In the realms of Vedic astrology, the planet Venus plays a vital role in everyone’s life as it is considered to be a benefactor of a love relationship, married life, worldly pleasures, happiness, etc. It is helpful in enhancing communication skills, making new plans, etc. Apart from this, Taurus and Libra zodiac signs are also ruled by this planet.

It stays in an exalted position in Pisces zodiac sign while a debilitated position in Virgo. The strong position of Venus in the horoscope brings peace, prosperity, happiness, etc. in life. In addition to this, it makes a person energetic, social, communicative, etc. On the other hand, the weak position of the same planet brings health problems, especially, kidney-related disorders, problems in love and married life, etc.
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In astrology, Mercury and Saturn are having good relations with Venus while Sun and Moon are considered to be its enemies and it is believed that it (Venus) takes 23 days to move from one zodiac sign to another sign.
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June 22, 2021, Venus Transit In Cancer: The planet Venus will transit in Cancer on June 22, 2021, at 2:07 PM and will stay in the same zodiac sign till July 17, 2021, upto 09:13 AM. After this, it will enter the Leo zodiac sign.
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These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries moon sign, Venus is the Lord of Second and seventh house and is transiting in the fourth house of comfort, luxury…Read More
For the Taurus moon sign, Venus is the lord of the first and sixth house and is…Read More
For the Gemini moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the fifth and twelfth house and is transiting in the second house of speech, wealth…Read More
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Venus Transit In Cancer (22 June 2021) – Career Growth For These Signs
For the Cancer moon sign, Venus is the Lord of fourth and Eleventh house and is transiting in the first house or ascendant…Read More
For the Leo moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the third and tenth house and is transiting in the twelfth house…Read More
For the Virgo moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the second and ninth house and is transiting in the eleventh house…Read More
For the Libra moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the first and eighth house and is transiting in the tenth house of career, name…Read More
For Scorpio moon sign, Venus is the lord of twelfth and sixth house and is transiting in the ninth house which indicates fortune, luck …Read More
For Sagittarius moon sign, Venus is the lord of the sixth and eleventh house and…Read More
For the Capricorn moon sign, Venus is the lord of the fifth and tenth house and is transiting in the seventh house of marriage…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the fourth and ninth house and is transiting in the sixth house of opponents…Read More
For Pisces moon sign, Venus is the Lord of the third and tenth house and is transiting in the fifth house of love, romance…Read More
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