Jyeshtha Month 2024: Major Fasts & Festivals & Zodiac Wise Remedies

The month of Jyeshtha is the third month in the Hindi calendar. This year it falls between May and June on the Gregorian calendar. Jeth month, which means big, is another name for Jyeshtha month. The sun’s rays cause people to sweat during this month’s hottest temperatures. Since the Sun God is in his ferocious form during this month, Jyeshtha is the most difficult month due to its scorching heat. Water is extremely important in the month of Jyeshtha because, according to Sanatan Dharma, this is the time when people should focus more on preserving it. Fasts like Ganga Dussehra and Nirjala Ekadashi are observed during the month of Jyeshtha, and they promote water conservation in the natural environment. Holy rivers are worshiped during Ganga Dussehra, while Nirjala Ekadashi is observed without drinking water.

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The scriptures make reference to the month of Jyeshtha’s special religious significance. According to religious traditions, the month of Jyeshtha is dedicated to the special adoration of Hanuman ji, Sun God, and Varun Dev. We would like to inform you that Hanuman ji is regarded as the god of Kaliyuga, Varun is the god of water, and Surya stands for fire. During this holy month, one can get liberation from several planetary defects by engaging in acts of prayer and charity. 

We will provide you with complete information on all the fascinating aspects of Jyeshtha month in our AstroSage blog, including which Teej and holidays fall during this month. Which actions are going to be helpful this month? What does this month mean in terms of religion? What should people give extra attention to this month? What should they donate? What should they avoid doing? What should they do? Continue reading the blog to the end as we will be providing you with a wealth of such knowledge.

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Jyeshtha Month 2024: Date And Time 

The month of Jyeshtha will begin on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, and end on Friday, June 21, 2024. Lord Vishnu’s most cherished month is Jyeshtha. The month of Ashadh will begin after this. It has been revealed why it is very important to worship Lord Vishnu during this month. It is a religious belief that worshiping all the Gods and Goddesses throughout this month will grant pleasure and prosperity as well as provide relief from all tensions.

Significance Of Jyeshtha Month 

The month of Jyeshtha is marked with numerous fasts and festivals in Sanatan Dharma, where it is regarded as highly significant and crucial. Since water is especially important during this holy month, saving water and offering it to plants and trees will help to solve a lot of problems. This also pleases the ancestors. Mythology states that devotion of Lord Vishnu and Mother Ganga, who emanate from his feet, occurs in the month of Jyeshtha. In addition, every Tuesday that occurs in the month of Jyeshtha has special meaning, and on the Tuesday that falls, one should fast in the name of lord Hanuman. In the Hindu religion, the month of Jyeshtha, or Jeth, is highly revered since it fulfills every desire. There are several benefits supposed to come from all the fasts and festivals held during this month.

Apart from this, it is believed that Mother Ganga descended on Earth during the month of Jyeshtha, and this day is known as Ganga Dussehra. In addition, the month of Jyeshtha is also associated with the birth of Lord Shanidev. The Hindu faith has accorded great significance to Jyeshtha month because of all these factors. 

Major Fasts And Festivals In Jyeshta Month 

During Jyeshtha month, which falls between May 23 and June 21, 2024, there will be numerous significant Sanatan Dharma fasts and festivals. These include the following:

Date DayFasts And Festivals 
23 May 2024ThursdayVaishakha Purnima Vrat
26 May 2024SundaySankashati Chaturthi
2 June 2024Sunday Apra Ekadashi
4 June 2024Tuesday Masik Shivratri, Pradosh Vrat (k)
06 June 2024ThursdayJyeshtha Amavasya
15 June 2024SaturdayMithun Sankranti
18 June 2024TuesdayNirjala Ekadashi
19 June 2024WednesdayPradosh Vrat (S)

Personality Traits Of People Born In The Month Of Jyeshtha Month 

A lot of people are born in the month of Jyeshtha. We shall explain the characteristics and nature of people born in the month of Jyestha in this blog. Astrology has also identified certain traits and attributes of those born in particular months and on specific dates. The month of a person’s birth might also reveal something about their nature. Astrology states that our birth month has both positive and negative effects on our lives. Jyeshtha-born individuals possess both special characteristics and faults. So let us know about this in detail.

