Vidyarambh Ceremony: Vidyarambham Sanskar For Children with complete Rituals

Importance Of Vidyarambh Sanskar For Children & Accurate RitualsImportance Of Vidyarambh Sanskar For Children & Accurate Rituals

In India, every person spectates and becomes a part of many Sanskar ceremonies during his lifetime. Every Sanskar has its specific relevance. One such Sanskar which has supreme importance is Vidyarambh Sanskar. Knowledge and education have an important place in every tradition. However, the Hindu religion keeps them on the supreme pedestal. This is the reason why Vidyarambh Sanskar ceremony is commemorated when a child sets foot on the fifth year of his life.

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The child gets to develop an inclination towards knowledge and studies along with other hobbies and the parents also realise their duties with the help of this ritual. This article will explain intricate details about Vidyarambh Sanskar.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें – विद्यारंभ संस्कार

Right Age To Solemnize The Ceremony

Vidyarambh Sanskar commemorations are so that the child develops a liking for knowledge and studies. According to astrology, the fifth year of a child’s life is the appropriate time to organise the ceremony. In contemporary times, people would start educating their children before the auspicious and accurate age. Considering instances like these, it is appropriate to say that no matter when you begin to teach your child, it is essential to start the ceremony with Vidyarambh Sanskar.

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Vidyarambh Muhurat 2020: Important Dates


 Vidyarambham Muhurat 2020 March

Date Day Month-Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
13 March Friday Chaitra K. Chaturthi Swati From 08:51 to 13:59

 Vidyarambham Muhurat 2020 April

Date Day Month-Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
16 April Thursday Vaisakha K. Navami Dhanishta From 18:12 to 20:50
17 April Friday Vaisakha K. Dashami Uttara Bhadrapada From 05:54 to 07:05
19 April Sunday Vaisakha K. Dwadashi Purva Bhadrapada From 05:52 to 19:34
26 April Sunday Vaisakha S. Tritiya Rohini From 05:45 to 13:23
27 April Monday Vaisakha S. Chaturthi Mrigashira From 14:30 to 20:07
29 April Wednesday Vaisakha S. Shashti Punarvasu From 05:42 to 15:13

Vidyarambham Muhurat 2020 May

Date Day Month-Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
3 May Sunday Vaisakha S. Dashami Purva Phalguni From 05:39 to 19:43
4 May Monday Vaisakha S. Ekadashi Uttara Phalguni


From 06:13 to 19:19
11 May Monday Jyeshtha K. Chaturthi Purva Ashadha From 06:35 to 19:12
13 May Wednesday Jyeshtha K. Shashti Shravan From 05:32 to 06:00
17 May Sunday Jyeshtha K. Dashami Uttara Bhadrapada From 12:43 to 21:07
18 May Monday Jyeshtha K. Ekadashi U. Bhadrapada


From 05:29 to 21:03
24 May Sunday Jyeshtha S. Dwitiya Mrigashira From 05:26 to 20:39
25 May Monday Jyeshtha S. Tritiya Mrigashira From 05:26 to 20:35
27 May Wednesday Jyeshtha S. Panchami Punarvasu From 05:25 to 20:28
28 May Thursday Jyeshtha S. Shashti Pushya From 05:25 to 20:24
31 May Sunday Jyeshtha S. Navami Uttara Phalguni From 17:37 to 20:12

Vidyarambham Muhurat 2020 June

Date Day Month-Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
1 June Monday Jyeshtha S. Dashami Hasta From 05:24 to 13:16
3 June Wednesday Jyeshtha S. Dwadashi Swati From 05:23 to 06:21
7 June Sunday Ashadha K. Dwitiya Mool From 05:23 to 19:44
8 June Monday Ashadha K. Tritiya Uttara Ashadha From 05:23 to 18:21
10 June Wednesday Ashadha K. Panchami Shravan From 05:23 to 10:34
11 June Thursday Ashadha K. Shashti Dhanishta From 11:28 to 19:29
15 June Monday Ashadha K. Dashami Revati From 05:23 to 16:31
17 June Wednesday Ashadha K. Ekadashi Ashwini From 05:23 to 06:04

Significance of Vidyarambh Sanskar in Indian Traditions

Knowledge and education have always been an inherent part of Indian psyche. The presence of ancient universities like Takshashila and Nalanda have proven this over and over. In ancient times, students from various parts of the world used to come to India only to gain knowledge from these popular universities.

