How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)?
Numerology plays a vital role in your life. The date on which you are born during any month and after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 10th of a month, your root number would be 1+0 i.e 1. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.
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Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be an addition of his or her birth date and it comes under the administration of various planets.
The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role.
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Root Number 1
(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)
Natives born in this number are generally more professional in their moves and they stick to high motives in pursuing major decisions. They possess more administrative traits under their belt and with such traits they go fast in making their moves in a rapid manner. They look like kings and their actions may also be like that and these are said to be their characteristics. More traveling for official purposes may be possible for these natives. They are professionals in achieving bigger tasks. But they are impulsive and this may land them in trouble. These people might be highly inclined to travel and think about it all the time.
Romantic Relation- You might not be able to maintain effectiveness in a relationship with your life partner and it might not be so effective. There could be differences of opinion and this may be arising due to lack of understanding which might be prevailing and such difference of opinion may put brakes on relationships.
Education- If you are doing professional courses like Master of Business Administration, Financial Accounting etc, then you may need to put in a lot of effort and concentration in meeting with success during this course of time. To prevent falling behind in your studies, you might benefit from expert coaching. Investing in this kind of coaching could pay off for you.
Professional- This week you may find the process to be tiresome when it comes to your job. You may be left with more job pressure that might take away your happiness. You need to plan work with more professionalism and this could be the only way by which you will be able to create success stories. You may be losing good chances with respect to seizing new projects on a long term basis during this course of time. If you are in business, you may be left behind with respect to standards in earning good profits and sometimes you may even be facing loss.
Health- You may not find this week much promising with respect to health. There may be a lack of immunity and standards that might be left behind by you. Due to this, you could be losing required energy. You may succumb to severe cold related problems which may take away your fitness. You may also be having pain in your legs and joints. Also, prayers and meditation may guide you to become better in health.
Remedy: Chant “Om Suryaya Namah” daily 19 times.
Root Number 2
(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)
Natives born in this number will generally try to create troubles for them by involving themselves in emotional arguments with their dear ones and family circles. Due to such nature prevalent in them, they may try to put a hard fence and block themselves during this course of time. They may be having more wavering minds at times which may put fences around these natives and prevent them from achieving bigger feats. These people occasionally have a limited perspective that prevents them from being receptive to new ideas, which could impede their advancement.
Romantic Relation- You may be witnessing unwanted heated arguments with your life partner and this could be due to ongoing issues which might be prevailing in your family. Such issues could be bothering you. So, at this crucial juncture it will be essential for you to remain patient, realize the pros and cons of issues surrounding and find out amicable ways to resolve these issues.
Education- Regarding studies, what all you had pursued with respect to the same may not be retained by you as there may be a lack of concentration and this could prevent you from achieving success in your life. To improve your study quotient, it will be fine for you to pursue and get on with divine classes which could help you and emerge you with success in studies. To sum up, what all you learnt during this week you might be forgetting it.
Professional- When it comes to your work, you may be having more travel with respect to your job and these travel might not be fetching you more benefits. You may succumb to more work pressure during this time and due to this, you may need to manage and schedule work with more accuracy so that you may be able to get on top of it. You may be facing obstacles from your colleagues also and due to this, you may be forced to change jobs for higher prospects.
Health- During this week, you may succumb to severe colds and headaches and this might be due to lack of immunity which could be possible for you. You may also be lacking the boldness which might prevent you from maintaining good fitness standards on your part. It may also be fine for you to pursue meditation/Yoga so that you may keep on the forward track with your health.
Remedy: Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 108 times.
Root Number 3
(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number are generally broadminded in nature. They tend to be more spiritual and they are consistent in their frame of mind in adopting this policy. More long distance travel may be possible for them with respect to their career during their lifetime. They may fail on a personal front sometimes due to their egoistic nature and they may not be highly sportive. These natives may be more wise in pursuing major decisions which could promote their interests. If these natives pursue some decisions, then it may be related to their career, finances etc. These natives may be in a position to identify their hidden potential which may enhance their capacity beyond reach and guide them to attain even tough targets.
Romantic Relation- You will have good possibilities of entering a commitment or relationship but you are advised to use your wisdom and not get carried away by emotions. You may be able to maintain lovable feelings towards your life partner and this might come due to more attraction with respect to love. You may share strong bond with your partner..
Education- This is a very good week for you who are planning for higher education for their masters and PhD. You will get the direction ahead, all confusion will come to an end, and you’ll be more clear about your goals.
