The benefits of wearing those shiny and glittery gemstones is greater than the aesthetics. You have often seen people wearing different types of gems, but do you know that if these beautiful gems are worn with the right methods, rituals and rules, then they can brighten the fortunes of a person? In this special article on gemstones, let us also know that the wrong gemstones can make one’s life more problematic.
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We always say that, in the world of astrology lies the solution to all your problems. But, how is it so? In this article, we will tell you about gems as well as how these gems can help you in making your life easy, successful, stress-free. However, it is very important to know first of all which gemstone you should wear. You can get the necessary details from Acharya Dr. Sunil Barmola.
He will give you solutions about the appropriate gemstone as per your zodiac sign and the right method of wearing it. The knowledge of Dashas and Mahadashas is also important before wearing a Gemstone. Wearing the necessary gemstones during the Mahadasha of the Kendra or the Trikon Lord brings forth profits. Therefore, the gemstones of Lagnesh, Panchamesh and Navamesh can be worn. If any of these three planets is in their exalted zodiac sign, then gemstones should not be worn.
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Keep in Mind the Following Rules before Wearing a Gemstone
If the favourable planet is getting weaker and weaker than before, then wear a gem of the same planet as it helps in giving better results. If (Fortune Lord) Bhagyesh is dwindling and time is not favourable then wear the gem of the same planet.
The ascendant lord’s gemstone is known as Jivan Ratna (life-giving), Panchamesh (fifth houses’ ruling lord) is known as Karaka Ratna and Navmesh(ninth house’s ruling lord) is known as Bhagya Ratna(gemstone for luck). If the ruling lord of the trine houses in horoscopes is in an unfavorable position, then a person should not wear gems. Never wear a gem that can create obstacles in your life. All gems should be worn during the prescribed hora of Shukla Paksha.
Gemstones According To The Birth Ascendant
Aries Ascendant
The favorable gemstone of this Lagna is Coral (Moong), which should be eulogized with Mantras and then, it should be worn with a gold studded ring on any Tuesday.
Mantra- ūm̐ bhauṃ bhaumāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ भौं भौमाय नम
Benefits – Wearing Coral purifies blood and increases courage and strength. It also helps in getting a woman married on time. It protects children from evil spirits and bad omens. People belonging to the Scorpio zodiac can also wear it.
Taurus Ascendant
The gemstone suited for this lagna is Diamond (Heera) and Sapphire (Neelam). The diamond should be awakened in the Shukla Paksha on any Friday during the Hora of Venus.
Mantra- ūm̐ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ शुं शुक्राय नम
Benefits – Wearing a diamond makes a person healthy, courageous and smart. This gem helps in early marriage and protects from fire Agni), fear etc. It protects women from diseases of the uterus and men from sexual disorders. It is said that a woman who aspires for a son should not wear a Diamond. Those women who want a son or who have children, should wear a Diamond only after some serious introspections. People of Libra ascendant (Lagna) can also wear it.
Gemini Ascendant
The gemstone favorable for this ascendant is Panna, which should be worn on Wednesday during the Hora of Mercury with the following Mantra.
Mantra- ūm̐ buṃ budhāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ बुं बुधाय नम
Benefits – Panna removes poverty and provides peace. It gives success in examinations, cures cough and other throat diseases. It also helps in developing concentration and brings utmost peace by removing mental disorders, work stress and many other problems. People belonging to the Virgo ascendant can also wear it.
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Cancer Ascendant
The gemstone suited for this ascendant is Pearl (Moti), which should be worn on Monday morning in the Moon’s hora. The gemstone must be eulogized with the following mantra before wearing it.
Mantra- ūm̐ soṃ somāyanamaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ सों सोमायनम
Benefits – The Pearl gemstone helps in increasing memory power, strength, knowledge and intellect. It controls anger and mental tensions. It is also beneficial for those who are suffering from insomnia, dental problems and urinary diseases. Further, It helps men to get married on time.
If people wear Coral (Moong), it gives immeasurable benefits, because Coral becomes the Karaka of Raj Yoga for the folks born under this ascendant.
Leo Ascendant
Ruby (Manikya) is the favorable gemstone for people of this ascendant. It should be eulogized on Sunday morning in Ravi’s Hora with the following mantra.
Mantra- ūm̐ ghṛṇi sūryāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ घृणि सूर्याय नम
Benefits – Wearing a Ruby increases courage and destroys fear, sorrow and other diseases. The job receives high status and promotions. It relieves problems related to bone disorder and gives relief from headaches.
If People of this ascendant also wear Coral (Moong), then they receive immense fortunes.
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Virgo Ascendant
The gemstone favorable for this ascendant is Panna, which should be worn on Wednesday during the Hora of Mercury with the following Mantra.
