This year, India will witness its 75th independence. It is a historical festival for every citizen and a true patriot of this country. Independence paves the new way of leading our life. We are independent and we have a right to make laws as per our will and requirements. It is a soothing and golden experience that should be enjoyed by every citizen of the country. When the flag is hoisted from the Red Fort, every citizen of this country takes pride and wishes to do something for this beautiful nation as we got independence after a long struggle and hardships. Many soldiers, youngsters, and elders have sacrificed their lives for this independence. Even in the present times, our soldiers at the borders are always alert to maintain the unity and integrity of our country.

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75th Independence Day of India
Although every year, independence day is always special as it is our national festival, it is going to be celebrated with great pomp and show on Sunday, this year i.e. 2021. Not only those who reside in India but also those who have settled abroad will celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. To make this day more eventful, the preparations have already been going on and our armed soldiers have hoisted the highest tricolour flag, which is about 100 meters high, on August 10, 2021. This will always remind us of our independence.
There is a special theme for the 75th independence day titled “Nation First Always First”. This theme will inspire the citizens to do their duties with great enthusiasm and courage and make the nation at its head held high. This independence will be organised on the basis of this theme. This will make the citizens feel proud of their nation and indeed, it should happen as it is the country that gives everything, and therefore, we should say with head held high, “We are Indians.”
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This year, on independence day, the Tokyo Olympic 2021 champions of India will be the chief guests and this will inspire every indian and they will feel proud of their nation. Shri Narendra Modi, the honourable Prime Minister of India, has also sought suggestions from the citizens for the speech so that he can put their words before the public from the Red Fort. To avoid any mishappening, the drone system is going to be used at the Red Fort.
Like this, this independence day is going to be special from every angle. Every citizen should feel proud of being an Indian on this day as the nation is always supreme. We are from this nation and it is the country that has given us everything and therefore, we should resolve to celebrate this 75th independence day with great zeal.
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Independence Day 2021 & the Coming Year through the Eye of Astrology
As a person is born and their future is predicted every year, similarly, we have tried to make our analysis on the basis of yearly independent India’s horoscope on how the upcoming year is going to impact the country. Although India is a sovereign country that has no date of birth as it has been in existence from times immemorial but if we talk about independent India, our county got freedom on August 15, 1947, and the calculations have been made on the basis of the same.
Main Points Concerning Kundli of Independent India
If we study the above Kundli, we come across some main points, and out of all, the position of Muntha is one. In the yearly horoscope of independent India, Muntha will remain positioned in the fourth house from the year 2021 to 2022. The presence of Muntha in the fourth house is not considered very favourable as it gives rise to several problems. Based on this, it can be predicted that our country may go through many challenges at the domestic level. There is a possibility of internal conflicts and the opposition will try to take on the ruling party over every issue. The problem of government may increase as some of its own party members can create troubles. Also, there is a possibility of reshuffling in the cabinet.
Lord Of Muntha
This year, the ruling lord of Muntha is Moon, which is positioned in the seventh house of a yearly ascendant horoscope, and therefore, it can be said that this year is going to be women’s year and some new legislation can be enacted favouring the womenfolk and this will add to their rights and enhance importance in society. Besides this, if we talk of the political arena of the country, the opposition can oppose the ruling party truth and nail by keeping the womenfolk at the forefront. Besides this, the country will earn foreign exchange through international trade and foreign exchange reserve of the country will gain strength.
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Ascendant Lord of Natural Birth Chart
The ascendant lord of natural birth chart is Venus as Taurus rises in the Lagna of independent India’s horoscope whose ruling lord is Venus, placed in the sixth house in a debilitated position in the yearly horoscope. On the basis of this, it can be forecasted that the year is going to be full of challenges and the country will confront challenges on both domestic as well as international front. Some foreign powers will try to weaken the country and some people from the country may indulge in espionage to favour them and therefore, security agencies will have to be on alert to stop such activities from taking place. This year, the government will invest in important projects which will be in the interest of the country. Crime against women can increase and some strict actions will have to be taken in this respect.
