Mercury Transit In Gemini Harms Health Of These Zodiacs

In June 2024, several important planets are going to make important transits and from many, Mercury will also move to Gemini. On 14th June, at 10:55 in the night, Mercury will move to Gemini and will stay here till 29th June. It will then move to Cancer. 

We all know that planetary transits affect each aspect of one’s life and this transit of Mercury is going to affect the health of all zodiacs. In this blog, we are going to tell you about the zodiacs whose health is going to get better and also the ones who may have to go through health issues from the Mercury transit in Gemini

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These Zodiacs May Have To Bear Health Risk 


This transit is going to happen in the third house of Aries. During this transit, your immunity will weaken, due to which, you may complain about shoulder and knee pain. 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 


Mercury will enter the twelfth house of the Cancer zodiac. The Cancer natives need to stay careful of their health during this period. The shoulder and knee pain may trouble these natives. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 


Mercury transit will take place in the eighth house of the Scorpio zodiac. There are chances of a lack of energy and enthusiasm in the natives. In matters related to health, you may complain about eye pain and irritation. You may feel stressed about the same. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

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Mercury will move to the sixth house in this transit. During this transit, the natives may complain about shoulder and knee pain. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 


Now, Mercury will take the position in the fourth house. You may have to spend money on the health of your children and you may stay stressed and worried due to the same. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 


During this transit, Mercury will move to the fourth house and the natives may have to spend money on the health of their mother. Due to this, you may get a little upset. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

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These Zodiacs Will Enjoy A Good Health 


For the Taurus natives, Mercury will sit in their second house. In matters related to health, fewer health issues will bother these natives. Your health will be good in this period. However, there are chances of headaches. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 


Mercury transit is going to happen in Gemini itself. The comfort, luxury, and happiness of the natives will increase and the natives will feel more passionate and energetic in this period. This will also keep your health at its best. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope 

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This Mercury transit will happen in the eleventh house of this zodiac. The energy will increase in you and you will be seen fit and fine health-wise. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope 


Mercury will move to the tenth house of the Virgo zodiac. In matters related to health, the natives will feel more energetic and enthusiastic which will make them fit. Their health is going to be the best in this period. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 


This transit will happen in the ninth house of the Libra zodiac. Your immunity will be good in matters related to health and your energy and enthusiasm will also enhanced. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 

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Mercury will now enter the seventh house of the Sagittarius zodiac. Their immunity will be good and because of their strong willpower, they will feel more energetic. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 

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Importance Of Mercury In Vedic Astrology 

Mercury is said to be the planet of knowledge and speech. This planet has its ownership over Gemini and Virgo. From the impact of Mercury, the health of the natives stays the best and their brain gets strong too. These natives are able to gain a high level of knowledge and apart from this, they are also able to make good decisions in their business. The natives who have a strong position of Mercury in their birth chart showcase the best ability in share market and business. 

These people are experts in astrology, esoteric sciences, and secret sciences. On the other hand, if Mercury is in conjunction with planets like Rahu-Ketu or Mars, then such people may have to face struggles and obstacles in their lives. When Mercury is in conjunction with Mars, the intelligence of the people remains weak, rather impulsiveness and aggression are seen more in them. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What happens if the position of Mercury is bad in a zodiac? 

The thinking and understanding ability of the native weakens. 

Which is the lord of knowledge?

Mercury is the lord of knowledge. 

Which Rudraksha is for Mercury?

4 Mukhi Rudraksha is dedicated to Mercury. 

Who is the friend of Mercury? 

Sun and Moon are the friends of Mercury.

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