Mercury Transit In Scorpio: The Movement Affects All The 12 Zodiacs

Mercury Transit In Scorpio: On the 28th of December 2023, Mercury, the planet of intelligence is going to transit in the Scorpio sign. This special AstroSage blog contains relevant details related to it. You will get to know the effects of Mercury transit in Scorpio on all the 12 zodiac signs. Also, check the measures natives can take to avoid the negative effects due to the transit. 

Other than that, we are providing here the information on measures related to weak Mercury in the horoscope. Natives of the zodiacs can use the steps to deal with the troubled position of planet Mercury in the horoscope. Before moving further, let us check the time of Mercury transit in Scorpio. 

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Mercury Transit In Scorpio: What Will Be The Time?

In Vedic Astrology, Mercury is considered the planet responsible for intelligence and development in the lives of natives. Mercury transits Scorpio in its retrograde state on 28 December, at 11:07 am. After this, on 02 January 2024, Mercury will make the movement and transit into Sagittarius on 07 January 2024. It will be interesting to know the real effects of this short transit on all the 12 zodiac signs. 

Now let us know some of the interesting and intriguing facts about the Mercury planet & its transit and then we will move towards the possible effects on the 12 signs. 

Mercury Planet In Astrology 

Mercury is considered one of the auspicious planets in Vedic Astrology and it provides suitable results as per association with other planets. If it is located with auspicious planets in the horoscope then it provides positive results to the natives and the presence of cruel planets provides negative outcomes. 

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If we discuss about the strong and afflicted Mercury, the natives with a strong Mercury position in the birth chart, will possess strong communication skills, they will be prompt and will be able to charm everyone with their words. On the other hand, Mercury’s weak position across a person’s horoscope or presence with a cruel planet might cause physical & mental troubles across different sectors. In such a situation, people won’t be able to present their views in the correct way. They will be weak in mathematics and may suffer business losses. It is advised to contact the expert astrologers able to provide you with the best remedies related to the Mercury planet. Let us now check for relevant remedies related to the Mercury planet. 

Mercury Transit In Vedic Astrology 

The planet Mercury is considered a young and energetic planet. Among all the planets, it is the fastest transiting planet. It generally transits for a period of 23 days i.e. after staying in one zodiac sign for 23 days, Mercury moves to the next sign. Mercury is considered the planet of communication and thus in Roman Mythology, it is worshiped as an angel. 

Other than that, as per Vedic Astrology, Mercury planet is a factor of intelligence, and its strong position in the native’s horoscope will make the person intellectually very strong. Among all the 12 zodiacs, Mercury is considered the lord of the Gemini and Virgo sign. These zodiacs reflect the qualities of the planet Mercury. Mercury is exalted in its own sign Virgo and ruled by Jupiter, and considered debilitated in Pisces. 

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Relevant Astrological Measures To Strengthen Mercury In The Horoscope 

  • In your life, avoid alcohol, meat, eggs, etc. as much as possible. 
  • While sleeping at night, keep a glass of water beside you and in the morning offer it to the Peepal Tree. 
  • Avoid keeping sheep, goats, and parrots in your house. 
  • At night, soak moong dal and feed it to animals in the morning. 
  • In the temple, donate rice and milk. 
  • Provide food to crows. 
  • Start fasting on Wednesday.
  • Give gifts to brothers and sisters.
  • Worship Lord Vishnu. 
  • Recite Vishnu Sahastranam. 

Do you know this? In Sanatan Dharma, Mercury is worshiped as a planet as well as a deity. Also, the planet is believed to be the god of our wisdom. This is the reason behind worshiping Mercury on Wednesday for relevant business success. Other than that, talking about a religious point of view, Mercury is considered the lord of prosperity & growth. Expert astrologers believe that natives with the blessing of planet Mercury will achieve prosperity in their lives. 

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Mercury Transit In Scorpio: Different Effects And Remedies on 12 Zodiacs 


Dear Aries natives, for you planet Mercury rules the third house and sixth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit in Scorpio sign ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Taurus natives, for you planet Mercury rules the second house and fifth house and now on 28th December it is transiting in Scorpio ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Gemini natives, for you planet Mercury rules the first house and fourth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Cancer natives, for you planet Mercury rules the third house and twelfth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Leo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the second house and eleventh house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Virgo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the tenth house and Lagna and now on 28th December Mercury will Transit In Scorpio ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Libra natives, for you planet Mercury rules the twelfth house and ninth house and now on 28th December it is transiting in Scorpio sign ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Scorpio natives, for you planet Mercury rules the eleventh house and eighth house and now on 28th december it is getting transiting ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Sagittarius natives, for you planet Mercury rules the seventh house and tenth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Capricorn natives, for you planet Mercury rules the sixth house and ninth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit in ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Aquarious natives, for you planet Mercury rules the fifth house and eighth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in ……………(Read the transit details)


Dear Pisces natives, for you planet Mercury rules the seventh house and fourth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio ……………(Read the transit details)

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