Jyeshtha-born individuals are very intelligent and have a strong spiritual inclination, which keeps them deeply involved in religious pursuits. These people enjoy going to places of pilgrimage. These people love their partner dearly and take excellent care of them. Some Jyestha-born individuals have to move overseas. In addition, some individuals receive benefits from overseas. Most of these people feel forced to stay away from their homes. They don’t hold any negative feelings towards anybody. These people are abundantly wealthy. They also enjoy using their intelligence for good deeds and live long lives.

Astrology says that such a person is extremely fortunate on a personal level. Their ability to be extremely flexible and their tendency to complete tasks on time help them succeed in both work and business. Girls born in this month succeed in fields relating to fashion because they are ahead of the curve in fashion and have a solid understanding of it. Those who were born in this month have strong imaginations.  They are the focus of attention and have an energetic personality. Those who were born in this month are also exceptionally intelligent. With the aid of their intelligence, they can readily do even the most challenging tasks. 

In terms of their romantic relationships, these individuals are able to build a friendly and loving bond with their partner. Their relationships are extremely important to them, and they dislike interference from others. They do not get upset about little things and do not ruin their relationships due to any reason. Because of their humorous personality, they have a happy relationship. They are ready to go above and beyond for their partner. There are several drawbacks for those born in the month of Jyeshtha. For example, they may experience numerous ups and downs in life because they are stubborn and easily angered. Even though they are quite kind, these individuals also get depressed easily. These people easily trust people, which puts them at risk of being deceived repeatedly in life.

Significance Of Donating Water In Jyeshtha Month

Donating water is especially important during the month of Jyeshtha. The saying “water is life” stems from the fact that none of us could possibly imagine surviving without it. Although donating water has always been regarded as a good idea, doing so during the month of Jyeshtha is said to be ideal. This month, you can provide water for the birds in your garden or on your roof. Birds and animals are priceless gifts from nature, and offering water to them is significant from an astrological perspective as well. Indeed, all the Gods and Goddesses of Sanatan Dharma have animals or birds as their vehicles. Offering water to animals and birds in such a situation is highly virtuous throughout the month of Jyeshtha; it pleases God and results in one receiving his special blessings. Aside from this, in the month of Jyeshtha, Lord Shri Hari Vishnu also feels happy to offer water, jaggery, sattu, sesame, and other essentials to those in need. Additionally, Pitra Dosh and all sins can be eliminated.

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Things To Do In Jyeshtha Month 2024

  • Everybody experiences discomfort from the strong sun’s rays during the month of Jyeshtha. As a result, water becomes even more crucial. Water should be donated in such a case.
  • Grain and water for birds should be kept in any open area or on the terrace of the house throughout the month of Jyeshtha. Store water and food for birds outside your house or on your terrace since the heat causes rivers and ponds to dry up and prevent birds from getting water. 
  • The month of Jyeshtha is special for worshiping lord Hanuman because it is when Hanuman, the son of wind, met Lord Ram. This month Bada Mangalwar is  celebrated that involves worshiping Hanuman ji especially.
  • It is highly auspicious to worship Varun Dev and the Sun God during this month, and it is also beneficial to offer water to the Sun God.
  • In addition, it is believed to be lucky to water plants every day, give water to others, avoid wasting it, and offer water—as well as fans and pitchers—to those in need during this month.
  • This month, donations of sesame oil are suitable. By doing this, you can prevent an early death.

Things To Avoid In Jyeshtha Month 2024

  • During the month of Jyeshtha, one should not sleep during the day. People may experience various diseases as a result of this, according to belief.
  • This month, avoid applying oil to your body.
  • No family member should be wedded during this month if they are the eldest son or daughter.
  • Avoid eating anything hot or spicy during this month.
  • In the month of Jyeshtha, no one should be sent away from the house without first offering him water.
  • It’s been reported that this month is not the best time to eat brinjal. There is a belief that this is detrimental to the child. 

Surefire Remedies In Jyeshtha Month 

This month, there are certain special measures that need being taken. This is said to bring the blessings of the goddess Lakshmi and plenty of money. So let us know about these measures.

To Remove Negative Energy In Life

Every morning during Jyeshtha month, wake up early, take a bath, visit Lord Hanuman’s temple, and offer him a basil leaf garland. Include Halwa-Puri or any other dessert with this. After taking a seat on a mat placed in front of his figure, perform the correct rituals for the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Baan, and Shri Sunderkand.

To Get Rid Of Mangal Dosha

In order to eliminate Mangal Dosh in the month of Jyeshtha, those with Mangal Dosh in their horoscopes should donate items related to it, such as copper and jaggery.

