In Vedic astrology, the planet Venus is considered to be the benefactor of beauty. It has also attained the status of king among all nine planets. It is known as the female planet in astrology. It’s favourable position in a horoscope brings happiness and prosperity in married life and also, a person is blessed with a child easily.

In the domain of astrology, the positive influence of Venus helps a person in earning respect, popularity etc. in the society and also brings peace and prosperity in their life. If Venus is in a favourable position in one’s Kundli, he/she is able to complete all kinds of work easily while its inauspicious position brings troubles, pain etc.
March 17, 2021: Transit of Venus in Pisces – The planet Venus will transit in Pisces from Aquarius on March 17, 2021 i.e. Wednesday at 02:49 AM and will remain posited in the same zodiac sign (Pisces) till April 10. In this pretext, the transit will have both direct and indirect impact on the people of all 12 zodiac signs.
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So, let us know how this transit is going to influence the natives of all twelve zodiac signs.
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
For the Aries Moon sign, Venus governs the second house of family and seventh house of marital relations…Read More
The transit of Venus, their ascendant and sixth house lord through their eleventh house will bring auspicious…Read More
Venus governs the fifth and twelfth house for Gemini natives and will transit through their twelfth house…Read More
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Venus, the lord of your fourth and eleventh houses, will be transiting through your ninth house during…Read More
The planet of luxury and romance Venus governs the third house of siblings, courage, travel and tenth house…Read More
For the virgo Moon sign, Venus which governs the second house of family, speech and accumulated wealth…Read More
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Venus which governs your ascendant house which represents self and eighth house of transformation…Read More
Venus who owns the Lordship of the fifth and twelfth house for the scorpio natives will be transiting…Read More
Sagittarius natives will host Venus in their fourth house which represents mother, luxuries…Read More
For the capricorn Moon sign, Venus governs the fifth house of intellect and tenth house of profession…Read More
Venus being a yogakaraka planet for aquarius governs your fourth house of happiness, comforts…Read More
For the pisces Moon sign, Venus which governs your third house of siblings, dreams, creativity…Read More
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