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Ruling Lord Of Lagna In India’s Independent Kundli
In the above horoscope, the ruling lord of Lagna is Mars, which is positioned in the fifth house with Mercury. The presence of Mars with Mercury is responsible for adversely affecting your speech. In this pretext, the situations we have been observing in the present times where the words which are used are below standard, are likely to go from bad to worse. However, on the other hand, there is every possibility of growth in gross domestic income and economic front. The transit of Mars in the triangular house will be favourable for the prosperity of the country and will try its best efforts to come out of the Corona Pandemic.
Astrological Analysis of the Upcoming Period (August 15, 2021, to August 15, 2022)
Let’s now try to know the impact from the period of August 15, 2021 to August 15, 2022 due to the movement of different planets.
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August 14, 2021 – September 05, 2021
In this period, the impact of Ketu will be observed which is positioned in the eighth house in Scorpio in the yearly ascendant horoscope. Due to this, some government projects are likely to show positive results, and hence, there is a great possibility of fiscal growth. The country may have the opportunity to get its priceless heritage. There will increase in the number of religious events and people will incline to participate in religious and spiritual programs. In this duration, the atmosphere within the country may be pleasant and some prominent politicians may have to travel to different countries all of a sudden and this may prove valuable for the nation. The popularity of the country will spread in Asia and this will add more value to the nation on the international platform. It is time to remain alert concerning foreign issues and spying activities. Much importance will be attached to pilgrimage sites within the country.
September 05, 2021 – November 05, 2021
This period will remain under the influence of Venus, which is positioned in the sixth house in Virgo in the yearly ascendant horoscope. During this time, the crime against women may rise and the government has to take strong measures to avoid such crimes from taking place, otherwise, the country’s prestige will be at stake. The natives may also confront health problems during this time. Also, the cases of Corona may rise and this can create a situation of another lockdown in the country. However, the citizens of the country should maintain social distancing and sanitize their hands at regular intervals of time and follow other basic principles to avoid the recurrence of the Pandemic. The period is going to be encouraging for those who are in service and some big companies may also make some important announcements for allowances and perks and there is a possibility of increase in income and the same shall be applicable to government services as well. During this time, some anti-national forces can pose a challenge to the country and therefore, the higher authorities from both the government as well as the army should join hands to face the challenge. During this time, country may have to spend some money on certain projects which may be public friendly. During this period, any prominent leader or celebrity can be named in one or the other scandal.
November 05, 2021 – November 23, 2021
So far this duration is concerned, the Sun, which is placed in the fourth house in Cancer in the year’s ascendant horoscope, will be extremely influential. During this time, you should work in the interest of the nation and contribute to the best of your abilities. It is also important that you should do something great for yourself as well. If you put in your extra labour, you can overcome some of the big challenges. This duration will also be important for the government and it has to put in more efforts to stand up to its promises to the people and win over their hearts. The opposition will try to strengthen its voice during the time to which, the ruling party should remain active to answer them. Apart from this, this period is also worrisome as there is every possibility of air crash or any other accident. The government may also make certain amendments to the existing legislation or make some new rules by taking some tough decisions and they will be related to public welfare.
November 23, 2021 – December 23, 2021
Focussing on this period, the impact of the Moon, which is placed in Libra in the seventh house of the year’s ascendant horoscope, will be felt. This period is favourable from the economic point of view for the country. There will be some trade agreements which, in turn, will benefit the country and thus, the national wealth will increase. The time is also suitable for internal matters and the atmosphere within the country will remain peaceful. The ruling party will have the full cooperation of its associates and partners and this will be helpful in passing some special bills. There is a possibility that the government may invite suggestions from the public for some special projects, which may be implemented later on. During this time, the nation will be able to grab the attention at the international level and hold its good position. Some special decisions can be made by the ministry of water and shipping concerning maritime borders. However, as far as health is concerned, you will have to be cautious.
