Mercury Direct In Leo Makes The World Better, Brighter & More Creative!

Mercury Direct In Leo: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Mercury will become Direct in the sign of Leo on 16th of September, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Mercury Direct In Leo will have on the worldwide and nationwide events.

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Mercury is the smallest planet in Vedic astrology and the closest to the Sun. Due to being closer to the ball of fire, Sun-Mercury transit in one zodiac sign typically lasts for about 23-28 days. Within this timeline usually Mercury transits to another sign. 

It becomes combust very fast. Also, due to the close distance between them Mercury is often seen placed either one house ahead or behind the Sun or in the same house as the Sun itself. This time around, Mercury becomes direct in the zodiac of Leo on 16th September, 2023. Let us now see what impacts Mercury Direct In Leo would have on the world and our nation. 

Mercury Direct In Leo: Timing

Mercury, the ‘Prince’ of the celestial sphere becomes direct in the Sun’s zodiac sign Leo on 16th September, 2023 at 01:21 Hrs. Let us now see what impacts Mercury Direct In Leo would have on the world and our nation and on other areas as well.

Mercury In Leo: Characteristics

Mercury in Leo is creative, confident and intellectual as Mercury here also reflects some of the characteristics of the zodiac Leo along with its own. Something about Leo Mercury makes it appear to be very young. They don’t use a lot of fancy words or try to talk about lofty or elitist things. When they do or say anything, all is done by and through themselves. Something pure, simple, and frank emanates from this Mercury. 

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Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun and is considered to be a royal sign. Now when Mercury transits to Leo, it gets full support of the Sun as both Mercury and the Sun are friends. Mercury rules communication and when it is placed in the fierce sign of Leo, the speech will be assertive, refined and bold. Such people have a commanding voice, roaring, like that of a lion. These natives tend to be quite intelligent and they have a strong thinking power. Their mental capabilities are exceptional. These individuals are extremely determined and have a strong will and are exceptional leaders who the masses want to follow. 

Mercury Transit In Leo: Worldwide Impacts

Business & Politics

  • Politicians and administrators would benefit from this transit immensely.
  • Many people in the political field will be seen coming to the forefront and taking charge of the situation, speaking their minds and calling spade a spade.
  • The spokespersons of the Indian government and other politicians at important positions will be handling adverse situations smartly, with ease. 
  • As Mercury is the ‘Karaka’ of business and the Sun supports independent work, hence business all across the globe will experience a rise and many companies and businesses will be seen generating profits.

Also Read: September Horoscope

Marketing, Media & Journalism

  • Fields such as  marketing, journalism, PR activities, etc would experience a rise in business in India and other major parts of the world.
  • Fields dependent on communication and intellectual expressions such as counseling will be seen rising.
  • People engaged in certain fields as negotiators will be rewarded generously for their work.
  • Job opportunities in such fields will be higher as compared to other fields.

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Creative Writing & Other Creative Fields

  • Artistic and creative fields may also see improvements all across the world. People may become more aware of different forms of arts and music. 
  • Travelers, bloggers, travel show hosts all such fields may experience a rise.
  • Writers, and people engaged in the fields of literature or linguistics will gain recognition.
  • Dancers, actors, sculptors, Singers all across the globe at all levels may benefit from this phenomenon.
  • People involved in the occult sciences such as astrologers would benefit a lot from this phenomenon.

Mercury Direct In Leo: Stock Market Report

Mercury will become direct in the zodiac sign of Leo on 16th of September, 2023. Ruled by the planet Sun, Leo is a fire sign representing creativity, self assurance, leadership, confidence, authority, etc. The Sun and Mercury both are major planets that influence the stock market to a great extent. Let us see how this Mercury Direct In Leo will impact the stock market.

  • As per the Stock Market Predictions the stock market may run slower than expected but better than before now that Mercury becomes direct in the sign of Leo.
  • Computer Software, Information Technology, Banking Sector, Finance Company, Rubber Industries may perform well and may rise steadily. 
  • Judging from the planetary movements and transits shipping companies, motor car companies, etc may perform well too and show a significant upward trend.
  • Housing Industry, Chemical & Fertilizer Industries and the Tea Industry may all experience a rise after a slightly dull phase 17th September onwards. 

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