Jupiter Transit In Bharani Nakshatra: Your Life Will Change 360 Degrees!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Jupiter will transit  in Bharani Nakshatra on 21st June, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Jupiter In Bharani Nakshatra will have on the lives of the individuals and also learn about what the bharani nakshatra stands for, its 4 Padas and how this transit may affect the 12 zodiac signs.

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To Know More about Jupiter Transit In Bharani Nakshatra 2023, Talk To The Best Astrologers!

Nakshatras play a very important role in predicting the results of any planet. There are 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. Each Nakshatra is further categorized into four Padas. These 27 Nakshatras are divided amongst the 12 zodiac signs of the astrological sphere. Each Nakshatra spans for a length of 13 degrees 20’ where each Pada is about 3 degrees 20’ long. Jupiter transited to the sign of Aries on the 22nd April, 2023 and entered the 1st Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra on the same day and the same time. Now on 21st June, 2023 Jupiter is transiting to the 2nd pada of Bharani Nakshatra at 13:19 PM and then will enter again in the 1st Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra on the 27th November, 2023. Now let us read on further as to further understand about this interesting transit. 

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Bharani Nakshatra In Astrology

Bharani Nakshatra is the 2nd Nakshatra out of the 27 Nakshatras in astrology. It is ruled by the planet Venus and ranges from 13 degrees 20’ to 26 degrees 40’ in the sign of Aries, ruled by the planet Mars. Bharani Nakshatra is the signifier of lord Yama and he is the one to differentiate right from wrong and declare justice. This Nakshatra is said to be the ‘bearer of life’, as it symbolizes the female reproductive system.

It is often called the Nakshatra of desire, sacrifice, fear and jealousy. Bharani Nakshatra is attributed to the feminine characters like nurturing and soft touch. They have a twinkle in their eyes and the most beautiful, catchy eyes of the lot and a smile to die for. Owing to the fact that Bharani Nakshatra is ruled by Venus, it is known to give you financial abundance in life for sure. This Nakshatra also represents life and death. Let us now further read more about this fascinating Nakshatra ruled by the god of luxury.

Padas Of Bharani Nakshatra 

1st Pada Bharani Nakshatra: The 1st pada falls in the Leo Navamsa and is ruled by the Sun. This Pada bestows the native with excellent creativity and is highly artistic in nature. 

2nd Pada Bharani Nakshatra: The 2nd Pada falls in the Virgo Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. This Pada is considered to be self-sacrificing and can focus on important tasks even when things are chaotic around.

3rd Pada Bharani Nakshatra: This Pada falls in the Libra Navamsa and is ruled by Venus.  This Pada is a little more outgoing and can harmonize tense situations like none other.

4th Pada Bharani Nakshatra: The 4th Pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. This Pada provides excess energy, extreme productivity and provides excellent research abilities.

Also Read: June Horoscope  

Jupiter In Astrology

Jupiter is often called the ‘Gentle Giant’ as it is the largest planet of our solar system as well as in astrology. It is the most important planet in astrology. It governs over wisdom and knowledge and for this reason has earned the title of ‘Dev Guru’. Jupiter or Brihaspati is the significator of the husband in a woman’s horoscope. It is even called the planet of luck as its Mooltrikona zodiac, Sagittarius falls in the 9th house of luck and the 12th house of isolation as its another zodiac Pisces falls in the 12th house of Foreign lands, isolation of the Kalpurush Kundli. 

It is often said that Jupiter placed in the 12th house in any person’s horoscope makes him/her inclined towards spirituality and religion. Jupiter takes about 13 months to transit from one zodiac to the other and takes 12 years to complete its journey through all 12 zodiac signs of the astrological sphere. Jupiter is a planet which can provide high administrative jobs and positions to a person and bless them with immense wealth. 

Venus In Astrology

Venus is often touted as the planet of wealth and luxury, love, beauty, arts and everything glam and glitter. Venus is known as the brightest star in the solar system amongst planets as it is layered with a thick gaseous atmosphere which reflects 70% of the light from the Sun that reaches it. Shukra or the ‘Shukracharya’ is also known as the ‘Daitya Guru’ and takes 225 days to revolve around the Sun. 

Venus is known to be a form of Maa Laksmi, the wife of lord Vishnu and is known as the goddess of wealth. Venus owns two signs namely Taurus and Libra. It is deeply exalted at 27 degrees in Pisces zodiac. Its Mooltrikona is in Libra.  In the planetary Cabinet Venus is also a minister along with Jupiter (Brihaspati).

Traits Of People Born In Bharani Nakshatra

  • Bharani Nakshatra people have natural leadership skills and many world famous leaders are born in this nakshatra.
  • Bharani Nakshatra people are highly creative and are highly artistic in nature.
  • Their entrepreneurial skills are great and others can also learn these skills from them.  They have a natural risk taking ability. 
  • Bharani Nakshatra is related to strength and endurance and some of the world’s leading sports persons are born in this nakshatra.
  • They are known for their strong and dynamic personalities. 
  • They are fearless, confident, and have an amazing risk taking ability. 
  • They can sometimes even be stubborn, headstrong and rude. 
  • They firmly believe in what they do and do not compromise with their values or ethics. 

Jupiter Transit In Bharani Nakshatra- Zodiac Wise Prediction

Aries: People looking for career growth in business and private sector will find success in all their endeavors as Jupiter will be in Mars’s Mooltrikona sign and Venus’s Nakshatra. Jupiter will bless Aries natives with financial gains and luck will be on their side even in love related matters as Jupiter’s aspect on 5th house will ease things for you. Your married life would now become better and the spark would be back as Jupiter will be in Venus’s Nakshatra and love will blossom again between you two. 