To Get Promotion At Work

The brightness of the Sun God does not dim during the month of Jyeshtha. Offering Arghya to Sun during this month boosts one’s respect and can result in a job promotion in a situation like this.

To Get Rid Of Every Type Of Problem 

Make plans for water for animals and birds throughout the month of Jyeshtha to get rid of planetary faults. You will never experience financial difficulties with this, and you can put an end to the ups and downs in your life.

To Get Prosperity In Life 

Every day after waking up early and taking a bath, one should serve water to the Sun using a copper pot throughout the month of Jyeshtha. The Mantra Om Suryay Namah should be sung in conjunction with this. Remember not to look straight at the sun when delivering water. The stream of water that pours out of the pot should reveal the Sun God. This leads to success and pleasure.

Jyeshtha Month 2024: Donate These Things As Per Your Zodiac

During this auspicious month, the seeker would receive twice as many results if they followed the cures according to their sign. Furthermore, the possibility of wealth growth exists.


On Fridays in the month of Jyeshtha, those born under the sign of Aries should knot a handful of flaxseed and turmeric in a red cloth and store it in the safe. This is believed to ease the path toward financial success. Remember that the flax seeds should be changed every Friday.


Apply saffron tilak on the Shankhapushpi plant’s root during the month of Taurus’ Jyeshtha and wash it with Ganga water. When you’re done, store it in your money safe or another location. By doing this, the business sector will expand twice as quickly and the economy will remain stable.


When taking a bath in the month of Jyeshtha, those born under the sign of Gemini should mix sugarcane juice with water. The Peepal tree should then be given water and raw milk. This is lucky for you. Aside from this, a child’s brain capacity grows. Children that struggle with speech get better at speaking.


During the month of Jyeshtha, people born under the sign of Cancer should worship Satyanarayan at home, follow it up with Havan and prayers for the family’s prosperity. In addition to bringing happiness and prosperity to the family, this will provide relief from illnesses.


On the last night of the Jyeshtha month, Leo zodiac individuals should anoint Goddess Lakshmi by mixing saffron with water. By doing this, it’s believed that negative things happen and that you won’t be dominated by opponents and enemies.


On this auspicious day, those born under the sign of Virgo should take a bath in which they add cardamom to the water. In addition, offer Goddess Lakshmi coconuts and water chestnuts at night. This solves the issue of debt.


Libras should offer Kheer Prasad to Goddess Lakshmi at home on this day, and then divide it among seven girls. These steps will successfully end the ongoing issues at work. Additionally, there’s a possibility that this remedy will boost revenue.


Scorpions should chant Mata Lakshmi Chalisa at night or Vishnu Sahastranam during Jyeshtha month. This results in fame, money, or both.


People born under the sign of Sagittarius should wrap raw cotton in turmeric during this month and bind it around a Banyan tree. Recite the Mantra Brahmana Sahinta Devi Savitrim Lokmataram while making eleven rounds around the room. Yam savitrim yamam chavahayamyaham satyavratam cha. You’ll find a good husband as a result, and married life will be happy.


To find relief from the planetary suffering during the month of Jyeshtha, Capricorns should donate umbrellas, Khadau, iron, and urad dal. Feed the black dog some bread as well. This is the way to avoid the Mahadasha of Saturn.


On this day, people born under the sign of Aquarius should take a bath in which they add black sesame seeds to the water. The puris cooked in oil should subsequently be donated to the poor. This eliminates financial, physical, and mental issues.


During the month of Jyeshtha, Pisces people should provide mango fruit and offer water to passersby. In addition to bringing happiness, calm, and positive energy into the home, this relieves Vastu faults.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. When does the month of Jyeshtha begin?

Ans. The month of Jyeshtha will begin on May 22, 2024, and will end on June 21, 2024.

Ques2. Which festivals fall in the month of Jyeshtha?

Ans. The festivals observed in the month of Jyeshtha include Apara Ekadashi, Pradosh Vrat (Krishna), Masik Shivaratri, Jyeshtha Amavasya, Nirjala Ekadashi, Pradosh Vrat (Shukla), Jyeshtha Purnima Vrat, Sankashti Chaturthi, Mithun Sankranti, and Yogini Ekadashi.

Ques3. What is the significance of the month of Jyeshtha?

Ans. Water holds special importance during this month, so conserving water and watering plants during this sacred month can alleviate many troubles.

Ques4. What should not be done in the month of Jyeshtha?

Ans. It is believed that one should not sleep during the daytime at all during the month of Jyeshtha, as it may lead to various illnesses.

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