Mercury Transit In Libra: Shower Blessings On These Zodiac Signs!

You may find crucial details on the transit of Mercury in Libra (October 26, 2022) in our special AstroSage blog, including the time, date, and impact on all natives. Additionally, we will discuss the transit of Mercury in the lives of the people of the 12 zodiac signs and what actions may be taken while Mercury is in an unfavourable or weak position in the horoscope to lessen its bad effects and it could bring some kind of changes.

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If you are curious to know, which zodiac sign will advance in their position at work during Mercury’s transit through Libra? Which zodiac signs will receive money? Which astrological signs are likely to experience romantic success? In this blog, you will discover the solutions to all of these queries. which our knowledgeable and skilled astrologers have prepared by studying Mercury’s position, motion, and dasha. Let’s learn more about Mercury’s upcoming transit in Libra.

Significance Of Mercury In Vedic Astrology  

Mercury is regarded as the Yuvraj among the Navagrahas in Vedic astrology. Although it is an auspicious planet, when it is placed next to unfavourable planets in a person’s horoscope, it begins to negatively impact that person’s life. In addition, Virgo and Gemini govern over the planet Mercury in the zodiac. Additionally, Virgo is seen to be an exalted sign for Mercury, whereas Mercury is weak in Pisces. When it comes to Mercury’s friends and enemies, the Sun and Venus are its friends, while the Moon and Mars are their adversaries.

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Astrologers claim that persons with the planet Mercury in an advantageous and powerful position in their horoscopes have excellent communication skills. These people stand a good possibility of succeeding in business, advocacy, and commerce. These people are also adept at maths.

However, those who have the planet Mercury in an unfavourable position in their horoscope must deal with a variety of issues, both physically and mentally. They have company losses, which forces them to deal with money issues as well. These people also struggle to express themselves clearly in front of others because of weak Mercury. Experts recommend specific astrological remedies in this case to boost Mercury. In this blog, we’ll also learn about these remedies, but let’s first have a look at the day and time of Mercury’s transit through Libra.

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Mercury Transit In Libra: Date And Time 

Mercury, the planet of speech and intellect, will leave its own zodiac sign of Virgo on October 26, 2022, at 1:38 p.m., and enter Libra, the sign of its friend Venus. Mercury won’t leave this sign until Saturday, November 13, 2022, at 9:06 p.m. 

Astrological Remedies To Boost Mercury In Your Horoscope

  • Install a Budh Yantra in your house and offer regular worship to it.
  • If Mercury is weak in the horoscope, repeat the mantras for Mercury, such as “Om Bu Budhay Namah,” “Om Bram Brim Braun Saha Budhay Namah,” etc., each day after taking a bath.
  • On Wednesday, recite the Vishnu Sahasranama and fast if you can.
  • Make use of the green colour as much as you can.
  • Regularly offer worship to Mercury and Lord Vishnu. 

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Mercury Transit In Libra: Impact And Remedies According To Zodiac Sign 


Mercury rules the third and sixth houses for persons born under the sign of Aries. Mercury will now be in the seventh house of your zodiac on October 26 throughout this transit…read in detail 


For Taureans, Mercury is the Lord of the 2nd and 5th house. At present, during this Mercury Transit In Libra will transit to the sixth house in…read in detail


Mercury’s transits are extremely significant for persons born under the sign of Gemini. The lord of your ascendant and fourth house… read in detail


Mercury is the lord of both the twelfth and third houses for persons born under the sign of Cancer. They will now transit from your zodiac’s fourth house of mother, happiness,…. read in detail


Mercury is the lord of Leo’s eleventh and second houses, and they will now make this transit from your zodiac’s third house. In the horoscope,…. read in detail


Mercury is the lord of the Virgo zodiac’s karma, or tenth house, as well as the ascendant house. During Mercury Transit In Libra, they will be in…read in detail


Mercury is the lord of Libra’s ninth and twelfth houses, which will now be in your ascendant, your own zodiac sign. As a result,…read in detail


Mercury is the lord of the eighth and eleventh houses in the Scorpio zodiac. Their transit will now occur in the twelfth house of your amount,….read in detail

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Mercury is the lord of the seventh and tenth houses in Sagittarius. This transit will now take place in the eleventh house of your zodiac on October 26th….read in detail


Mercury is the ruler of the sixth and ninth houses for Capricornians. They will now depart your zodiac in the tenth house during Mercury Transit…read in detail


This Mercury transit will take place in Aquarius’ ninth house for those born under this sign. Mercury, on the other hand, is the lord of your fifth…read in detail


For persons born under the sign of Pisces, Mercury rules the fourth and seventh houses. They will now go from your zodiac to your eighth house during…read in detail 

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