How To Read Twins’ Horoscopes?

Many people across the world believe in Vedic Astrology as it is the study of stars that give the information of all the likely events of our present, and future. Planetary movement, conjunctions, and special position of zodiac signs, etc. impact our lives to a greater extent and we experience such things in our day-to-day lives differently. Such events take place in all aspects such as career, business, health, love life, etc.

The question usually arises in the field of astrology that if twins are born, then how their horoscope can be read as there is a very little time gap between the birth of both. Their Kundli is almost identical even then there is a lot of difference in their lifestyle and fortune. In this blog, we are shedding light on how the horoscope of twins can be read, which appears to be identical but speaks differently.  

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Indeed, twins’ horoscopes are an important subject as it is not easy to analyse two similar horoscopes. What can be the reason that the destiny of both and the circumstances of life are different from each other? One advances in life and achieves greater progress while the other loses track. The perception of life and career is also different. There are special ways in which their horoscope can be studied.

Prominent Points of Twins’ Horoscopes

It is well-known that the place and date of birth of the twins are the same but time may differ a bit. Why do they experience two different kinds of lifestyles when they have similar faces, identical thinking, common perception, etc.? How are their personality and deeds different from each other? We will study everything at length in this blog.  

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Vedic Astrology & Theory of Karma

In Vedic astrology, special importance is attached to the theory of Karma. There is a famous saying, “As we sow, so shall we reap” and therefore, a person enjoys the fruits of their life accordingly in the present as well as the next birth. Sometimes, it so happens that in spite of being born at the same place and time, their deeds and paths are totally different. This can be known by the microscopic study of their horoscope. The same holds good in the case of twins though the time may vary a bit. So, the obvious question is that in spite of having an identical horoscope, the life journey is different. 

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How to Study Twins’ Horoscopes?

The main challenge before the expert is to analyse the horoscope of twins because of their identical features, same birthplace with little variation of time, etc., and therefore, some special attention has to be paid to study their horoscope. 

As per Vedic Astrology, if the horoscope is prepared at the time of pregnancy, it helps you analyse the horoscope of twins after birth. This Garbh Kundli is actually different from the actual horoscope but the actual horoscope can also be designed on the basis of Garbh Kundli and at the time of conception. However, it is a very difficult job and requires ample time, but if it is prepared rightly, the future of twins can be predicted easily and the reason for changes in their lives can also be known. 

Vedic Astrology

Usually, it is observed that the gap between the birth of twins varies from 3 minutes to 12 minutes, and during the period, the movement of planets and stars changes resulting in the minute variations of their horoscope, and, in the circle of astrology, Varga Kundli has a special role to play. The horoscope of twins appears to be similar, but if viewed from the Varga Kundli and Shastansh Kundli, differences can be easily observed. 

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Krishnamurthi Paddhati (K.P. Astrology)

The development of KP or Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology emerged from the study of Vedic Astrology in which the benefits are viewed on the basis of stars and sub-stars. It is also helpful in analysing the horoscope of the twins and gives somewhat accurate results. As it has been explained above that the time of the birth of twins can vary from 3 to 12 minutes and if Nakshtara remains the same, but there can be a variation among the ruling lords of Nakshatras, and on the basis of this account, the future of twins can be predicted.     

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Hast Rekha Shastra (Palmistry)

Palmistry is a potent part of Samudrika Shastra. The study of different lines, mounts, and special signs of the palm, etc. can be helpful in predicting the future of the twins and also, the events happening in their lives.

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