Taurus: Jupiter in the 12th house means earning through foreign lands and connections. Jupiter in Venus’s Nakshatra will definitely help you achieve that pace in your export import business and help you gain profit from foreign lands. However, it could also draw you towards spirituality and salvation. This transit may increase your expenditure though as the 11th house lord goes to the 12th house. As the 8th house lord it could also bring in minor physical issues and illnesses, but nothing too serious. Taurus natives could experience minor troubles in marriage as Jupiter transits the 12th house. Your enemies could try to overpower you.

Gemini: Jupiter being the 7th and the 10th house lord will be in the 11th house in Venus’s nakshatra for Gemini natives. Jupiter will aspect the 7th house so singles could get married at this time as Jupiter is in bharani and Venus is the Karaka of marriage. The ones who are married, their relationship will strengthen during this period. Your love relationships will flourish. The individuals involved in charity works or run their NGOs or are engaged in social welfare in one way or the other. This is a good time for business owners as well. Creative businesses like designing, sculpting, architecture, etc will benefit more than others. 

Cancer:  Jupiter is posited in their 10th house right now. Those who are working in private sectors must put in more effort in order to get the desired results. People in government jobs are sure to benefit from this transit. If however, Jupiter is already negatively placed in your horoscope then there is a chance that some people could lose their jobs or encounter politics at the workplace. Work should therefore be done carefully and cautiously. This is definitely not a very good time for business and Cancer natives could experience sluggishness in business as things may not move as quickly as you’d wish to.

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Leo: For Leo natives, Jupiter is placed in the 9th house.  It is anticipated that Jupiter transit in Aries would ease things for Leo natives on the career front as luck may start supporting you even more than before. Those who are working in private sectors must put in more effort in order to get the desired results. People in government jobs are sure to benefit from this transit. 

If however, Jupiter is already negatively placed in your horoscope then there is a chance that some people could lose their jobs or encounter politics at the workplace. Work should therefore be done carefully and cautiously. This is definitely not a very good time for business and Leo natives could experience good gains during this period and take their business to new heights. 

Virgo: For Virgo natives, Jupiter will be in the 8th house. Jupiter transiting to Venus’s Nakshatra will ease things for Virgos as it moves into the Nakshatra of the 9th house lord. It will certainly lower down the amount of restrictions or obstacles that were being felt by Virgos till now as 8th house is the house of transformations. If you were experiencing ups and downs in your career then things will certainly ease a bit for you. Business owners can also expect their businesses picking pace and momentum now. 

Libra: Jupiter will be in the 7th house for Libra natives. Your performance is probably going to get better, opening up fresh prospects or you may get promotions within the same company. New opportunities will come up for people who are in business. The time appears right to grow the company further. You may be able to even earn money using short-cut methods such as earning through speculation, etc. Make sure that your means of earning money should be ethical and fair. 

Scorpio: Dear Scorpios, with Jupiter in the 6th house, there is a possibility of job change or some ups and downs in career. It could be a good time for people involved in government service or the ones engaged with the judiciary. This is a good time for lawyers and judges. If any of your cases were stuck, now is the chance that the judgment may come in your favor. Anyone engaged in business must be cautious. They should refrain from starting any new projects during this time. Jupiter transit is most likely to be successful for those who are working overseas or looking to move abroad. 

Sagittarius: The Jupiter transit in Bharani Nakshatra for Sagittarius natives will prove to be advantageous in all aspects of life. Individuals working in private sectors are likely to receive increments in salary or promotions. People looking for a new job might also find one. The natives involved in business might be anticipating growth of their company. The time period appears to be advantageous for anyone looking to launch a start-up. Students who are likely to get the desired achievements. 

Capricorn: As Jupiter transits to Bharani Nakshatra in the 4th house, this time is favorable for Capricorn natives‘ professional lives. They most likely would succeed in their careers as Jupiter directly aspects their 10h house. The time appears favorable for those who are hoping for a promotion. New growth opportunities and your bosses will definitely take note of your work. You will gain respect and reputation at work. People working in the education sector may especially benefit a lot from this transit. People working in government sectors could expect promotions and special achievements coming their way. Your authorities will take notice of your work and you will succeed in impressing them. 

Aquarius: Aquarius natives will now feel the work pressure mounting as Jupiter will be in their 3rd house. If they were laid back earlier now they will take actions quicker than usual and could be a little philosophical. These individuals will have a lot of cooperation from co-workers. It’s advised that you hold onto your current position for the time being. Keep the pace steady even if you’re inclined to quit your work or make the switch soon. One must be wise and cautious while making a new investment in the company. Business and tensions related to business may ease out for Aquarius as Jupiter transits into Bharani Nakshatra. 

Pisces: Dear Pisces! You feel pressured at the workplace but it will be manageable with Jupiter transit in Bharani Nakshatra.  It’s possible for you to change jobs or be transferred to a new place. You may have to travel internationally or within the country for work. It is best to hold off on starting new businesses. Your finances will for sure be stable for the major part of the year with Jupiter placed in the 2nd house

Remedies For Rahu Forming the Guru- Chandal Yoga 

  • Donate wheat, jaggery and copper.
  • Wear yellow clothes more often.
  • Wear a silver chain around the neck.
  • Drop coconut in flowing water.
  • Recite Vishnu Sahasranama
  • Instal and worship the Rahu Yantra in your homes and workplace.

Note*- As we all are aware that Jupiter and Rahu together in Aries are giving rise to the ‘Guru-Chandal’ Yoga till the 30th of October 2023. Therefore, in such a situation it is important to follow a few remedies for Rahu to calm it down and reap benefits from this Jupiter transit in Bharani Nakshatra. 

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