Considering the importance of knowledge, the Indian society has made provisions for children to develop a fondness and curiosity for learning. Through this sanskar, an attempt is made to generate academic interest in the child’s mind. Parents offer prayers during this Sanskar so that the child can attain proper social and ethical qualities.

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Social Acknowledge of Vidyarambh Sanskar

Everyone is aware of the importance of knowledge and education in a person’s life. An educated person contributes generously to the society and helps to improve it. The more a community is educated, the less nuisance it will bear. However, the information solely gathered from books cannot be given the status of ‘Knowledge’. The actual knowledge is the one which enhances your conscience and develops your intellect. The facts mentioned above increases the relevance of Vidyarambh Sanskar in the social context so that with the help of this Sanskar, the child can appropriately use his conscience and knowledge.

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Things To Keep In Mind During Vidyarambh Ceremony

  • Hinduism considers Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesha, the emblems of knowledge, education, and intelligence. Therefore, position their idols where the ceremony will take place.
  • Place slate, inkpot, notepad, and chalk near the place where Puja is to occur.
  • If the teacher of the child is present in the ritual, then the latter should pay proper homage to them as well. Otherwise, one can consider coconut as the symbol of a teacher and worship it instead.

After the above mentioned necessary preparations are made, one should offer humble prayers to Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati. Let your initial prayers be to Lord Ganesha, and then pay homage to Goddess Saraswati.

Ganesh Pujan

  • Deed

The child should be given flowers, akshat or rice and roli or sacred red thread to offer in front of an idol or picture of Lord Ganesha while chanting mantras.

  • Objective

Lord Ganesha is also the guiding force of one’s conscience. One should pray and wish the positive development of the child’s conscience from him. Along with that, prayers should be offered for rapid growth of the child’s intellect.

  • Mantra

गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे प्रियाणां त्वा प्रियपतिं हवामहे | निधीनां त्वा निधिपतिं हवामहे वसो मम आहमजानि गर्भधमा त्वमजासि गर्भधम्||”

gaṇānāṃ tvā gaṇapatiṃ havāmahe priyāṇāṃ tvā priyapatiṃ havāmahe | nidhīnāṃ tvā nidhipatiṃ havāmahe vaso mama āhamajāni garbhadhamā tvamajāsi garbhadham||”

“ॐ गणपतये नमः। आवाहयामि, स्थापयामि ध्यायामि||”

“oṃ gaṇapataye namaḥ। āvāhayāmi, sthāpayāmi dhyāyāmi||”

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Saraswati Pujan

  • Deed

The child should be given flowers, akshat or rice and roli or sacred red thread to offer in front of an idol or picture of Goddess Saraswati while chanting mantras.

  • Objective

Maa Saraswati is considered the Goddess of knowledge, art and compassion. During the puja, wish for the child to gain the blessings of Devi Saraswati and his/her interest in knowledge and art remains intact.

  • Mantra

“ॐ पावका नः सरस्वती, वाजेभिवार्जिनीवती। यज्ञं वष्टुधियावसुः।” / “oṃ pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī, vājebhivārjinīvatī। yajñaṃ vaṣṭudhiyāvasuḥ।”

“ॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः। आवाहयामि, स्थापयामि, ध्यायामि।” / “oṃ sarasvatyai namaḥ। āvāhayāmi, sthāpayāmi, dhyāyāmi।”

After offering prayers to Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati, worship the equipment used in school to gain education (ink, pen, pad). Observing their importance, bless these tools with mantras so that their initial impact can motivate and benefit the child.

