What does 2020 say about Comedy king Kapil Sharma? Read Now!

Kapil Sharma is very often regarded as the king of Comedy. Over all these years, he has proved that he is the rightful owner of this title. The Kapil Sharma Show has gained a grand amount of popularity and its viewers keep increasing day by day. At the current time, he is also a well known figure in the world of Bollywood. He has appeared in some Bollywood Films and ever since then he has not stopped to look back. Considering this fact, he will also have many things to look forward to in the year 2020. This blog consists of some intricate details about how the year 2020 will turn out to be for the king of Comedy. We have also given away some important predictions related to the life of Kapil Sharma in 2020 after carefully studying his birth chart or Kundli. These predictions are curated on the basis of Vedic astrology.

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So, let us now take a look at the birth chart of kapil Sharma and move on to the predictions for the year 2020 very quickly.

kapil sharma kundli Kapil Sharma

(2-4-1981; 4:30; Amritsar)

As we have mentioned before, the popular face of comedy in India has also tried his hand at acting and proven his calibre to a great extent. During the year 2020, Kapil Sharma’s Kundli will go through Venus’ sub period(Antar Dasha) under Saturn’s major period(Maha Dasha). The planet Saturn, who is the ruling lord of his lagna and twelfth house, has taken a nest in the eighth house along with Jupiter and it is being aspected by Mars, Sun and Venus. At the same time, Saturn in his Kundli is giving birth to major significations, which is residing in the second house if its exalted sign. At the very beginning of the year, from 24 January 2020 onwards to be precise, a period of Sade Sati will begin. At this point of time, he may fall prey to some mental stress, but since he is under the first house’s ruling lord and other Yogakaraka planets, this year will prove to be a quite hopeful one for the comedy king. On one hand, he will make a tremendous amount of money, while on the other, the viewership of his comedy show will also increase and reach out to a lot of the common public. It is also quite possible that he may stumble upon an exciting offer very soon, which will ultimately prove to be very beneficial for him. On a slightly negative note, health should be taken care of during this year. He may also fall prey to some accusations, which is why it is recommended to remain very alert all throughout this time.

We hope this article proves to be informative. Thankyou for connecting with AstroSage!!


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