Professional- Professionally, this is going to be a good week for the natives who are teachers, mentors, Dharma Gurus, motivational speakers, and investment bankers, as the numerical combination shows that you’ll be benefited financially. If you are doing business, then it may be fine for you to engage in multi level networking business and earn more profits. You may get the support from your business partners.
Health- During this week you will spend time indulging in some spiritual and physical activity like Yoga and meditation which will have a beneficial result on your body and soul.
Remedy- Offer Arghya to Sun God every morning.
Root Number 4
(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)
People with this root number tend to be more obsessed during this time, taking on ventures that aren’t required and risky without thinking through the options. Individuals may set their sights on pricey and hard-to-get products, only to later come to regret their choices. Their intensified needs might exacerbate their troubles further.
Romantic Relation- Despite the happiness that may be possible in a relationship, you may not be getting the required satisfaction in life. The relationship with your life partner may be at the end of the road and may in turn appear as if you are going to lose everything from your end. This may only be your imagination and some sort of insecure feeling that something weird may happen. Due to the above problem, you need to adjust yourself with your life partner to secure the required harmony.
Education- You may be losing concentration in your studies despite the skills that you might be possessing during this time. This may be due to unwanted confusion that might be prevailing in your mind and your eagerness to get on top of your studies. You may need to put up a lot of fighting for your studies to get on top of it. You may choose subjects such as software applications and visual communication which might not give you the edge and scope to score marks and you may find it tough to deal with these subjects.
Professional- If you are in a job, then you may find the situation a little tougher as work pressure might be more for you in the job and you may find it tough to manage and there may be chances for work pressure during this course of time. Due to this, you may need to plan a lot and try to come out with success in your work. There could be lapses of concentration for you with respect to work and thereby you might need to focus more on the same.
Health- During this course of time, you may be subjected to skin allergies which could be a botheration. You may be subjected to more obesity which may act as a constraint for you to maintain good fitness. It may be essential for you to avoid taking fatty foods and foods late at night.
Remedy- Recite “Om Rahave Namaha” daily 22 times.
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Root Number 5
(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)
Natives belonging to this number are generally highly intelligent and may be in a position to score high in life. They may be possessing the essential skills to get on top of their life and they might be striving hard for the same. These natives are of high possession of a sense of humor and with this, they may be in a position to gain many things in life. Creative interests could be possible in them and with this, they will be improvising themselves.
Romantic Relation- You may be able to show more romantic feelings with your life partner and this will be possible with more sense of humor which may be present in you. You may also go on casual outings with your life partner and such outings may enhance your life pattern and more understanding nature with your partner. Such outings may also give you cheerfulness and more charm during this week.
Education- You may be able to score top marks with respect to studies and studies that you may be pursuing will be professional. Such as Costing, Financial Accounting, and Communication Engineering may guide you to score a definite edge and improve your scoring abilities during this course of time. Such fine things may be possible due to the nice atmosphere that you may be enjoying and such an atmosphere may help you in a long way in scoring high marks.
Professional- Time for you with respect to your work may be in your favor during this week and if you are in a job, this time you may be securing chances abroad. Such good chances with respect to your job may also be increasing your credibility and thus may result in high performance. If you are in business, then you may be able to overpower your competitors and thereby you may be in a position to prove fitting competition to your competitors. Your strategy and innovation in business may guide you to amass immense profits.
Health- You may be in a position to maintain good health during this week. This may be possible due to the enthusiasm and fine energy that might be available for you. There will not be chances for major health problems.
Remedy- Chant the ancient text Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.
Root Number 6
(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number this week may witness moderate results. They may be possessing more creative interests and thereby they may work to enhance the same. Also, during this week, they may go on longer trips and such travel may be beneficial for them. These natives may derive special qualities during this course of time in which they may be able to deliver consistency and accuracy.
Romantic Relation- You may be witnessing distance in your relationship with your life partner and this may be due to ego-related problems that may be prevailing. So, to maintain happiness it is required on your part to maintain some better adjustment so that harmony is established. There may be more arguments seen during this time with your life partner due to family issues.
Education- During this time, more attention is required on your part to create wonders with respect to your studies, or otherwise, scoring high marks may not be easily possible for you. You may also be missing some good opportunities to pursue further higher studies which may give you an edge and provide you with all benefits. Furthermore, your fellow students might be in a position to overtake you and create wonders. Due to this, you may be left behind with high success and fail to create a positive impact with respect to your studies.