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Adhisdhatree Devi Pujan

  • According to the religious science, the dominant Goddesses of the Quill (an ancient pen made of a feather), slate and ink are Dhriti, Tushti and Pushti respectively.
  • Of all the sixteen sacred Hindu Goddesses; Dhriti, Pushti and Tushti are the three Goddesses who represent the three fundamental emotions which are very important and necessary to gain knowledge.
  • Thus, while offering blessings to the quill, inkpot and slate, the Goddesses associated with them should also be worshipped.

Worshipping the Pen

During Vidyarambh Sanskar, the child is given a quill to hold for the first time. Dhriti is considered the Goddess of quill and represents virtues like interest and curiosity. A person will grow and develop if he possesses the interest and zeal for knowledge.  If the zeal is missing, then the person will remain unsuccessful in life. Without procuring an interest in something, one cannot prosper in life. During Kalam Pujan, prayers should be offered to Goddess Dhriti so that the child’s interest and curiosity towards knowledge keep increasing. Prayers are also offered so that the child gains academic success.

  • Deed

The child should offer akshat, flowers and roli to the quill placed in the altar.

  • Mantra

ॐ पुरुदस्मो विषुरूपऽ इन्दुः अन्तमर्हिमानमानंजधीरः।
एकपदीं द्विपदीं त्रिपदीं चतुष्पदीम्, अष्टापदीं भुवनानु प्रथन्ता स्वाहा।” ….-८.३०

oṃ purudasmo viṣurūpa’ induḥ antamarhimānamānaṃjadhīraḥ।
ekapadīṃ dvipadīṃ tripadīṃ catuṣpadīm, aṣṭāpadīṃ bhuvanānu prathantā svāhā।

  • Objective

During the ceremony, the guardians should pray to Goddess Dhriti to bless the child with intellect and focus to gain success towards the attainment of knowledge.

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Worshipping the Ink Stand

The quill and the inkpot are incompetent without each other. One can write with a quill, only when it is filled with ink. This is why Dawat Pujan is performed after offering prayers to the quill. Pushti is considered to be the dormant Goddess of Dwat (inkpot) and represents ‘concentration’. It is important to offer prayers to Goddess Pushti because a focused mind can understand things quickly. The inkpot is also worshipped with Roli, incense, akshat and flowers after tying a roli on its neck.

  • Deed

The child should offer puja materials such as rice, thread and flowers to the ink pot while mantras are being chanted.

  • Mantra

“ॐ देवीस्तिस्रस्तिस्रो देवीवर्योधसं, पतिमिन्द्रमवद्धर्यन्।
जगत्या छन्दसेन्दि्रय शूषमिन्द्रे, वयो दधद्वसुवने वसुधेयस्य व्यन्तु यज॥”   …. -२८.४१

oṃ devīstisrastisro devīvaryodhasaṃ, patimindramavaddharyan।
jagatyā chandasendiraya śūṣamindre, vayo dadhadvasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja॥

  • Objective

The parents should pray so that the child is blessed with great concentration power under the guidance of Goddess Pushti.

Worshipping the Slate

Prayers are offered to the slate (Patti) after the pen and inkpot. The usage of the quill (or any other writing equipment) and inkpot depend on the availability of paper or slate. The Goddess of Slate is Tushti and represents hard work and industriousness. One needs to work hard to attain good knowledge. Although many people have the blessings of interest, curiosity, and concentration power, however, the absence of industriousness and devotion can block their path of knowledge. In order to possess these qualities, one offer prayers to Goddess Tushti.

    • Deed

The child should offer the Puja items to the sacred slate while mantras are being chanted.

  • Mantra

ॐ सरस्वती योन्यां गर्भमन्तरश्विभ्यां, पतनी सुकृतं बिभर्ति।
अपारसेन वरुणो न साम्नेन्द्र, श्रियै जनयन्नप्सु राजा॥” …. – १९.९४

oṃ sarasvatī yonyāṃ garbhamantaraśvibhyāṃ, patanī sukṛtaṃ bibharti।
apārasena varuṇo na sāmnendra, śriyai janayannapsu rājā॥

  • Objective

The guardians should wish that power of Tushti will keep the child industrious and that he shall become hardworking at every step of his life.