December 23, 2021 – January 14, 2022
In this period, the impact of Mars, which is also the ruling lord of the year’s ascendant horoscope, will be observed. Besides this, Mars will be positioned in the fifth house with Mercury. Due to this, some challenges will arise for the government as there is a possibility of internal conflict among party members. This may result in creating absolute confusion for the ruling party. In this regard, some appropriate steps should be taken to avoid any sort of confrontation. During this time, there will be upward and downward trends in the share market. Some expenditures may have to be incurred and the government may get surrounded by a series of questions in this period. Some people from higher authorities may have to travel abroad for making deals and signing some special agreements. However, there will be good news from the fiscal front and some upward trend is likely to be observed in real estate.
January 14, 2022 – March 09, 2022
Throwing light on this period, the effects of Rahu, which is placed in Taurus in the second house of horoscope, will be visible. Due to this, some special news can be heard regarding the banks’ NPA (nonperforming assets). In this context, the banks should invest money or provide their funds after studying the plans thoroughly as there is a possibility that NPAs may rise. Some big companies declare themselves bankrupt during this time. Voices can be raised against the increase in taxes. In this context, the government may take certain decisions that will give you some relief for the time being. The ruling party may have differences with its alliances or partners. In this duration, it will be extremely important to be vigilant against terrorist activities across the border. Public health is likely to improve. Some enemy counties may also surge their head to which we should remain cautious and vigilant.
March 09, 2022 – April 27, 2022
If we talk about this period, there will remain the influence of Jupiter, which is positioned in the eleventh house of the yearly ascendant horoscope. After a long time, this duration will prove to be encouraging. People of the country will feel enthusiastic and happy. There is every possibility that GDP, as well as per capita income of the country, may rise. Some special benefits may also be given to business people by the government in this period and this will lead to high productivity and the country will be economically sound. The time will remain blissful because of religious activities. Cooperation of the friendly companies will be forthcoming. In certain projects, the foreign investment would be in the interest of the country and the nation will earn foreign exchange. Once again, the proposal of a permanent member of UNO can be raised. The time will attract the attention of people towards meditation and yoga. The faith of the people in religion will enhance and the government can also announce some attractive packages for pilgrimage places.
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April 27, 2022 – June 24, 2022
Shedding light on this time period, there will be dominance of Saturn, which is placed in the tenth house in the yearly ascendant horoscope. This will be a favourable time for the government. However, the government will be in a position to win over the confidence of the people by putting in extraordinary efforts. The government will be accountable for delays in certain projects but patience can pay dividends. The government should avoid making some big changes. The opposition can create some hurdles and the government will have to put efforts to defuse the situation. This will be a favourable time for foreign investments and the positive result will be seen in the subsequent time. The government should avoid any major project. The daily wagers and employees may have some good news.
June 24, 2022 – August 15, 2022
In this period, the impact of Mercury will be observed which is placed in the fifth house in Mars in the yearly ascendant horoscope. During this period, the image and prestige of the country will improve and the nation will make its impression on the international stage. As a result, India’s opponents will also be seen praising the country behind the curtain. The leaders of the country can see vision of new projects with their imagination power. As a result, the business community will get good results. They will feel encouraged and the productivity of the country will increase. The corporate sector and big companies will also touch great heights during this time. The taxes will also increase and government exchequer will be full. Also, the government cab win laurels. There will be strong bondage with alliances and they will stand shoulder by shoulder in the government. Some prominent leaders of other parties may join the party in power. Some good news can come forth in respect of the educational policy and the students may be benefitted.
Remedies to Strengthen the Position of the Country
The country is just like a human body and the citizens represent its different parts. If any part of your body does not function properly, the whole body will suffer and the diseases will overpower you. Similarly, if the citizens do not participate in the progress of the country, the downfall is certain. In this respect, we are suggesting some remedies to strengthen the position of the country on the international platform.
- Make it a point to pray for the betterment of the country.
- Never speak ill of your country.
- Plant the trees and look after them.
- Offer wheat flour to the ants and grains to the birds.
- Offering fodder to the fish is also beneficial.
- Resolve to protect nature.
- Help in controlling pollution.
- Perform Yagya, Havan and recite Mantra for country’s benefit.
- Never indulge in corruption and stop others from doing so.
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