Venus Transit In Leo Speeds Up Progress For A Few Zodiacs

Venus Transit 2024: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. In this blog we will read about Venus transit In Leo which is set to take place on the 31st July, 2024 and how it would impact the zodiac signs.

Venus Transit In Leo: Timing

Venus will transit in Leo on 31st July, 2024 at 14:15 hrs. Leo is not one of the best signs for Venus to be in but, let’s see how it will impact the zodiac signs. 

Venus Transit In Leo: Characteristics

Venus in Leo in astrology typically signifies a placement that emphasizes love, creativity, and self-expression. People with Venus in Leo tend to love with passion and drama. They often seek romance that makes them feel special and admired. They are generous and warm-hearted in their relationships, enjoying lavish displays of affection and attention. They may also have a flair for the dramatic in their expressions of love.

This placement often enhances creativity and artistic talents. They are drawn to activities where they can shine and express themselves boldly. Whether it’s through art, performance, or any creative pursuit, they thrive when they can showcase their unique style and personality. Venus in Leo individuals are generous and enjoy treating their loved ones like royalty. They may lavish gifts and attention on their partners and expect similar admiration and appreciation in return. They are attracted to partners who boost their ego and make them feel proud.

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Venus Transit In Leo: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Positively Impacted 


Venus is your ruling lord and also holds the lordship over your 6th house, and with this Venus transit in Leo will increase harmony and happiness in your familial lives. Joy will increase in your home, and some kind of function or ceremony could be there in your house, and guests will come and go as well. During the period of Venus transit in Leo, you will also buy a vehicle for yourself and that will be beautiful. You will also buy necessary items for home and family. 

For Taurus students, this period will bring progress and they will get a chance to learn and understand something new. For those Taurus natives who are preparing for competitive examinations will come across favorable results. You will succeed in getting a loan from the bank and also in selling a property. Your position in your job will remain good, and to achieve progress in business you will have to increase your efforts.


Venus becomes the lord of the 5th house and the 12th house for Gemini natives and during Venus Transit In Leo Venus will be placed in the 3rd house. Success will come your way as you apply your intelligence, wisdom, and other skills for your personal development. Expect an increase in travel related to your career and financial matters. Moreover, you may find yourself inclined towards spirituality, which will contribute to achieving your goals more effortlessly.

On the career front, if you are employed, you can look forward to encountering new job opportunities that involve travel. You will actively use your intelligence and focus to enhance your efficiency and ambition. There are chances of overseas opportunities in your career, which will bring happiness and fulfillment.

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Venus rules the 2nd and the 9th house for Virgo natives and Venus would be in the 12th house for these individuals. In terms of your career, this Venus Transit In Leo offers a chance to realize your professional aspirations. New job prospects, potentially involving opportunities for international travel, are in alignment with your goals. Recognition and a positive reputation from your superiors will bring you a sense of joy. 

Your job performance might be acknowledged, leading to possible salary increments, incentives, or perks that contribute to your contentment. For those engaged in business, this transit carries the potential for substantial profits and the possibility of forging valuable new business connections. Good fortune could smile upon your business endeavours, while cooperative business partners can assist you in making prudent decisions to advance your ventures. 


Venus becomes the Lagna lord and the 8th house lord for Libra natives and will be placed in the 11th house during Venus transit in Leo. Regarding your career, this Venus Transit In Leo could bring about frequent job changes as you actively seek career shifts. The desire for a change in your profession, one that provides you with satisfaction, may lead to these transitions. Your focus is centered on career development, and your enthusiasm drives your pursuit.

For those engaged in business, this movement could yield significant success and substantial profits. Opportunities for lucrative outsourcing ventures might present themselves during this time, leading to satisfying financial gains. Such accomplishments within your business endeavors are likely to be a source of contentment.

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Venus Transit In Leo: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Negatively Impacted


Venus has the lordship of the 2nd and the 7th house for Aries natives and will be placed in the 5th house. On the professional front, it is important for these individuals to adopt a more professional approach to work during this period when encountering any problems related to work. You may experience a lot of pressure at work and may find it difficult to experience job satisfaction. You may find yourself not enjoying the work and being restless. You may not be able to concentrate on your work. 

You may even feel that your seniors or superiors are not recognizing or appreciating the hard work you are putting into your work. Changing jobs or quitting is not a good idea as new opportunities may be scarce during this period. There is a higher likelihood of securing a job abroad, but even then, complete satisfaction may not be guaranteed, and new job prospects may only be moderate during this transit.


Venus rules the 4th house and the 11th house for Cancer natives and will be placed in the 2nd house for Cancer natives currently. On the career front, during this Venus Transit in Leo the stress at work will mount for you Cancers, and to avoid being burdened by it you need to approach your roles and responsibilities with a professional attitude. Keep in mind that it is a transitory phase and not a permanent situation. You may experience frustrations and mounting tension and stress as your work may not be recognized or someone else might take the credit for your work. 

These circumstances may push you towards considering new job opportunities that offer better prospects and greater job satisfaction. If you are involved in business, this transit may bring moderate success, but aiming for substantial profits might prove challenging. You may find yourself facing stiff competition from competitors, making it crucial to manage your business with careful planning and moderate expectations.


Venus rules the 3rd house and the 10th house for Leo natives and will be transiting through the 1st house of Leo. During this Venus Transit In Leo, you may encounter ups and downs in your respective professional fields. There could be certain changes in your work or the workplace that you may not like or approve of and this may lead to rising tensions between your manager or other colleagues. This transit can make you a bit of a workaholic and others could feel that you’re probably nagging them. 

Transfers are also possible during this period and it might make you uncomfortable or leave behind a feeling of being unsettled as it may not be as per expectations. If you are engaged in business, this transit may not bring high profits; instead, there could be losses or scarce profits, causing disappointment. Tough competition and lack of support from business partners may contribute to your discontent. 

Venus Transit In Leo: Impactful Remedies

  • Offer Kheer to goddess Lakshmi every Friday and distribute it to young girls as well.
  • Recite the Kanakdhara Stotram everyday.
  • Offer 5 red flowers to goddess Lakshmi every Friday.
  • Chant the Shukra Beej Mantra every Friday.
  • Wear the color white and pink often.
  • Keep fasts on Friday. 
  • Install and worship the Shukra Yantra in your homes and workplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. Is the Leo zodiac ruled by Venus?

Ans. No, it is ruled by the Sun

Ques2. Which house does Venus get ‘Digbala in?

Ans. The 4th house

Ques3. When will Venus become retrograde in 2024?

Ans. Venus will not become retrograde in 2024 even once in the whole year.


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