems for you, except you may be prone to some food allergies. Due to such allergies, you may be developing irritations with respect to skin. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Shukraya Namaha” daily 33 times.

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Root Number 7  

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more involved in prayers and meditation. They might be having a more spiritual mindset and carry the same in their life. They may think that pursuing the same may promote their standard of living and thereby enhance their development. These people may embark on their all round skills and utilize the above skills to develop further.

Romantic Relation- You may also lose your valuable relationship with your life partner due to less understanding. In addition, you might even lose your coolness which could be a backdrop for you in maintaining smoothness with your partner. To maintain good happiness, you may need to adjust a lot and make this relationship with your life partner a most cherished and valuable one.

Education- Studies may appear to be moderate for you during this course of time as you might be losing concentration and may not be able to focus on the same. Your retention power with respect to studies might not be to the mark during this course of time. You may also be losing interest in giving high performance with respect to your studies.

Professional- You may be committing errors with respect to your job and this may pull down your success ratio that you may be able to show. So to avoid this, you need to focus more on work and make it move forward. If you are in business, then you may eventually meet with more loss due to pressure and change of business strategies from your competitors.

Health- You may need to pay more attention towards your health during this time as you may be prone to some severe digestion related problems. Also, you may need to avoid consuming more oily and fatty foods in order to maintain health 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” daily 41 times.

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Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be having a career conscious nature generally. They will keep on trying with respect to work and try to excel from the same. Also, they may be traveling more in their lifetime. They always try very hard to get things done in their favor. They will be subjected to intense pressure from their superiors and colleagues during this week. Patience and perseverance approach may guide you to maintain success.

Romantic Relation- During this week, you may be failing to meet the expectations of your life partner and due to this, your closeness may not be possible and there may be a gap in relationship with your life partner. Due to lack of mutual understanding with your life partner, happiness will be a question mark and will be missing as a whole. 

Education- You may be far behind standards with respect to studies in which you may fail to deliver the expected output or fail to score the marks. This may cause further problems for you to reach the targets with your studies. You may be missing a big edge over studies and this may lessen your control by showing top performance with respect to your studies.

Professional- If you are in work, you may get struck up with committing errors which are required to be taken care of or avoided by you and so that you don’t go below standards. You may need to be careful in dealing with your superiors while communicating and this area needs more attention as it is a question of cordial relationship which must be required for you to maintain with your superiors.

Health- You may be left behind with moderate energy which may come as a backdrop during this week. Such things may put you back in less health. So, there is a need for you to work on the stability factor with respect to your health.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 11 times.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally bound to commitment and prove to be courageous in nature. They are bold and try to achieve bigger tasks with much ease. They shine well in government and defense sectors. Achieving and reigning on the same is said to be a major task for these natives. Natives born under this number will be more determined to achieve higher tasks with more professionalism. They may be having more travel during this week which may be more beneficial. 

Romantic Relation- You may be able to maintain a good understanding and relationship with your life partner on friendly grounds. There will be a give and take policy which will be adopted by you and this may guide you to hold some sparkling interest with your life partner. Your straight forward approach in a relationship with your partner may enhance the bondedness.

Education-  When it comes to education, you will be able to accommodate yourself to more professionalism in studies and get on top. This may be possible due to sparkling interest that you may be able to derive with respect to your studies and you may think that if good interest is possible then only you may be able to deliver your performance with respect to studies.

Professional- You will scale heights in your work during this week with much dedication and sincerity. Due to your sincere attitude, you will be rewarded by your superiors and win their applause. If you are in business and more involved in the same, you may be able to amass more profits and pose a threat to your competitors as well.

Health- This week you will be able to stick to good health due to enthusiasm and dynamic energy that you will be possessing. Sheer courage and brave skills during this week may guide you to maintain ultimate health. You may be prone to sunburns which may arise due to lack of immunity.  

Remedy-  Chant “Om Mangalaya Namaha” daily 27 times.

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