Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Will March Bring Merry In Cancer Natives’ Life?

Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: AstroSage has once again come to impress the Cancer natives with their “Monthly Horoscope 2024” for March 2024. We anticipate that after knowing about your March 2024 horoscope, you will plan or strategize accordingly for the upcoming month. Through the March 2024 horoscope, we want to introduce you to the different aspects of your life and tell you how the month will be for you. Keeping these predictions in mind, you can easily figure out what can or cannot happen for you in the next month. We hope to prepare you well and take your life on the right path.

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Planetary Transits

Talking about the transits of the planets that can affect you. The Sun will remain in Aquarius till 14th March and this is an unfavorable situation for you. After this, the Sun will move to Pisces and from here, it will begin giving you favorable results. On the other hand, Mars will be in Capricorn till 15th March and later will move to Aquarius. Both of these situations are not auspicious for you but if you compare, the time before 15th March, 2024 is more fruitful for you. The Mercury transit from the beginning of the month till 7th March in Aquarius will be a good time for you. It will stay in Pisces from 7th March till 26th March which means that you may get weak results. After 26th March, Mercury will be in Aries and from here, the results will get in your favor. 

This month too, Jupiter will be in Aries and in the constellation of Aries, therefore, you can expect mixed results from Jupiter. At the same time, Venus will remain in Capricorn till 7th March, which means it can give you weak results, whereas after 7th March, it will reside in Aquarius and start giving favorable results. Saturn will be in Aquarius and in the constellation of Rahu. Saturn will combust most of the time this month. Therefore, one should not expect favorability from Saturn. 

Rahu will be in Pisces and in the constellation of Mercury which is a weak position for you. On the other hand, Ketu will be in Virgo and spend most of the time in the constellation of Moon which is a good position. 

Now, it’s time to check what will be the overall impact of these transits of planets on Cancer natives for the month of March. 

Cancer Monthly Horoscope March 2024 

Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Career 

In the matters related to your work, March may be filled with mixed results. In the first half of the year, the lord of your house of career, Mars will be in seventh house but in an exalted position. Therefore, if you work carefully, you will get great results. The work done with alertness and focus, either related to business or your job will give you satisfaction and happiness. However, post 15th March, the lord of the house of career, Mars will move to your eighth house which indicates that you should avoid taking big risks in your work related matters. Go with the flow and maintain it well. Whenever you discuss work with anyone, do it with politeness because then only you will get good results in your career. 

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Financial Situation 

From the financial perspective, this month will be filled with mixed results and even then, the results may be on the weaker side. The lord of your profit house, Venus will be in a weak position till 7th March, however later it will give you the results based on your hard work. The ruling lord of the house of savings, Sun will be in a very weak position in the first half of the month but in the second half, the position of the Sun will get better. So, the expectations of making savings may be less this month however if you try and put in efforts to keep aside a small portion of your income as saving then you can get successful in the same. This month is good from an income perspective but from the point of view of savings, this month can be on a weaker side. 

Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Health 

From the point of view of health, March may not be a strong month. In the first part of the month, the lord of your health, Sun will be in the eighth house which is not a favorable position for you. In these circumstances, the weather borne disease may trouble you. Nevertheless, the position of the Sun will get better in the second half of the year but the position of Mars can be a bit weak again. Therefore, there may be a little threat of bruises and scratches, etc. Throughout the month of March, you should be very careful in matters related to your health and that’s how you will be able to maintain your health. 

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Education 

Now, talking about how March will be in terms of education, then there can be mixed results for the cancer natives. But the lord of your fourth house, Venus will be in a weak position till 7th March and will give favorable results later after. However, the lord of primary education, Mars will be in an exalted position in the first part of March which means that you will get good results but there are chances that the results may weaken in the second part of the month. The planet responsible for primary education, Mercury may also fail you in giving great outcomes this month. Likewise, Jupiter may also give you average results. Overall, if you notice, you need to work hard to excel academically in March. 

Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Love And Married Life

Mentioning about your love life in March, then it may also give you mixed results. Even though the lord of the fifth house, Mars will be in the exalted position in the first half of the month but will be in the seventh house only. Therefore, in matters related to love, you need to maintain your boundaries well. Also, the position of Venus is also indicating that you need to stay away from the erotic thoughts. 

Now, talking about your married life, you will again get mixed results. You need to keep a distance from unnecessary anger and you should try to avoid arguments and disagreements as much as possible. 

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024: Family 

You will need to maintain your family life carefully during this month. In the first half of the month, the lord of your second house, Sun, will be present in your eighth house with Saturn which is not a favorable condition for you. On 14th March, the condition of the Sun will get better but Mars will be making an impact in your second house. Therefore, the disputes and arguments may occur between some family members. It would be better if the family members don’t overreact on small things. Now, if we talk about your domestic life, then the most part of the month will be favorable for you, but the time from the beginning of the month till 7th March will be unfavorable for you. However, the time after that is fruitful for you because of Venus and it will also be beneficial in buying the necessary things for home. 

Remedies For The Cancer Natives For March 2024: 

  • Offer sweets to girls.
  • Feed green fodder to the cow. 
  • Donate 21 kg of Jowar {Sorghum} in a temple. 

We sincerely hope that after reading your March 2024 Horoscope, you will plan this month wisely and will also be able to follow your planning as well to get better and fruitful results. May God bless you all! 

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