Professional- You may secure moderate success with respect to your job, if you are working during this time. There may be some lack of confidence that may be left within you and due to this, your performance may be coming down and you may be committing errors. Your colleagues may try to take advantage of you. If you are in business, then you may need to possess some better planning and control of your business unit, or otherwise you may be meeting with loss. You may need to change your business strategy to meet with more profits during this course of time or else you may get hung up and may not be able to gain more profits.
Health- During this week, you may be possessing skin-related problems and other allergies which may prevent you from maintaining stability. Also, you may be prone to eye-related infections which may be giving you constraints.
Remedy- Chant “Om Bhargavaya Namah” daily 33 times.
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Root Number 7
(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may turn out to possess and develop all-round skills during this week. They may also develop skills to ascertain what is good and what is bad and the events happening around the world. These natives may turn out to be more spiritual and with an increase in spiritual pursuits during this time, these natives may turn out to pursue big decisions for themselves and to promote their life. More travel may be possible for these natives with respect to spiritual pursuits and such travel may serve your purpose.
Romantic Relation- You may also lose your valuable relationship with your life partner during this course of time. This may be due to a lack of understanding and a lack of positive notions that you may need to possess with your life partner. You may need to justify your actions with your life partner to maintain more happiness with your life partner. Such actions may be required on your part during this course of time to create wonders in a relationship.
Education- Studies may appear to be moderate for you during this week. You may be prone to more stress and this may keep you away from success and carve a special niche. You may be pursuing further higher studies in law during this time. You may need to impart more focus on your studies so that you may be in a position to generate success stories. It may be essential for you to maintain patience during this course of time to get more success and score high marks in your studies.
Professional- If you are in a job, you may be put in the situation of unwanted travel with respect to a job that you may not like during this course of time, and due to this, you may be losing satisfaction in your present job. On the other hand, if you are in business, then you might commit some errors in your business and due to this, you may be put into a situation of huge loss. Your lower-level competitors may take advantage of you and grow ahead.
Health- You may need to pay more attention to your health. You may be prone to sunburns, heat-related problems, and tumors which may prove as a constraint for you.
Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Planet Ketu on Tuesday.
Root Number 8
(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may be more principled and committed when it comes to activities and tasks. They may be more interested in going on long distance travel. More concentration with respect to work rather than family may be present for these natives belonging to this number.
Romantic Relation- When it comes to romantic relationships, you may be able to show your intelligence well and pursue steps to mature this love and take it to good heights. Your intelligence in this romantic relationship may guide you to develop mutual and good bonding with your life partner. As a result of your intelligence, more good love may develop with your life partner.
Education- You may be in a position to deliver good results with respect to education and there may be more positive vibes that you may be having within you. These positive vibes may guide you to score high marks and grades with respect to your studies. You may be able to do well in your professional studies such as Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering during this week.
Professional- During this week, if you are working, you may be able to show commitment towards your work and earn a name with reputation. You may be able to win the due acclaim of your superiors and they may be able to realize your skills that you may be able to show in work. If you are in business, then you may be able to put a good show in terms of profits that you may gain and compete well enough with your competitors.
Health- This week seems to be fine for you when it comes to health. You may be having good energy combined with enthusiasm. Due to the above factors, you may be able to maintain better health and not major health problems. You could be having only minor health issues like headaches, pain in legs etc.
Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Saturn on Saturday.
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Root Number 9
(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may be faster in their actions and may be more alert in pursuing activities on time. Sometimes due to their rapidness, these natives may land themselves in trouble and this may be due to their impulsive actions that they may be committing. Due to their impulsiveness, these natives may be losing more opportunities and the results may be either way.
Romantic Relation- When it comes to relationship during this week, you may be showing more ego and little stubbornness which may prevent you from maintaining effectiveness and sincerity with your life partner. You may need to be more open and show transparency in your approach with your life partner. Avoiding ego may guide you to maintain happiness with your life partner.
Education- When it comes to studies, you may be losing patience in putting more effort and this may arise due to loss of patience which may be a constraint in preventing you from scoring high marks with respect to your studies. Due to this, you may need to change the style and approach towards studies. If you do this, you may be able to gain more marks.
Professional- If you are working, then you may need to take more attention and focus on your work or otherwise you may be committing more errors and due to this, you may be losing valuable chances in the form of promotions and other incentives that you may be getting. If you are in business, then due to your impulsiveness, you may be pursuing wrong decisions with respect to your business and may end up in loss. You may need to ascertain the value and importance of taking your business in a correct path.
Health- You may be prone to severe headaches and tiredness during this week. This may be due to lack of resistance and this may arise due to low immunity which may pull you down during this week. You may need to pursue meditation/Yoga to keep your health better.
Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Mars on Tuesday.
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