Mars Transit In Aries – Job Opportunities & Career Growth For These Zodiacs!

All planets keep changing their position across zodiac signs after a certain period. Such transits have a deep impact on the lives of natives. This results in ups & downs in the lives of people during such planetary transits. The natives of some zodiac signs will face positive results during this period. 

On 01 June 2024, Mars transits in Aries at 03:27 pm. During this period, Mars will transit in its zodiac sign. 

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As Mars is situated in its sign Aries, the strength of the planet increases manifolds. Along with it, this results in the formation of auspicious yoga because it will be in the center position from its natural sign. This is referred to as the powerful yoga of the planet Mars. 

Such Mars transit will affect different aspects of people’s lives, but some zodiac signs will make immense progress & success in their careers. The readers will get relevant details on lucky zodiac signs whose natives will be successful in their careers due to Mars transit in Aries. 

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Mars Transit In Aries – List Of Lucky Zodiac Signs 


Mars is the lord of the first and eighth house of the Aries sign. It can result in sudden changes in the lives of people. Mars will transit in the first house of Aries. It will prove very favorable for the careers of Aries natives. This will result in a lot of progress at your workplace. 

It will be the best time for employed people to get new job opportunities. They can reach the heights of their professional careers. They will feel happy and satisfied with their progress in their careers. 

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope


Mars is the lord of the sixth and eleventh house of Gemini natives and now Mars will be positioned in the eleventh house. The natives can get profits in this period. They will progress in their careers. Thus, it will be a satisfying period for the Gemini natives and all their wishes will come true. 

Read: Gemini Weekly Horoscope


For the Cancer natives, Mars is the lord of the fifth and tenth house. This time Mars is going to transit in the tenth house. During this period, they will get a lot of success in their careers. All the efforts made in their lives will be successful. This will strengthen their position and it will make people very happy. 

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The careers of Cancer natives will improve significantly. If they are trying to get a government job, then the chances of success are very bright. 

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope


The Mars transit in Aries will prove very auspicious for the Leo natives. All their efforts will be successful in this period. For the Leo natives, Mars is the lord of the fourth and ninth house. Mars will transit in the ninth house and this will bring happiness & good fortune in the lives of people. They will get new job opportunities in this period and there will be on-site opportunities for working professionals. They will feel satisfied with the opportunities and this will help to create a strong foundation. 

Read: Leo Weekly Horoscope


For the Scorpio natives, Mars is the lord of the first and sixth house. During this period, Mars will transit in the sixth house and this will help natives achieve success with little effort. If they’re planning to get a new job then they will be successful due to the Mars transit. They can expect success in different directions. Their hard work will be appreciated at the workplace and will get praise due to it. 

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


For Aquarius natives, Mars is the lord of the third and tenth house. During this transit, Mars will be positioned in the third house and it will prove beneficial for the natives. They will get success in all their endeavors and their hard work at the workplace will yield good appreciation. Their respect in society will rise. The Mars transit in Aries will bring positive outcomes in the lives of people. 

Read: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

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Q1. How long will the Mars transit last?

Ans. The Mars transit lasts for 45 days.

Q2. Which yoga is formed due to Mars transit?

Ans. The Mars transit in Aries form Ruchaka Yoga which has varied effects on the lives of people.

Q3. What is the date of Mars transit in Aries?

Ans. The Mars transit in Aries will happen on 01 June 2024. 

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