Venus Retro Forms Gajlaxmi Rajyoga: 3 Zodiacs’ Lives Will Change 360 Degrees!

According to Vedic Panchang, Venus is going retrograde in the Cancer zodiac forming Gajlaxmi Rajyoga due to which 3 zodiacs will receive immense wealth, success, fame, and fortune along with blessings of Goddess Laxmi.

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What Is Gajlaxmi Rajyoga?

When Rahu is already present in the Aries zodiac and Jupiter enters the Aries at the same time, then Gajlaxmi Yoga is formed. A person attains happiness, peace, prosperity, and luxury due to this Yoga. ‘Gaj’ means an elephant which is considered very auspicious in Hindu Mythology and Goddess Laxmi is the Goddess of positivity, money, wealth, prosperity, and majesty. She blesses the natives with success and happiness also.

This time Venus is retrograde in the Cancer zodiac and it is resulting in the formation of Gajlaxmi Rajyoga. The effect of this Rajyoga can be seen in all the zodiac signs. But, there are 3 Zodiacs in which yoga of unexpected money gains is forming and their fortune will rise. Let us know about these 3 zodiacs:

Gajlaxmi Rajyoga: 3 Blessed Zodiacs


Gajlaxmi Rajyoga can prove to be auspicious for the natives of Libra. Venus is going retrograde on the Karma House from your zodiac. Due to this, there are chances of growth in your business. Your plans will be successful during this period. Your relations with your colleagues will get more harmonious than before. There are chances of promotion for the employed natives. Your materialistic happiness and resources will also increase.

The natives who are running a business can earn big profits in their businesses during this period.

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Gajlaxmi Rajyoga will prove to be favorable for the natives of Gemini because Venus is going in retrograde position in the money house of your zodiac sign. Your financial condition will improve. You will have more control on money and you will also be able to save your money. Your style of conversation will also improve due to which people will get impressed by you. The people associated with Media, Marketing, education, and Communications will have a wonderful and fantastic time.

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The natives of Virgo zodiac will be highly benefited by the formation of Gajlaxmi Rajyoga. Planet Venus is becoming retrograde in the income house from your zodiac. During this period, you will benefit from  the investments made in the past and they will yield high returns. Your plans will be successful and you will get money that was stuck for a long time. New sources of income will open. Your child may bring some good news for you related to their growth and success.The natives who want to invest in Share Market, Lottery, or in speculation market can invest in these areas during this period.

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So, different yogas have different effects on the natives of various zodiac signs according to the placement of planets, stars, and constellations in their birth chart. The effects of these yogas also depend on the deeds committed by the natives and their devotion toward god. 

Gajlaxmi Yoga is one of the most powerful and auspicious Yogas in Vedic astrology and the natives who are blessed by this must utilize this Yoga, work hard, and make the most out of this beneficial time.

Benefits Of Gajlaxmi Rajyoga

  • By worshiping Goddess Laxmi in the form of Gajlaxmi, a native attains growth and prosperity in business and trade.
  • The natives also get wealth, respect, prestige, and fame from society.
  • The native in whose birth chart this Rajyoga is formed,  attain multifold success in their business.
  • The natives are also blessed by the birth of a child due to the grace of Goddess Laxmi.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What is the benefit of Gajlaxmi Yoga?

Answer 1. The zodiac in which Gajlaxmi Yoga forms gets rid of Saturn’s Sade Sati.

Question 2. What are the benefits of Sukarma Yoga?

Answer 2.  This Yoga indicates a strong sense of willpower and devotion and it brings success and leadership.

Question 3. What is the time of Venus retrograde in Cancer?

Answer 3. Venus had retrograded in the Cancer zodiac on 23rd July 2023 at 06:01 A.M.

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