In the domain of astrology, Mars is the benefactor of energy, land, courage, strength, might, etc. It is the ruling lord of Scorpio and Aries zodiac signs. It remains in an exalted state in Capricorn and debilitated state in Cancer. As per Vedic astrology, if Mars is in a favourable position in a horoscope, it makes a person courageous and fearless but if it is unfavourable, it throws hardships and challenges in love and married life and there are chances of meeting with accidents. Besides this, there is a great possibility of falling into controversies.

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Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are having friendly relations with Mars while Mercury and Rahu are considered to be its enemies and Saturn and Ketu are having normal relations with the same i.e. Mars.
June 02, 2021, Mars Transit in Cancer: Mars, the benefactor of property, land, electronic gadgets, etc., is going to transit on June 02, 2021, at 06:39 AM in Cancer and will reside in the same zodiac sign till July 20, 2021, upto 05:30 PM. After this, it will enter Leo zodiac sign.
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The transit of Mars in Cancer is going to impact people’s lives. In this regard, let us know in detail the impact of this transit on the natives of all 12 zodiac signs.
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries Moon Sign, Mars is the Lord of the first and eighth house and is transiting in the fourth house of comfort…Read More
For the Taurus Moon sign, Mars is the Lord of the twelfth and seventh house and transiting…Read More
For the Gemini Moon sign, Mars is the Lord of the sixth and eleventh houses and is transiting in the second…Read More
For the Cancer Moon sign, Mars is the ruling lord of the fifth and tenth house and is transiting in the first…Read More
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For the Leo Moon sign, Mars is the Lord of fourth and ninth house and is transiting in the twelfth house…Read More
For the Virgo moon sign, Mars is the Lord of the third and first house and is transiting in the eleventh house of income…Read More
For the Libra moon sign, Mars is the ruling lord of seventh and second house and is transiting in the tenth house of career…Read More
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For the Scorpio Moon Sign, Mars is the lord of the first and sixth house and is transiting in the ninth house of religion…Read More
Sagittarius natives have the planet Mars as the lord of their fifth and twelfth house and it is transiting in the eighth house…Read More
For the Capricorn Moon sign, Mars is the Lord of the fourth and eleventh house and is transiting in the seventh house…Read More
For the Aquarius moon signed natives, Mars is the lord of the third and tenth house and it is transiting…Read More
For the Pisces Moon Sign, Mars is the Lord of the second and ninth house and is transiting in the fifth house of education…Read More
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