Numerology Weekly Horoscope 06 – 12 March, 2022

How To Know Your Root Number(Moolank)? 

The date on which you are born during any month after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9, for example – if you were born on the 11th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 1 i.e 2. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.

Know Your Weekly Horoscope With Your Birth Date ( 6 – 12 March, 2022)

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be an addition of his or her birth date and it comes under the administration of various planets.

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The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role. 

Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)

This week will bring mixed results for you.  At the professional front you  will have to work hard to win the confidence of your seniors. Your diligent working will get some appreciation and you will be in the good books of your manager. You will also need to gain the confidence of your teammates and subordinates in order to gain some incentives. Those who are into their own business may have an air of relaxation as you will be able to witness results of your past efforts and investments. The students will have an outstanding week as their learning skills will improve which will be of great help in their examinations.Those who are into romantic relationships will have a moderate week, you  can expect understanding on some of your crucial situations from your beloved and you will get their concerns on the same. The married natives may face some tensions with  their spouse during this week. You are advised to communicate well with your partner else the misunderstandings will grow. In terms of health this week will not be too good.You are advised to be cautious about your health as you may have fatigue and  general weakness. You should be careful about the food intake as you will be prone to food allergies as well. 


Recite the Gayatri Mantra every day during Sunrise.

Make a Call: We Will Address All Your Concerns

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month)

This week you will be expected to be a multitasker as you will have a number of things to deal with. On the professional front you will feel overboarded with the workload and will have a number of different projects to look into and discuss. You will not have much resources to get help or resolve your queries. This week will bring some good job openings for those who are looking forward to a break in the industry. In terms of finances, this week will be balanced and you will be able to save a bit. Those who own their business especially related to luxuries and fashion accessories will have a better week. You will be able to make good deals and earn better profits. The students will improve their concentration and this will help them in understanding their subjects and perform well in their examinations. Those who are into love relationships will have a sensitive  week, your partner will be too demanding and emotionally vulnerable. You will have to handle them with extra care and sensitivity. The married natives may face communication lapses and fights with their spouses. You are advised to get into healthy conversations and understand their thoughts and actions towards you. You need to take care of your health as you will be prone to BP and anxiety issues  during this week. Try and practice meditation and do some exercises to keep your mind relaxed and calm.


Offer water at Shivling and recite ‘Om Namah Shivaya 108 times a day.

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month)

This week will bring some chaos and confusion for you. On the professional front you will be expected to work on some projects which will be out of your league. This will be very taxing and trolling for you. Also you will waste a lot of time searching for the right source of information.  Your colleagues or team will look up to you for the solutions and this will add on to your pressure. Those who are into their own business may face huge expenditures and this can get you into some financial difficulties. The students can expect some favorable results in their examinations. Your efforts and hardwork will bring good grades.  The people who are into romantic relationships will have a favorable week. You will connect better with your partner and make some future plans with them. Married individuals may face some struggles in spending quality time with their spouses. This may bring some irritability in your attitude. In terms of health you may face migraines or severe headaches during this week. Also, you will be prone to skin allergies.


Recite Vishnu Sahasranam everyday for good health and well being

Root Number 4

(If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month)

This week will bring optimism and happiness in your life. You will be able to accomplish your goals. On the professional front you will be able to bag a good position and reputation in your company. This will bring some good incentives in your court. This week will bring positive results for those who are planning to switch their job, as you may get offers for your desired profiles. This week will also be favorable for freshers, you will get good opportunities to start. The business owners will gain knowledge of new marketing strategies which will help in gathering more resources. The students will have a relaxing week. You will be all set for your assessments and assignments and spend some quality time with your family and friends. There could be some get-together in the house which will keep you occupied. The family members will be supportive and hence you have a chance to demand your things during this week. Those who have a crush on someone should pursue them this week as you stand a chance to convince them or begin a relationship. Those who are already into a love relationship will have a moderate week. Married individuals will enjoy the extra care, concern, and pampering of their spouse during this period. Your health will be by and all okay however you need to be cautious about the food intake as you will be prone to food allergy.

Make a Call: We Will Address All Your Concerns


Offer lemon garland to Goddess Kali  on a Saturday morning.

