The month of May of 2021 was/is special in many ways from an astrological point of view. There have been four big transits so far, during this month and now the fifth is going to take place tomorrow. Which transit is it? Let us find out.

The morning star, Venus, is going to transit in Gemini on May 28. In this case, like every other transit, Venus transit is undoubtedly going to change the lives of each and every being living on the face of this planet.
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Venus is considered to be the benefactor of material and conjugal happiness in the horoscope of any person. If Venus is situated in an auspicious place in a person’s horoscope, then such a person does not have to face money related problems in his life. Also, his/her married life turns out to be very pleasant. But if the position of Venus is weak in the horoscope of any native, then it would have led to impoverishment in the life of the native. Marital life gets shattered.
Kidney diseases and other troublesome diseases can bother such a person. If Venus is weak in the horoscope of women, then they have to bear the brunt of miscarriage. There are twelve zodiac signs in Vedic astrology. Of these, Venus occupies or rules over two zodiac signs, Taurus and Libra. It is evident that these two zodiac signs are also the most affected by the transit of the planet Venus.
Since Venus owns Taurus and Libra out of all zodiac signs, today we will give you information about the effect of Venus transit in Libra and Taurus through this article. But before that, we share some specific information related to Venus transit.
Venus Transit Date and Time
Venus Transit Date: 28 May 2021
Tithi/Day : Friday
Zodiac Sign in Which Transit will Take Place : Gemini
How long will this Venus Transit Last ?
From 11 o’clock in the night on May 28, 2021 to 11 o’clock in the afternoon on June 22, 2021 from 02 o’clock in the afternoon. After this, Venus will enter Cancer.
Let us now give you information about what the Venus transit will have on the two zodiac signs owned by it.
Venus Transit’s Impact on Taurus Zodiac Sign
This time is going to be mixed for the people of Taurus zodiac. During this time, the arrival of wealth is being made. At the same time, you are likely to meet a close relative during this transit period, which will make the family environment happy. Some kind of Mangalik/auspicious work may be organized in the house. Those people of Taurus zodiac sign who do some kind of business may face some problems in their field of work. You are advised to avoid any heavy investment during this period. Animal Husbandry and Soil practitioners are likely to make a profit. Marital life will be pleasant and any kind of good news received from the child’s side can please the mind. However, during this time you are advised to be health conscious. Consult any doctor or medical personal on account of any such emergency.
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Venus Transit’s Impact on Libra Zodiac Sign
This time is likely to be favorable for the folks of Libra zodiac sign. During this time, you can go on some kind of long journey. At the same time, you are also likely to be inclined towards spirituality, due to which you can appear to be interested in spiritual activities during this time. During this period, new opportunities will be gained in the field of career. At the same time, you can make any kind of beneficial contract or deal in the business. Any type of investment in the stock market is likely to be beneficial. This is the best time for those who are looking for a new job. Romance will increase in married life. However, you can remain troubled by stomach related problems.
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