Mercury is regarded as the messenger of Gods as per the Vedic Astrology. It is the ruling lord of two signs- Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is also known as Budha in the Indian tradition as this planet is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. Mercury can act as both, benefic and malefic, according to its placement in the Kundli of a native. People who have a strong placement of this planet in their horoscope are blessed with intellectual abilities. However, they may also manifest indecisiveness and anxiety.

Wednesday is considered the day of Mercury and the planet stays in one zodiac sign for almost a month. It rules three constellations Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn.
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Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn: January 14, 2022
The symbol of humour, wisdom, and wit, Mercury, will turn retrograde in Capricorn on January 14, 2022, Friday, at 16:42. It will remain in the same position till February 4, 2022, at 9:16. This transit will bring many changes in the lives of all the 12 zodiac signs.
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Let us read the horoscope as per the zodiac sign and see all the transformations that are likely to occur due to Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn.
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in their tenth house of career, name and fame…Read More
For the Taurus zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the ninth house of spirituality, international…Read More
For the Gemini sign, Mercury will retrograde in the eighth house representing the Occult, sudden…Read More
For the Cancer zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the seventh house of marriage and…Read More
For the Leo zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the sixth house of debt, litigation and disease…Read More
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For the Virgo sign, Mercury will retrograde in the fifth house of love, children and initiations…Read More
For the Libra sign, Mercury will retrograde in the fourth house of general happiness, comfort…Read More
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For the Scorpio zodiac sign, the planet Mercury will retrograde in the third house of siblings…Read More
For Sagittarius signed people, Mercury will retrograde in the second house of family, wealth…Read More
For the Capricorn zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the first house of self and character…Read More
For the Aquarius zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the 12th house of salvation, expenditure…Read More
For Pisces zodiac sign, Mercury will retrograde in the 11th house of income, desire and games…Read More
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