Worshipping the Teacher

A teacher is necessary for the dissemination of knowledge. A teacher removes darkness from his pupil’s life just like a lamp with the luminescence of knowledge. During Vidyarambh Sanskar, the child offers prayers to its teacher. This Sanskar adds to the level of respect a student has for his teacher. The teacher also be committed to teaching the right things. According to Hindu Shastras, a teacher’s position is greater than Lord Brahma. One places their teacher on such a pedestal because it is only through the Guru that we acquire knowledge about this universe.

  • Deed

If the guru/teacher is not present in the ceremony then once can offer prayers to a coconut instead while chanting mantras.

  • Mantra

ॐ बृहस्पते अति यदयोर्ऽ, अहार्द्द्युमद्विभाति क्रतुमज्ज्जनेषु,
यद्दीदयच्छवसऽ ऋतप्रजात, तदस्मासु द्रविणं धेहि चित्रम्।
उपयामगृहीतोऽसि बृहस्पतये, त्वैष ते योनिबृर्हस्पतये त्वा॥
ॐ श्री गुरवे नमः। आवाहयामि, स्थापयामि, ध्यायामि।” …..-२६.३, तैत्ति०सं० १.८.२२.१२।

oṃ bṛhaspate ati yadayor’, ahārddyumadvibhāti kratumajjjaneṣu,
yaddīdayacchavasa’ ṛtaprajāta, tadasmāsu draviṇaṃ dhehi citram।
upayāmagṛhīto’si bṛhaspataye, tvaiṣa te yonibṛrhaspataye tvā॥
oṃ śrī gurave namaḥ। āvāhayāmi, sthāpayāmi, dhyāyāmi।”

  • Objective

In this ritual, one offers prayers for the development of good virtues in child. Also, they ask that he/she understands the lessons that their teacher teaches and flourishes in future.

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Writing & Worshipping Letters

The child should write “ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः / oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ” on the slate or a piece of paper. The teacher can write down the mantra first and the parents can help the child to overwrite on it. The teacher can also hold the child’s hand and make him/her write this mantra. In this mantra, Om is the supreme name of the Almighty, ‘bhur’ means hard work, ‘bhuvah’ means patience and ‘swaha’ means conscience. The child writes these words because they represent virtues which are extremely important to acquire in order to succeed in life. The auspiciousness of the ritual increases if the Guru/Teacher conducts it.

  • Deed

The child offers flowers and akshat to the slate or paper where “oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ” is written, and those present, chant the mantras.

  • Mantra

ॐ नमः शम्भवाय च मयोभवाय च,
नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च, नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च।”  ….- १६.४१

oṃ namaḥ śambhavāya ca mayobhavāya ca,
namaḥ śaṃkarāya ca mayaskarāya ca, namaḥ śivāya ca śivatarāya ca।”

  • Objective

Astrologers believe that any the knowledge gained that is not expressed or put to use, loses its importance. During Akshar Pujan, the child is made to imbibe this virtue. In the first phase of attaining knowledge, the parents try to invoke the virtue of curiosity and expression in the child.

Special Offering

During the last phase of this ceremony, mix the items required for the special offering or havan. Now the child makes five offerings of this mixture. During this time, one should pray that the energy produced by the yagna purifies the child’s character and fulfils his mental development.


“ॐ सरस्वती मनसा पेशलं, वसु नासत्याभ्यां वयति दशर्तं वपुः।
रसं परिस्रुता न रोहितं, नग्नहुधीर्रस्तसरं न वेम स्वाहा। इदं सरस्वत्यै इदं न मम।” …..-१९.८३

oṃ sarasvatī manasā peśalaṃ, vasu nāsatyābhyāṃ vayati daśartaṃ vapuḥ।
rasaṃ parisrutā na rohitaṃ, nagnahudhīrrastasaraṃ na vema svāhā। idaṃ sarasvatyai idaṃ na mama।”

After the special offering, one should carry out blessings, immersion, and acclamation to commemorate the yagna successfully. With the distribution of Prasad, the Vidyarambh ceremony comes to an end.

We hope to benefit you with this article about one of the Hindu sanskars, Vidyarambh Sanskar.

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