Root Number 5

(If you are born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month)

This week will bring some new opportunities and challenges for you.  On the professional front your struggles and challenges will bring good favors to you . You will get some good opportunities and add titles to your existing profile. The business owners are likely to interact with higher officials and may also get some help or support from the authoritative person of the industry. The working of your business will have been smooth and you will have a comfortable week as you will be successful in exploring new opportunities. The students who are into the technical industry or  practicing medicine will have a favorable week, you will get some good findings which will support their case studies. The academic students will be careless and make mistakes while writing their exams. Those who are into romantic relationships will enjoy some good time with their beloved and create new memories. You will be cherished throughout the week. The married natives will also have a favorable week as your spouse will pamper you and do some special things to keep you happy. You need to take care of  your health as some of your past illnesses may recur and trouble you this week.


Worship Lord Ganesha and offer Dhruva on Wednesday.

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on 6th, 15th, 24th of any month)

This week will be cherishing and joyful for you. On the professional front, things will be comfortable, you will enjoy your work and will be able to deliver your projects well on time. The freshers  can also expect some good job opportunities which will be inspiring and dynamic. Those who own their business may have to face some obstacles during this week, especially pertaining to their new projects.. You are advised to wait for your past investments as they will bring better results than the new constructed plans and investments. The students will have a great week as you will. Also you will be able to score good grades on your projects and assignments. This week will be low for those who are into romantic relationships, you may face stress and tensions in your relationship. However, some of the conflicts and fights on petty issues between the two of you will get resolved by the end of the week. The married natives will share a healthy relationship with their spouse and the love between the two of you will grow during this period. This week, you are advised  to take care of your health, as your unproductive  habits such as smoking or drinking may have an impact on your health.


Offer red flowers to Goddess Durga on Friday.

Root Number 7 

(If you are born on 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)

This week you will feel a bit lost and abandoned. The employed natives need to be careful as the dirty office politics will take a troll on them. You will face loads of misunderstandings with your subordinates and the team members. There are possibilities of transfer or some shift in your department during this week. Those who are into their own business will not have a very favorable week. This week the sales will be tough and you will not be able to cover your per head costs. This week will be favorable if you are planning to invest in long term plans. The students may face some  concentration issues during this week which will shatter their confidence. This will also impact the learning skills and their assignment submissions. Those who are into romantic relationships will have a tough time connecting with your partner. There will be some physical as well as emotional distance between the two of you. The married natives will spend  a good time with their spouse, you will get assistance and support from your better half for most of your work. Your partner will be a tru help in accomplishing your short term goals and ambitions. You may have secluded feelings and thoughts which can cause irritability and anxiety during this week. Try to practise some nature gazing to relax yourself.


Apply white sandalwood tilak on your forehead every day.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on 8th, 17th, 26th of any month)

This week will be boosting and uplifting for you. On the professional front you may  encounter some changes. There are good chances of promotions and appraisals during this time. Those who are looking to switch their jobs should try during this period as you will receive a better profile and package. Those who are into their own business may face some disagreements and arguments with their associates or the senior staff members during this week. This will slow down the activities of your business. The students will have some issues in focusing on their subjects, you will have to work hard to understand your subjects. Those who are into love relationships will have a cheerful period. You will have a good time with your partner and will make some new memories. The married natives will not have a happening week. Your spouse will be too demanding and you will feel overboarded and pressurized due to the same. Your health will remain okay, but you will be prone to boils, bruises, cuts and injuries.


Recite  ‘Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah’ 108 times a day.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on 9th, 18th, 27th of any month)

This week will be a compliment for you. On the professional front you will build a good understanding with your teammates. Your colleagues will thoroughly support you in completing your work and understanding the new terminologies. You will be able to bag some good projects due to the teamwork and your efficiency.  Those who are into their own business will have a hectic week. You may have to make some short travels and go to and fro for your consignments. The unproductive travel will keep you busy throughout the week. This week will be slow for starting anything new or introducing different policies or strategies. The students will have a lot of peer pressure, this will cause  distractions in their studies. Also they will find it difficult to resolve their basic queries during this time. Those who are into a love relationship will have a slow week. You may feel unsatisfied as your partner may not be able to fulfill some of your expectations. You may feel sensitive and low due to the changed behavior of your beloved.  The married naives will have an average week. Your spouse will be busy with multiple things that they will miss out on to pay attention to your needs. You will miss the intense love and intimacy in your bond during this week.  You will be prone to allergies and weather conditions and may suffer from a cold, cough, or flu during this period.


Worship Lord Hanuman and offer Boondi to the deity on Tuesday.

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