Mantra- ūm̐ buṃ budhāya nama
मंत्र- ऊँ बुं बुधाय नम
Benefits – Panna removes poverty and provides peace. It gives success in examinations and cures cough and other throat diseases. It also helps in developing concentration and brings utmost peace by removing mental disorders like work troubles and many others. People of Virgo ascendant can also wear it.
Emerald, Diamond, and Sapphire Gems are also auspicious for this Lagna.
Does your horoscope have Raj Yoga?
Libra ascendant
The gemstone suited for this ascendant is Diamond and Raja Yoga is Neelam. The Diamond should be eulogized on the Friday of Shukla Paksha during the Hora of Venus.
Mantra- ūm̐ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ शुं शुक्राय नम
Diamond and Opal gems are also auspicious for this lagna.
Benefits – Wearing a Diamond makes a person healthy, courageous and smart. This gem helps one to get married early and protects from fire (Agni), fear etc. It protects women from diseases of the uterus and men from sexual disorders. It is said that a woman who aspires for a son should not wear a diamond. Those women who want a son or who have children, should wear a diamond only after some serious consultations. People of Libra ascendant (Lagna) can also wear it.
Scorpio Ascendant
The favorable gemstone for this ascendant is Coral (Moong), which should be eulogized on the Tuesday of Shukla Paksha during the Hora of Mars by chanting following Mantra and wearing it in the ring finger in a golden ring.
Mantra – ūm̐ bhauṃ bhaumāya namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ भौं भौमाय नम
Benefits – Wearing coral purifies blood and increases courage and strength. It is also helpful in conducting the marriage ceremonies of women at an early age. It protects children from evil spirits and bad omens. Scorpio ascendant natives can also wear it.
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Sagittarius Ascendant
The favorable gem of this ascendant is Topaz (Pukhraj), which should be eulogized on Thursday of Shukla Paksha in the morning during the Guru’s Hora with the following Mantra.
Mantra – ūm̐ bṛṃ bṛhaspataye namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ बृं बृहस्पतये नम
Benefits – It is believed that by wearing a Pukhraj, one’s strength, intellect, knowledge, prosperity and respect increases. It blesses one with a male child and also prevents one from committing certain sinful activities.
Capricorn Ascendant
The Gem suitable for this lagna is Sapphire (Neelam), which should be eulogized on a Saturday morning during the Hora of Saturn by reciting the following Mantra.
Mantra – ūm̐ śaṃ śanaiścarāye namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ शं शनैश्चराये नम
Benefit- Wearing sapphire increases wealth, happiness and fame. It gives positivity to the mind. It provides better results in diseases which are air borne, arthritis and hernia. Neelam must be tested thoroughly before wearing. Before wearing a Sapphire, one must consult a skilled astrologer.
Aquarius Ascendant
In the realm of astrology, Saturn is the ruling lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, hence it is suggested for people of both zodiac signs to wear the same gemstone. Sapphire (Neelam) is also a favorable gemstone for the Aquarius ascendant, which should be eulogized on a Saturday morning during the Hora of Saturn by reciting the following Mantra.
Mantra – ūm̐ śaṃ śanaiścarāye namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ शं शनैश्चराये नम
Benefits – Wearing sapphire increases wealth, happiness and fame. It gives positivity to the mind. It provides better results in diseases which are air borne, arthritis and hernia. Neelam must be tested thoroughly before wearing. Before wearing a Sapphire, one must consult a skilled astrologer.
Pisces Ascendant
The favorable gem for this ascendant is Topaz (Pukhraj), which should be eulogized on Thursday during Shukla Paksha, in the morning during the Guru’s Hora with the following Mantra.
Mantra – ūm̐ bṛṃ bṛhaspataye namaḥ
मंत्र- ऊँ बृं बृहस्पतये नम
Benefit – It is believed that by wearing a Pukhraj, one’s strength, intellect, knowledge, prosperity and respect increases. It blesses one with a male child and also prevents one from committing certain sinful activities.
Important Things to Keep in Mind Regarding Gemstones
A girl who is not getting married must wear a gemstone, but she should be of Sagittarius or Pisces ascendant. It is the belief of medical science that man’s right hand and woman’s left hand remain warm. Similarly, the left hand of a man and the right hand of a woman remain cold.
Gems are also ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ according to their nature. If cold gems are worn in cold hands and hot gems are worn in hot hands, then they provide immeasurable benefits.
Hot gems according to nature – Topaz, Diamond, Ruby, Coral.
Cold gems according to nature – Pearl, Emerald, Sapphire, Onyx, Beryl.
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Respecting The Gemstones After It Is Adorned
After wearing the gemstone, its dignity should be maintained. Do not wear gems in unclean places, cremation grounds etc. If you want to go to the place which is considered to be inauspicious, then it should be taken off and placed in a holy place and should be worn again during the designated time. It should be kept in mind that the Ratna should be worn during the prescribed Hora on the day of Shukla Paksha. Also, never wear a fragmented gem.
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Hope we have enlightened you in detail about gemstones with this article.
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