Labh Panchami is also known by the name of Saubhagya Labh Panchami. This festival is mainly celebrated in Gujarat. Labh Panchami is considered to be the last day of Diwali festival. Saubhagya means good luck while Labh means profit. Therefore, the day of Labh Panchmi or Saubhagya Labh Panchami is considered to be extremely beneficial for good luck.
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In Gujarat, the festival of Diwali ends on the day of Labh Panchami. In this pretext, this day is considered to be highly auspicious. Worshipping on the day of Labh Panchami brings profit in the business, good luck, prosperity and progress in the family. In Gujarat, the businessmen begin their work by celebrating this festival after Diwali.
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Note: As per Gujarat New Year, business activities begin before the beginning of Labh Panchami.
When is Labh Panchami or Saubhagya Panchami Celebrated?
Labh Panchami is celebrated on the day of Panchami in Shukla Paksha during Kartik month. It is also known by the names of Gyan Panchami and Lakheni Panchami.
- Labh Panchami on Thursday, November 19, 2020
- Pratah Kala Labh Panchami Puja Muhurat – 06:47 AM to 10:20 AM
- Duration – 03 Hours 33 Mins
- Panchami Tithi Begins – 11:16 PM on Nov 18, 2020
- Panchami Tithi Ends – 09:59 PM on Nov 19, 2020
Venturing into a new business or beginning of any new work is considered to be highly auspicious on the day of Labh Panchami. The day of Labh Panchmi holds immeasurable significance in Gujarat and is celebrated with great pomp and show. The businessmen in Gujarat start their new ledger accounts from the day of Labh Panchami.
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On this day, businessmen write Shubh and Labh with Kumkum in the left and right side of their ledger accounts. After this, Maa Lakshmi is venerated and then, they begin their work. In addition to this, people of Jain community worship enlightening and motivational books and pray for intelligence, knowledge etc.
How to Celebrate the Day of Labh Panchami?
- Those who are unable to perform Sharda Puja, open their shops and business places on the day of Lakshmi Pujan and worship.
- On this day, Lord Ganesha and Maa Lakshmi are venerated and people wish for peace, prosperity etc. at home or workplaces.
- There is also a tradition pertaining to this day that people visit their relatives, friends etc. They exchange sweets and other gifts between themselves. It is believed that this helps in bringing better understanding in relationships.
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- People venerate books in parts of India on the day of Labh Panchmi and pray to the Maa for intelligence and knowledge.
- People offer clothes, sweets etc. to the needy on the day of Labh Panchmi. This is considered to be highly auspicious.
Usually, the festival of Diwali ends on the day of Bhai Dooj in parts of India. It is a five-day festival in central India and north India. The festival season begins from Dhanteras and then Narak Chaudas, Diwali, Annakut and Bhai Dooj are celebrated.
In Gujarat, the festival season begins from Dhanteras and ends on Labh Panchami. On the second day of Diwali, people in Gujarat pay a visit to different places and enjoy for 2 to 3 days. After this, everybody gets absorbed in their work with a positive mindset on the day of Labh Panchmi.
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Significance of Labh Panchami
The festival of Labh Panchmi is associated with the festival of lights i.e. Diwali. Labh means profit and therefore, the day of Labh Panchmi or Saubhagya Labh Panchami is considered to be extremely beneficial for bringing good luck and capability in one’s life. In the state of Gujarat, people believe that the worship of Labh Panchami brings profit, good luck, prosperity and progress in both professional as well as individual’s life. The festival of Labh Panchami is considered to be extremely important for venturing into a new business and also establishing the old one. It is considered to be one of the auspicious days.
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