Inauspicious Daridra Yoga: 4 Zodiacs Must Beware Till July 2023!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Mars transits in Cancer, where it is termed debilitated on 10th May, 2023. Let’s find out what impact ‘Daridra Yoga’ will have on these zodiac signs.

So, for all those of you who have never heard about this Yoga let us first clear that this is an inauspicious Yoga and if this Yoga forms in a horoscope of an individual then the person will have to face a lot of financial troubles, ups and downs and misery all through their life. This time it is the transit of Mars in the zodiac sign of Cancer, that is giving rise to this Yoga and will trouble 4 zodiac signs the most.

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Mars transits into the sign of Cancer on 10th May 2023 at 1:44 pm. The Daridra Yoga will come into effect from that very moment and will last until July 1st, 2023. Mars is considered debilitated in the sign of Cancer and will give rise to this Yoga for all those zodiac signs for which it either rules the 2nd or the 11th house. Want to know how and why? Read on to find out more. 

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What Is Daridra Yoga

Daridra Yoga, as the name suggests is an inauspicious Yoga and is responsible for bringing in financial troubles and extreme poverty (in some cases) if this Yoga forms in an individual’s horoscope. If a person is born with this Yoga in their horoscope or Kundli then they will always struggle to bring financial stability in their life and are never able to save money or enjoy a peaceful and a financially abundant life even if they earn well enough. There is an important point to remember though, that this Yoga is not a declaration that an individual having this Yoga in their Kundli will be a pauper. It only indicates that the individual will struggle to accumulate wealth and find financial stability or abundance throughout or for the major part of their life. 

How is Daridra Yoga Formed

Daridra Yoga comes into existence when the lords of either or both the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in their sign of debilitation or in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. The 2nd house is associated with personal income, wealth and earnings. The 11th house deals with prosperity, inheritance, gains, profit, friends, elder brother or sister, hopes and desires and their fulfillment. Whereas the 6th, 8th or the 12th house are considered as Trik Bhav in astrology. The placement of planets in these houses is considered bad or weak. Hence, the lord of the 2nd and 11th house when placed in these houses or in its sign of debilitation will not be able to give good results to the natives in financial matters and the individual may always find themselves dependant on others for financial support or may have to put in a lot of efforts to even earn a meager amount of money.

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Negative Impacts Of The Daridra Yoga 

This Yoga has the power to render a person penniless. It makes a person struggle to accumulate enough money, causes an acute financial crisis, loss of wealth, job, reputation and the person may have to endure hardships throughout their life or for the majority of their life. 

  • The natives may face huge losses in business or some major financial crunch in life.
  • Legal disputes related to money may trouble you from time to time.
  • You could be deceived in money matters. There are also chances of theft or loss of valuable items. For this reason it becomes extremely important to get your horoscope checked for any such yogas.
  • You may be dealing with health issues or your family members could have health issues and you may exhaust your savings in paying hospital and medical bills. 
  • If the lord of the 2nd or 11th house is forming Daridra Yoga then, the native is likely to face financial troubles during that time.

Daridra Yoga: These 4 Zodiacs Must Beware

Gemini: Mars rules the 6th house and the 11th house for Gemini natives and will transit to their 2nd house in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The 11th house lord debilitated in the 2nd house will affect both the crucial houses for finances so Daridra yoga will affect the gemini zodiac the most out of all 4 zodiacs.

It will make it difficult for Gemini natives to be able to save money. Your expenses will sky rocket and your money or business deals could even be stuck temporarily. You could even be tricked for money during this time and lose out on your hard earned money. Any cases related to property inheritance may not go in your favor or may get stuck. Conflicts between you and your social circle or your friends, elder siblings, etc may disturb your peace of mind.

Libra: Mars becomes the 2nd house lord and the 7th house lord for Libra natives. It will become debilitated in the 10th house. You could face troubles with your boss or other people at an authoritative position. It is possible that your increment or bonus may be delayed or is below your expectations. You may also have unexpected and unwanted expenses. You may find yourself being dragged into office politics and as a result could also end up losing your job during this time if other planets do not support you.

If you were expecting to find a new job or are giving interviews during this period the process or the results may get delayed resulting in anxiety and frustrations for you. Do not lend any money to people if they come asking for financial help as your money may never find its way back to you. Your married life could also be negatively impacted.

Capricorn: For Capricorn natives Mars becomes the 4th and the 11th house lord and becomes debilitated in your 7th house. This is not at all a pleasant time for business owners as there are possibilities of them losing huge amounts of sums in business. If you have recently started a new venture then it is possible that the business may fail or take longer to generate profits than expected. 

Be careful to not invest big chunks of money in business or from an investment perspective. If you were planning to buy assets such as lands, property, or vehicles then hold your horses and delay the process as there are chances that you may either be tricked or regret your investments later for varied reasons. Try and save as much as you can and be calculative about your expenditure. Your married life may too suffer and heated arguments or conflicts with your partner could be an everyday scenario for the coming month.

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Pisces: Mars rules the 2nd house and the 9th house for Pisces natives and would become debilitated in the 5th house. Your investments may give you lesser returns than expected and may fail to save your money no matter how hard you try. You may not be able to make intelligent decisions regarding finances and should refrain from taking any important financial decisions right now. 

If you were about to start a new project at work then it may get delayed or you may get sacked from that project or from your workplace altogether. Apart from finances, your child’s health or romantic relationships could be a cause for mental stress and anxiety for you.

Daridra Yoga: Impactful Remedies

  • Light a Diya in your home or office in the evenings.
  • Install a Kuber Yantra at home and in your workplace and worship it.
  • Recite the Hanuman Chalisa and Bajrang Baan.
  • Visit Hanuman temple and offer sweets. Feed those sweets to the poor children.
  • Perform havan for Maa Lakshmi and lord Kuber at home with full rituals.

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